Justice is turning into a racist pile of junk


Still egotistic...
Valued Senior Member
After watching the news one morning i was appaled to hear about a young 18 year old boy who had a great future in front of him. While i have no link to give you i will give you a summary of what happened. You can search for an article yourself.

First, this boy is 18 he has straight As in school and was going to a great college for a scholarship in football. He has a great future and thinks nothing can go wrong. He's intimate with a 16 year old as well, someone who he cares for affectionatly. After a night of sex this girl decides that this boy had raped him. Now if it ended here then maybe i wouldn't feel so bad for this young man, unfortunetly it does not.

This boy isn't charged with rape. It turns out that the sex was a mutual thing and both children had their consent on the matter. So what does the court decide to do to screw up this boys life? They charge him for injurying the young woman, How? They say that him taking her virginity was an injury to the young woman. He is now serving 10 years in prison for child molestation or something similar to this. So far he's been serving a year and a retrial is occuring the next few months. Is this justice or just a bunch of bull?

I understand fully that that the woman was a minor, but regardless she was still only 2 years younger than him, and the relationship was intimate with both of their consent.

Oh yes and i would also like to add that he was black, the girl was white, and so was the jury and the judge.
I think that this is the case you are talking about:


And yes you're correct, this is extremelly unfair and unjust. A friend of mine, a law professor, always tells me that the notion of justice is nothing but a myth. When I read cases like this I think she's right. Would the finding have been different if he had been white? No one can really know exactly for sure, but at a guess I'd say that the outcome would be decidedly different. It's a sad shame that this poor boy has lost a chance at a promising future because of a justice system gone horribly wrong.

Prosecutors insisted the mandatory prison term was exactly what state law intended for Marcus Dixon, who was convicted of aggravated child molestation and statutory rape. Dixon was 18 at the time; the girl was 15.

Defense attorney David Balser said Dixon's sentence "so deviates from society's view of sexual conduct that it shocks the conscience." Unless the court overturns the case, any teenager who has sex could potentially face prison time, he said.
Balser is correct. This case has the potential of opening the floodgates to reports of rape and molestation between teens who engage in sexual activity. In effect, most teenage sexual activity now runs the risk of one of the parties ending up in jail. Now there's a way to push the no teenage sex message in the States. Tell the kids that if they have sex they could end up in jail. Justice can only be done if this case were thrown out of court and the boy acquitted. However, regardless of what's happened, he's lost his scholarship and any possible chance at a better future for himself. It's such a shame. God damn cases such as this piss me off :mad:.
I've heard of a number of cases where "virginity" was given this kind of consideration; I remember hearing of a case where a man who raped his 3-year-old daughter was given a six-month sentence because he had only had anal sex with her and thus "spared her virginity".

North American culture is really messed up about that kind of thing.
Goddamn puritans are in perpetual denial, resulting in a lot of ugly baggage.
that's horrible. They give this 18 year old 10 years in jail and give this true child molesting raping rather who raped his own dahm 3 year old daughter only a half a year? Why do people think this way? How much more corrupt can our system get?
Yes, ancedotal reports in the hands of hand-wringers are truely horrible.

Second, do your research - she was fifteen, not sixteen.

But how is this racist? You don't want to be charged with statutory rape? Don't fuck fifteen year olds.
You don't want to get in trouble for fucking fifteen year olds? Then for god's sake don't be so horrible in bed that they accuse you of rape.
I mean...how incompetent do you have to be for a woman to withdraw consent post-coitus?

Balser is correct. This case has the potential of opening the floodgates to reports of rape and molestation between teens who engage in sexual activity.

This has happened before.

God damn cases such as this piss me off

Let's break it down:

A eighteen year old boinks a fifteen year old. He's so bad in the sack that she is traumatized and yaps about it to school counselors. He's convicted of statutory rape because she was not old enough to legally consent to sex.

So...he's an idiot, she's a dumb slut, the law is uncomprehending...who cares?
In some states this wouldn't have been considered statutory rape because the defendant was less than four years older than the girl, and she was within four years of her eighteenth birthday. A 15 year old can date an 18 year old, a 16 year old can date a 19 year old, and so on. I don't know about Georgia's laws regarding that matter, but hey, it's GA, what are you going to do?

Not knowing the facts of the case, I wouldn't want to speculate too much, but this sentence looks suspect.

