KGB has Infiltrated CIA


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A few years back I read a book where the author claims that he discovered a KGB cell operating inside the CIA. Then when he tried to report this they gave him some poison, which he survived. (this happened in the 60's or 70's if I recall correctly) (He was extremely angry, he thought the CIA had poisoned him for being patriotic, when in reality, it was the KGB who had taken key positions of power in the CIA)

A) FACT: Suddam Hussein was placed into Iraq by our own CIA

B) FACT: The CIA provided "intelligence failure" information and we went to war to now get rid of Suddam....

C) FACT: The only reason the CIA provided false information about WMD's for Colin Powell is because the KGB Infiltraters provided this information, in order to weaken America by spending 200 million dollars a day on a war.

D) FACT: The reason the KGB take-over worked so well is because the KGB took key positions of power within the "Unquestionable CIA."

E) Russia invaded Georgia because they knew it would weaken America further if we sent more troops and tanks to Middle East regions.
Why else would we put Suddam into Iraq then 20 or so years later remove him forcefully?

Because Suddam knew that the CIA had been infiltrated by Russians, thus he knew he had to resist. What happens when "unquestionable positions" in the CIA get taken by the KGB? You have yourself a Russian Owned George Bush.
Can you even comprehend the immensity of an intelligence failure so large as to claiming there were WMDs in Iraq then we find none at all???????? Central intelligence isn't stupid!
Still waiting for some independant proof of your "facts".
For now, they look more like conspiracy theories.
or they are naive. toppling saddam left so much mess, and now you guys want to pull out and leave us to take care of it. liberals fuck heads,first you support the muslims extremists, then you blame israel for your actions, and now you want to leave the mess you created for us. and you will blame us for that too.
if this are facts, then what do you call a conspiracy theory?

The facts of reality are what they are, irrespective as to whether we know them or not.

-Ayn Rand

Conspiracy: An evil agreement between two or more individuals

Theory: A postulation made by gathering information about reality

Conspiracy Theory: Something that doesn't dissappear because you stick your head in the dirt
All they really concentrate on is dissemination of propaganda. Mainly from South America but also Canada, like a bird whispering in the ear of the malcontents of the world. You can almost see the black cloud as i passes through the crows lips.
The facts of reality are what they are, irrespective as to whether we know them or not.

-Ayn Rand

Conspiracy: An evil agreement between two or more individuals

Theory: A postulation made by gathering information about reality

Conspiracy Theory: Something that doesn't dissappear because your stick your head in the dirt make believing the rest of the world can't see you

so were are the evidence?
A) The CIA and KGB are all about information, and information technology. (obviously) So naturally, finding ANY evidence (let alone, any information) of such a KGB take over of the CIA would be pretty damned hard. You're lucky to have come across this INFORMATION, unfortunately, the EVIDENCE has been professionally covered up. Which only leaves us with CLUES to work with. So look at these clues:

B) Georgia was invaded by Russia in attempt to get USA into more war spending

C) the country Georgia also happens to have the same name of a state within the USA ("Bluegrass Hillybilly" Georgia) This element would make Americans more apt to defend them, merely because they have a similar name

D) CIA FACTBOOK ON GEORGIA: "These two territories (South Ossetia and Abkhazia) remain outside the control of the central government and are ruled by de facto, unrecognized governments, supported by Russia. Russian-led peacekeeping operations continue in both regions."
spock said:
toppling saddam left so much mess, and now you guys want to pull out and leave us to take care of it.
You should have thought of that in the first place. Too late now.
You should have thought of that in the first place. Too late now.

i should of thought of that? were were you liberals when the shah fell? ho your precious Gimme was to busy supporting and the training the muslims in Afghanistan. now you want the other Gimme to win. good work.
so were are the evidence?

