'Katrina effect' blamed for rise in homicides


Morning in America
Registered Senior Member
Since Jan. 1, police have investigated 124 homicides, 29 of which involved evacuees as victims or attackers, said Capt. Dale Brown of the Houston Police Department. There were 103 homicides over the same period last year; without the evacuee-related deaths this year, the city would have experienced a 7.8 percent decrease.http://chron.com/disp/story.mpl/metropolitan/3844488.html

These guys are real scumbags. Houston accepts 150,000 evacuee's with open arms and they are repaid with a crime wave. I did some math. The population of Houston is over two million. The evacuee's would constitute a 7.5% increase in population, yet they created about a 30% rise in the murder rate! Four times what would be expected.

Many people made comments about the slowness of the response to hurricane Katrina being related to the skin color of the refugees. Does this prove that those reluctant to accept evacuee's were right?
I can fathem that people say these type of theories in a humourus way but how can people follow the most stupid logic?
I checked the article, facts are sound, so conclusions are reasonable, the only change in enviroment was addition of refuges, so correlation can be made. Just because you think it is politicaly incorrect dosn't make it invalid.
150,000 people and only 29 extra incidents (some of which were victims)? What's the big deal? Talk about sensationalism! You cons are the real scumbags!
spidergoat said:
150,000 people and only 29 extra incidents (some of which were victims)? What's the big deal? Talk about sensationalism! You cons are the real scumbags!
I see your point. But these are murders we're talking about. Do you live in Dodge City? 29 murders is a lot. The national murder rate is 5.5 per hundred thousand. This puts these evacuees at about four times the national average.

PS What does it mean when a thread is moved? I notice this thread now doesn't move up or down after new posts are made. Is this something that is done when one of the moderators thinks a topic is interesting and wants to give it a chance to catch on?

PSS Nice invisible insult, spidergoat.
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madanthonywayne said:
PS What does it mean when a thread is moved? [/COLOR]

It means it no longer exists in the forum that you started it - it's been moved to another forum by a moderator who judged it to be more in line with the topic of some other forum. What's left in it's place is a marker that notifies the thread was moved, but that no longer gets bumped as replies are added - however the thread continues to bump as normal in it's new home.

To Figure out where your thread is currently located just look at the top of the screen, presently this thread is in Ethics, Morality & Justice.
So by my calculation, .02% of Katrina evacuees were involved in some way with a murder. That doesn't seem significant.

103 homicides last year and 124 this year after 150,000 new people move to the area, that doesn't seem too different from normal variation, and that's alot of additional stress on the locals. Aren't you guys just using a small statistical sample to justify your basically racist viewpoints?
21 murders may be a small satistic to you, untill one of the murders affect you, but this is still a 24% increase in one comunity that had a falling murder rate for the last several years and is clearly outside statical normal, if the pouplation sample had remained stable, the vairiable is the imported pouplation.