

melencolia I
Registered Senior Member
Dear GOD,
please stop sending people to my door asking if i like jesus.
I've never met the man, and if I had I wouldn't talk about him behind his back.
Next time i'm setting the dog on them, with your permission.

Seriously, if I put up a sign saying no soliciting, could i get them arrested.

Hey god told me to post, if he thinks i'm being too silly he can spank me himself.
Jehovah's Witnesses

That reminds me of my college days. We were working on a research project and were put up in a cabin on a parcel over 2,500 acres of wilderness. The dirt road that led to the dirt road that led to the cabin was umarked and was something like 2 miles of butt busting driving, you really needed 4 wheel drive to get back there and hope to get out alive again.

One morning were disecting some fish and a knock comes on the door! A whole car load of JW's found us! I had fish blood and guts all over me so they got scared and left pretty quick. Maybe it was the scalpel...I dunno.:)
hehehe, as if they found you! LOL, the last time we go JW's my bro went out and they were saying 'do you believe in God' and he was like 'DO I! Of course, my DOG is great, but watch out he bites' and they left rather quickly......he's sick that should hear what telemarketers get..........;)
Bridge, it sounds like god sent them to you for a purpose.
I don't know, you could at leat have made them a hot drink for the sheer effort they put in.
My friend used to invite them in and argue with them about the existance of god, blazing row's with jehova witnesses was something of a hobby with him.
By the way who the hell is jehova and what did they see him do?
Hi kadaseus

I attempted to be cordial with them, I enjoy debating with JW's, they are well trained at what they do and are a challenge to pin down on certain juxtapositions they take on Biblical matters. know Jehovah? Yahweh.

JW's are funny. After making a bunch of failed predictions of the end of the world, 1914, 1918, 1925, 1941, and 1975, they've finally quit making predictions. They don't believe in blood transfusions. They don't celebrate Christmas either.

Poor bastards.:(
Jesus is frequently refered to as Jehova. Don't know much about what they believe, didn't know they made predictions like that or that they didn't practice Christmas(goes into shock:D ). I don't think we(Mormons) would try to go to a cabin in the middle of the woods, but then our missionaries generally ride bikes everywhere. Be interesting to here your thoughts comparing the two prosalytizers(us and the JWs).
I used to enjoy my chats with the Mormons and the JWs but I moved home recently and I now live in a community where knockers are not permitted. Shame. Perhaps I should now go and knock on their doors instead.
Originally posted by Gifted
Jesus is frequently refered to as Jehova.

Not exactly, that would be the english translation of Yaweh, and since the LDS I talked to last week told me they don't believe in a trinity, I don't know where you're pulling that from.

Don't know much about what they believe, didn't know they made predictions like that or that they didn't practice Christmas(goes into shock:D ).

They don't practice Christmas for a very logical reason, the holiday has pagan Roman origins and has nothing to do wihtt he birht of Christ. Ther is so much crap surrounding the origins of every holiday. I myself celebrate "non-secular gift exchange day" on the 25th of December.

I don't think we(Mormons) would try to go to a cabin in the middle of the woods, but then our missionaries generally ride bikes everywhere. Be interesting to here your thoughts comparing the two prosalytizers(us and the JWs).

Both don't seems to know when no means no. After inviting them in for a beer and seeing the tittie posters on my wall, they still came for visits. I dunno man,
Not exactly, that would be the english translation of Yaweh, and since the LDS I talked to last week told me they don't believe in a trinity, I don't know where you're pulling that from.
God, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Ghost are one in purpose, not body. Three seperate entities working for the same thing: "To bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of mankind(I'll have to find the actual scripure, but it's one of ours)."

I agree that most holidays are a mess, but for many, they have more than just commercial value, and I must admit I like presents.:)
That does of course mean that there is not one god if these are seperate entities.
And that would go against several OT verses, such as Numbers 23:19, Isaiah 43:10, Isaiah 45:4-6-12, Isaiah 45:21-22.
I was just wondering where I said God more than once.

As said in the Articles of faith(summarization of our beliefs:
We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in his Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.