Kenosis doctrine is heresy


Registered Senior Member
The kenosis (kenotic) heresy leads people to the same trap which took place in Paradise when satan lied to Eve and Adam. The evil satan tempted them to commit sin, promising them that if she would eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they would know good and evil like God. Adam and Eve did not understand good and evil like God, from the Divine perspective, but from the human perspective. Throughout the history of man, evil satan has tried to deceive people by promising them that they would be God if only they abide by the will of satan. Of course, evil satan does not introduce himself as satan when he tries to lure people into aiming for divinity, but he lies to them, masquerading as a good angel, a spirit guide, the Holy Spirit, or God.

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Even if true (not a chance), the fall represents our ability to recognize and acquire knowledge. I don't think that's evil. Knowledge like, heresy is a fear tactic to enforce social control. I say embrace heresy. Jesus wasn't divine even if he existed at all.
The evil satan tempted them to commit sin, promising them that if she would eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they would know good and evil like God

Right so what is up with God! Why in the heck did he punishes snakes for the whole apple deal when snakes didn't even do anything wrong; it was the devil! That certainly was a shitty thing to do to snakes - knocking their legs off and such for no reason - jeeze.

For that matter why did God even punish man for crying-out -loud. As was written in the Bible man did not know good from evil - so they were not able to form the an informed opinion if they should have eaten the apple or not. It would be like putting fish food in your gold fish bowl and telling the fish not to eat it and when they do you throw them into a tank of pirahnas for disobeying you.

I like the Flying Spaghetti Monster God - he seems much nicer and I like the taste of spaghetti.
Of course, evil satan does not introduce himself as satan when he tries to lure people into aiming for divinity, but he lies to them, masquerading as a good angel, a spirit guide, the Holy Spirit, or God.
Or Trump.
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