A) The CIA and KGB are all about information, and information technology. (obviously) So naturally, finding ANY evidence (let alone, any information) of such a KGB take over of the CIA would be pretty damned hard. You're lucky to have come across this INFORMATION, unfortunately, the EVIDENCE has been professionally covered up. Which only leaves us with CLUES to work with. So look at these clues:

B) Georgia was invaded by Russia in attempt to get USA into more war spending

C) the country Georgia also happens to have the same name of a state within the USA ("Bluegrass Hillybilly" Georgia) This element would make Americans more apt to defend them, merely because they have a similar name

D) CIA FACTBOOK ON GEORGIA: "These two territories (South Ossetia and Abkhazia) remain outside the control of the central government and are ruled by de facto, unrecognized governments, supported by Russia. Russian-led peacekeeping operations continue in both regions."
D) CIA FACTBOOK ON GEORGIA: "These two territories (South Ossetia and Abkhazia) remain outside the control of the central government and are ruled by de facto, unrecognized governments, supported by Russia. Russian-led peacekeeping operations continue in both regions."

Can't you spot the devil in that statement: "unrecognized governments, supported by Russia" and yet Russia is somehow the peace keepers in the area?
Mod Note: Diode-- there's a rule about the "scientific method" here at Sciforums. You are required to substantiate with actual facts, peer reviewed and scrutinized by contrasting authorities before you call it a fact. Just because you've created some Rube Goldberg Machine of logic, connecting disparate facts peppered with assumptions, doesn't mean the rest of us are required to gasp in excitement at the stretch of logic you've provided. Falling back on pretty quotes by famous authors doesn't absolve you from the obligation to substantiate your claim.

Please back up your claims, or refrain from creating conspiracy threads that serve no purpose.
There was no intelligence failure about Saddam. The administration wanted to invade Iraq, and deliberately ignorned any information to the contrary. The intelligence was "cherry picked" as it has become known, by Cheney himself.

There have been several high profile cases of US agents giving information to the Russians, that much is well known.

A few years back I read a book where the author claims that he discovered a KGB cell operating inside the CIA. Then when he tried to report this they gave him some poison, which he survived. (this happened in the 60's or 70's if I recall correctly) (He was extremely angry, he thought the CIA had poisoned him for being patriotic, when in reality, it was the KGB who had taken key positions of power in the CIA)

A) FACT: Suddam Hussein was placed into Iraq by our own CIA

B) FACT: The CIA provided "intelligence failure" information and we went to war to now get rid of Suddam....

C) FACT: The only reason the CIA provided false information about WMD's for Colin Powell is because the KGB Infiltraters provided this information, in order to weaken America by spending 200 million dollars a day on a war.

D) FACT: The reason the KGB take-over worked so well is because the KGB took key positions of power within the "Unquestionable CIA."

E) Russia invaded Georgia because they knew it would weaken America further if we sent more troops and tanks to Middle East regions.

Hmmm... You seem to have a HUGE weakness when it comes to facts and accuracy. For one thing, the KGB was completely dismantled by Boris Yetsin almost 13 years ago! It was later replaced by the FSB after all the existing KGB missions were long closed.

So just exactly could a non-exsistant organization of a no-longer-existant country (the USSR) have possibly done what you've claimed in the past 13 years?

A few years back I read a book where the author claims that he discovered a KGB cell operating inside the CIA. Then when he tried to report this they gave him some poison, which he survived. (this happened in the 60's or 70's if I recall correctly) (He was extremely angry, he thought the CIA had poisoned him for being patriotic, when in reality, it was the KGB who had taken key positions of power in the CIA)

A) FACT: Suddam Hussein was placed into Iraq by our own CIA

B) FACT: The CIA provided "intelligence failure" information and we went to war to now get rid of Suddam....

C) FACT: The only reason the CIA provided false information about WMD's for Colin Powell is because the KGB Infiltraters provided this information, in order to weaken America by spending 200 million dollars a day on a war.

D) FACT: The reason the KGB take-over worked so well is because the KGB took key positions of power within the "Unquestionable CIA."

E) Russia invaded Georgia because they knew it would weaken America further if we sent more troops and tanks to Middle East regions.

The CIA had nothing to do with putting Saddam "into" Iraq, whatever that means.
Why else would we put Suddam into Iraq then 20 or so years later remove him forcefully?
Because they wanted an ally in the region in a large oil producer. Because they could have him instigate war with Iran. Then a more open intervention in the region seemed possible and thus more direct control - no middle man - of the oil and a base of operations for more expansion and control.
The wars have been very profitable for members of the administration and companies they have worked at or will work at.

The basic answer is that in a cynical machine the steps that were taken seemed logical.