Kamal Salibi


Registered Member
I've just come across the writer Kamal Salibi, and his ideas about the original location of the ancient Jews. He contends, through mostly linguistic investigation, that the Jewish homeland is really in Saudi Arabia, in or near Asir.
I am not a religious person, call me an atheist, but I am interested in history and the origins of Christianity from Judaism. This topic (Salibi's theory) obviously upsets the Jews and no doubt the Muslems too, to the extent that the Saudis apparently bulldozed whole villages when his first book was published, so no accurate archeology could be undertaken...and they still won't allow digs in the region! Pretty drastic measure considering many scholars debunk Salibi's work anyway.
I'm about to order some of his books through the local library system, and I'm wondering if anyone has read any, and what would you recommend?
