Kevorkian is out of prison

Let' say if I rob a bank and in the process kill 2-3 people I am out in 5 years, Jack spent 9 years there for helping people.

He could have been out in only a few months if he'd wanted. In fact, as I recall, he didn't even have to go to jail in the first place, but he felt the need to stand up for his principles.

American justice at its best...

Yeah, we do have a strange idea about what to do with people who kill other people. Pretty fuckin' strange, ain't it?

Baron Max
Yeah, we do have a strange idea about what to do with people who kill other people. Pretty fuckin' strange, ain't it?

Yeah, and we also have ideas about what to do when someone steals their neighbor's TV. But most people are able to appreciate the difference between stealing a TV vs. hauling it away for someone who doesn't want it any more and asks for your help getting rid of it.
Let' say if I rob a bank and in the process kill 2-3 people I am out in 5 years, Jack spent 9 years there for helping people.

Has this ever actually happened? Or did you just make that up? You would almost certainly be looking at life in prison or death for the crime you describe.
But most people are able to appreciate the difference between stealing a TV vs. hauling it away for someone who doesn't want it any more and asks for your help getting rid of it.

Oh, I agree!! And I think you misunderstood my remark to the original poster. I'm a firm believer in assisted termination of ones own life. Many people, like the ones that Kervorkian helped simply could not do it themselves. He helped them, he didn't harm them.

Baron Max
Oh, I agree!! And I think you misunderstood my remark to the original poster. I'm a firm believer in assisted termination of ones own life. Many people, like the ones that Kervorkian helped simply could not do it themselves. He helped them, he didn't harm them.

Baron Max

I keep telling Nietzchefan if i get to the point that i am drooling and wearing diapers.......just smother me with a pillow.
I keep telling Nietzchefan if i get to the point that i am drooling and wearing diapers.......just smother me with a pillow.

I posted on this a couple of weeks back:
My friend's mother said more or less the same to him - "If I start to lose my faculties and get incoherent promise me you'll smother me".
So for the next week he phoned her every day at 4 AM with the question "What's the cube root of 29.76?" And then set off to her house with a pillow...
I keep telling Nietzchefan if i get to the point that i am drooling and wearing diapers.......just smother me with a pillow.

I don't think it's as easy to kill a person as you seem to think. It takes a damned strong-willed person to do something like that. Even pulling the trigger during a war ain't so easy when the person is looking you in the eye ...even when he's intent on killing you!!

Ain't many people who could do such a thing, and I doubt if someone who cared for you could do it. Try another approach if at all possible. Pills are a good option ...say, 4,000 Valium pills oughta' do the trick. ...taken with a bottle of vodka, of course.

Baron Max
I posted on this a couple of weeks back:
My friend's mother said more or less the same to him - "If I start to lose my faculties and get incoherent promise me you'll smother me".
So for the next week he phoned her every day at 4 AM with the question "What's the cube root of 29.76?" And then set off to her house with a pillow...

I don't think it's as easy to kill a person as you seem to think. It takes a damned strong-willed person to do something like that. Even pulling the trigger during a war ain't so easy when the person is looking you in the eye ...even when he's intent on killing you!!

Ain't many people who could do such a thing, and I doubt if someone who cared for you could do it. Try another approach if at all possible. Pills are a good option ...say, 4,000 Valium pills oughta' do the trick. ...taken with a bottle of vodka, of course.

Baron Max

I will make a note of the pills and vodka by then i might be drinking it through a straw. I know I say that but could he do it...... shit he may kill me way before i lose my senses in the dead of the night while i am alseep.:eek:
I think the man was a serial killer and I was hoping he got killed in prison.
Sometimes I wish I believed in God so that some people could go to hell.
I think the man was a serial killer and I was hoping he got killed in prison.
Sometimes I wish I believed in God so that some people could go to hell.

Thinking is not your strong suit is it? He was helping terminally ill patients who were suffering with pain that we wouldn't make animals suffer with. These people wanted to die, but the AMA doctors were making too much profit keeping them alive and tortured.
I think the man was a serial killer and I was hoping he got killed in prison.

I disagree. I have to wonder how many times you have watched a person suffer and expire from a terminal illness. Sit by and watch that slow painful, miserable process day after day and month after month, it gives you a totally different perspective. Those patients were all terminal, they all had DNR orders, and they were all suffering and in pain, they asked for his assistance.
Before trying provide assisted suicide services to free living people, Kevorkian contacted prisons and requested the right to experiment on death row inmates at the time of their execution. When prisons said NO, he began to place personal ads in Detroit newspapers seeking individuals who wanted to die. This pathologist went looking for people to kill.

Between 1990 and 1998, Kevorkian "assisted" in the deaths of nearly one hundred allegedly terminally ill people. Autopsies on several of them showed that there were no signs of any terminal illness, and that the individual's main motivation to die was due to depression. Since when is depression terminal?? If you met Kevorkian it is. They signed DNR papers because that is part of his process so he didn't get sued.

I'm not against helping people die with dignity. I'm against Kevorkian. For crying out loud, he quit pathology and went to Hollywood to make a movie in the '70s. He used people to get what he wanted, his name in headlines. I am able to separate the two. He used a noble cause for his own sick twisted purposes and people are making a hero out of a monster.

TW Scott, If you think that every person who wants to help someone die is good, than thinking is not your strong suit.
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I'm not against helping people die with dignity. I'm against Kevorkian. For crying out loud, he quit pathology and went to Hollywood to make a movie in the '70s. He used people to get what he wanted, his name in headlines. I am able to separate the two. He used a noble cause for his own sick twisted purposes and people are making a hero out of a monster.

What difference does it make WHY he did it? If he helped people die with dignity, then isn't that what you've already said you're not against?

I don't understand why you posted all that stuff when the end result remains exactly what you claim that you're not against ...death with dignity?

Baron Max
What difference does it make WHY he did it? If he helped people die with dignity, then isn't that what you've already said you're not against?

I don't understand why you posted all that stuff when the end result remains exactly what you claim that you're not against ...death with dignity?

Baron Max

I guess I see a difference between assisting the suicide of someone who has depression and euthanasia. The man had lost his medical license. He just went around with his death machine looking for people to 'assist'. He was no better than the 'angels of mercy' that kill old people in nursing homes.