Justice or lack thereof?


Don't bother-Don't care
Registered Senior Member
i have always wondered about this one... until a year ago... i could never believe true justice could be served under mans laws... i was proven right on many occasions... however... i learned that life itself has many laws also... not commandments... or rules and regulations... but firmly rooted laws... universal, impenetrable and unavoidable...

but it does exist... i have witnessed it.. it comes at the strangest of times and in the strangest of ways... from minor injustices to the major ones... living in utter misery... in its own way is a form of justice... now whether or not you have a conscience to interpret that is an entirely separate subject... that would mean you are already chemically imbalanced and therefore probably not functioning at an optimum anyways... so crazy still equals crazy...

i don't get it sometimes though... with all the power we do truly possess as individuals, why would we wish only to relinquish others of their own? is our own power not fulfilling enough? is controlling another lifeform that important that we won't even help it find water, food and sheltar? just watch it die because the game is about survival of fittest, not how many people's lives can you positively change forever, today...
