Killing and sin


Is killing in videogames a sin for instance in a LAN or online game? Obviously you don't really kill someone, but you do kill the image of someone. Hardly the behaviour of a true Christian, Muslim or whatever cult whose deity has the sole right on indiscriminate and discriminate killing.

Is a simulated act of violence not violence? Is simulate murder not murder?
Hmmmm I wonder if the realness of the avatar you shoot has any bearing. Like I would definately say it's not a sin to kill someone else in doom 1 or 2 since the avatars are 2d and pixelated.
I'm no expert so I'll leave more in depth answers to the pros.
Interestingly in the early days of online shooters many people would pick a female character when available because some people hesitate to shoot women.
What would be really interesting is if you could pick a child. Will people hesitate to kill a child online if it represents a human being?

Obviously we already know that having a child playing an adult avatar just make you want to kill the child more. Especially if he is better at the game as you are. And gets bored playing the old farts.
Churches are the first defense against satan. Naturally they defend better if churches have stashes of weapons at a collection of strategic locations.
"One who dig pit for other, fall into it himself"

In some thoughts, whatever you think, your body/cells may learn similar. Suggesting not to sin, may be for yourself not for GOD.

Gandhiji suggested, don't look, listen and say bad. Bad in any sense can be bad. But we may have to understand what is bad and what is good. Anything may be good to one, still bad to other eg; glucose to normal or defficient person and to diabetics.
When you are playing a killing video game, the feeling you encounter is not hate, so this is not an act of hate.
Everything the prophets have tought us is to not act destructively towards others or ourselves, but when you play a video game, you are not destructing, but creating by imagination.
Is a simulated act of violence not violence? Is simulate murder not murder?

Although not "violence" perse, the simulated acts of child pornography will get you sent to prison in the USA. Writing fictional novels about child porno will get you sent to prison.

I don't know ....but murder? I don't see how it could be considered murder if there ain't no dead body. Hell, even in real life, one can't prove murder agaisnt someone if there ain't no dead body!

Baron Max
I don't know ....but murder? I don't see how it could be considered murder if there ain't no dead body. Hell, even in real life, one can't prove murder agaisnt someone if there ain't no dead body!

Baron Max

i heard of a case when someone got convicted of murder on the basis of the amount of blood at the scene.(in america)

on topic,i would say that when you kill someone in a video game you are, in a way, acting out a fantasy.and as far as i understand the thought alone is a sin.
Baron, very correct, video game shooting cannot be legally considered murder, there is no body, weapon or dna evidence to observe and measure.

Kenworth, yes christianity authors wrote that the thought is a sin, but they only specified thinking about adultery as being equal to the physical action. In my opinion, this is crap, an attempt to police followers' minds as well as their bodies.

Until computer generated characters display sentience, I say have fun with the video games :)
i heard of a case when someone got convicted of murder on the basis of the amount of blood at the scene.(in america)

on topic,i would say that when you kill someone in a video game you are, in a way, acting out a fantasy.and as far as i understand the thought alone is a sin.

You are right, but the thing is:
In a video game, if you kill a fictional character, you are doing no harm, is just cartoons.
On the other part, If you imagine one fictional character is someone you hate, and want to kill, now THAT my friend, is indeed pollution for your soul.
Kenworth, yes christianity authors wrote that the thought is a sin, but they only specified thinking about adultery as being equal to the physical action. In my opinion, this is crap, an attempt to police followers' minds as well as their bodies.

obviously its an attempt to police followers' minds,that doesnt mean it isnt true.

that is the essence of religion.
You are right, but the thing is:
In a video game, if you kill a fictional character, you are doing no harm, is just cartoons.
On the other part, If you imagine one fictional character is someone you hate, and want to kill, now THAT my friend, is indeed pollution for your soul.

i dont think so.even if you only hate a fictional character,the hate is still still have to desire to destroy.
Until computer generated characters display sentience, I say have fun with the video games :)

Oh but many sentient people are killed on a computer. First person shooters played online or over a lan network will allow you to kill real people in a virtual world.

Or MMORGPs have often areas were you can kill other characters who are under the control of real people?

Is simulated murder not murder? And a sin?

earlier the act of simulated child pornography was mentioned. If simulated pornography is sinful why not murder?
Because the desire to watch simulated child pornography is a much more overt and specialised kind of sickness than the desire to kill (which is repressed in most but universal). In condemning the former we vindicate our own more socially acceptable perversions.
Is killing in videogames a sin for instance in a LAN or online game? Obviously you don't really kill someone, but you do kill the image of someone. Hardly the behaviour of a true Christian, Muslim or whatever cult whose deity has the sole right on indiscriminate and discriminate killing.

Is a simulated act of violence not violence? Is simulate murder not murder?

I think it's the creation of an image of another human being that's the sin, not the violence against that image. The only "thought-crime" is on coveting things/people, not on wishing them harm in some fictional way.