Kirk Cameron Makes Me Ill


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Valued Senior Member
Posted elsewhere but not so specific in its statement.

I've got a real problem, I mean a terrible one, with Kirk from Growing Pains. It seems his 'growing pains' were so bad he couldn't resist becoming a Christian freak and praising God as if it's a real thing... I see this guy all over the stations blabbering about Christ, well let me tell you something you damn stupid fool, whatever happened to cause you to become so mentally retarded I am sick of it, I hope you become atheist again just to laugh at you.

And for anyone that likes this guy or Ray Comfort (the greatest freak of all time who Christ keeps alive to torment us) I hope you realize these fools are evil, they are the scurge of society. Just watch them as they interview people with their mind control techniques, they ask simple questions, then rephrase the answers to put them in different contexts, what's even worse is they make the habit of going after people that are weakminded fools who huddle in groups, burn Kirk!

I love those instances when Kirk will ask someone "let me ask you something, do you believe in an immortal soul?" and they say "well no I don't" and he says "oh but what if I told you that you do have one, and by not worshipping god you will loose it" and he'll say "I don't care I am my own person" and he'll yap until he gets them confused because they are wondering why the Growing Pains guy is talking to them!

I hate him, I hate him more than anybody alive, he makes me feel sick, and I hope nobody is converted cuz of this guy..
I've seen some of those videos, funny how the smart people whom actually use logic on those two always get cut off and then the scripted diatribe starts in.

They are fear-mongering vermin.
The smart people should rudely interrupt (with a stern 'STFU!!') when the scripted diatribe starts.
I try to have respect for everyone (even Christians) but it is very difficult when you have so many bible thumpers trying to force their beliefs upon you, or post one-line, irrelevant responses to thread posts. GRRRRRRR!
Posted elsewhere but not so specific in its statement.

I've got a real problem, I mean a terrible one, with Kirk from Growing Pains. It seems his 'growing pains' were so bad he couldn't resist becoming a Christian freak and praising God as if it's a real thing... I see this guy all over the stations blabbering about Christ, well let me tell you something you damn stupid fool, whatever happened to cause you to become so mentally retarded I am sick of it, I hope you become atheist again just to laugh at you.

And for anyone that likes this guy or Ray Comfort (the greatest freak of all time who Christ keeps alive to torment us) I hope you realize these fools are evil, they are the scurge of society. Just watch them as they interview people with their mind control techniques, they ask simple questions, then rephrase the answers to put them in different contexts, what's even worse is they make the habit of going after people that are weakminded fools who huddle in groups, burn Kirk!

I love those instances when Kirk will ask someone "let me ask you something, do you believe in an immortal soul?" and they say "well no I don't" and he says "oh but what if I told you that you do have one, and by not worshipping god you will loose it" and he'll say "I don't care I am my own person" and he'll yap until he gets them confused because they are wondering why the Growing Pains guy is talking to them!

I hate him, I hate him more than anybody alive, he makes me feel sick, and I hope nobody is converted cuz of this guy..
from the above link
"We will not only prove that God exists, but as an ex-atheist, I'll show that the issue keeping so many people from believing in God -- Darwinian evolution -- is completely unscientific," he added. "It's a fairy tale for grownups."/quote

sheesh ...with statements like this,dude is definitely a DUMBASS totaly out off touch with reality