keys to enoch

divine sapience

Registered Senior Member
The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch® is a paraphysical text or "code-book" written in 1973. It is a text of higher consciousness experience which explains how the human race is connected with a more advanced higher evolutionary structure of universal intelligence. The linkage is made through 64 areas of future science, the basis of an ongoing study that is part of a 30-year program of human development, covering a wide spectrum of independent scientific confirmations.

here check this out....
Ha ha, it'd almost be cute if these people weren't acctualy out there.

I much prefer the Principa Discordia, at least the authors of that admit that it's all bullshit and they were on acid when they wrote it. AHhh, the 70s they will never sease to amaze me.
Why do I feel that Divvy Science and CATT know each other very well and are reading from the same text. At least it's not a <a href="">Raelian text</a> or <a href="">this nutter</a>.