As to the anecdote about an adult having any sort of sexual contact with a toddler, that sounds like an urban legend. If there was any sort of penetration, regardless of where it was, there are mandatory guidelines for sentencing. Link a source.
The point is he was black, and this was a mutaal relationship. This wasn't some kind of bs sex thing after getting drunk. I believe these 2 knew each other for a while and were in an intimate relationship. From what i heard on the knews this girl was 16 or almost 16. This boy had just turned 18 and was about to get out of highschool. If you think about it many seniors hook up with sophmores or juniors. It's very common and it would be stupid to prosecute each and every senior who has ever done this. It consider this racist because of the fact that he was black the girl was white so was the jury and the judge. You do not see such stupid cases happening to a white boy his age do u?
So...any time a black is prosecuted for a crime and has a white judge (likely, as most lawyers are) he should be let off because he's black?
Racist pig.

From what i heard on the knews this girl was 16 or almost 16.

She was fifteen according to CNN. Learn to read.

You do not see such stupid cases happening to a white boy his age do u?

Yes, you do.
He deserves no special treatment for being a black idiot than he would for being a white idiot.
The brouhaha involving Judge Monique had strong similarities to a sentencing controversy sparked by Judge Raymonde Verreault in 1994. Although the defendant in that case, a Muslim, had repeatedly sodomized his infant step-child, the presiding judge imposed a lenient sentence because the defendant had spared the infant’s virginity: "They did not have normal and complete sexual relations...vaginal relations to be precise, so [the victim] retained her virginity, which seems to be a very important value in their religion."

From http://www.omnivore.org/jon/orwell/ideological_roots_of_the_conservative_backlash.htm

EDIT: This was in Canada, as it turns out.
Xev said:
So...any time a black is prosecuted for a crime and has a white judge (likely, as most lawyers are) he should be let off because he's black?

She was fifteen according to CNN.

Yes, you do.
He deserves no special treatment for being a black idiot than he would for being a white idiot.

Great points. You cut through the bullshit and spell it out. I believe the issue here is that "maybe he got a shit deal because he's a black boy fucking a white girl" and "he's in the south, where we know there are a bunch of racists bitches" and "the punishment doesn't seem to fit the crime". Do you think any of those issues are worth exploring directly, or are they irrelevant? I suppose your comments imply that they are irrelevant, but I wanted to ask directly so as to be clear.
They deserve some attention.

First, I doubt the fact that he was black/she was white is an issue. This sort of thing happens to white males - and yeah it sucks to be them.
But just because it happened in the soulth doesn't imply racism - at issue is the fact that the sentance was mandatory for the crime.

Geddit, handwringers? The judge is required to impose a ten year sentance. A white 18 year old would have recieved the same

Is it too harsh? Undoubtedly; he's a moron, not a rapist. Most fifteen year olds, I'd say the vast majority, are perfectly able to give meaningful consent.
"If it bleeds, it needs"

So he shouldn't be punished at all, let alone as harshly as he is being.

However - who gives a shit? Iraqi babies are dying by the bucketload so that you have cheap gas and you're whining because some moron can't keep it in his pants? Believe me, it's not hard for a senior on the football team to get women to fuck him - so why get yourself in trouble by banging a fifteen year old? What an idiot.
Yet you hypocrites are howling about his punishment as if it's the worst thing happening in the world.
I think those were their exact words "This is the worst thing happening in the word" good point Xev. It’s not like they are exploring a topic that contains current social issues and concerns directly relating to ethics and Justice on the EM&J board or something. ...Oh wait, that’s exactly what they are doing, and you are being overly hostile and keep doing breakneck 180 degree turns in your opinions in each post, which signifies that you have no real opinion but do like to shout.

I'm sure you can find a thread about Iraqi babys on the WE&P forum, go expend your energies on the really important issues and leave us to concider the paltry concerns of racism in the criminal justice system.
Explain how the sentance was racist if the judge was forced by law to impose it.

I admit that I don't understand law as well as I should, but the purpose of mandatory sentancing is to take that decision away from the judge.

Oh wait, that’s exactly what they are doing, and you are being overly hostile and keep doing breakneck 180 degree turns in your opinions in each post, which signifies that you have no real opinion but do like to shout.

What 180 turns?
And "you just like to shout" is a funny criticism from a guy who doesn't contribute anything to a topic but a criticism of someone else's post.
Xev's right, stop with the indignation

That case in Canada was shocking to read. How a judge could be so painfully stupid I do not know.

As for all this, Xev, put it all in perspective. People, stop with the indignation. Although I felt the same way upon reading all this, and was perturbed a bit perturbed. But Xev pointed out some logic and reason. I'm going to side Xev on this one, although I wouldn't go as far as to call the girl a 'dumb slut', if she wanted to have sex, that's her decision, we shouldn't deem her a slut because she isn't acting 'lady-like' and keeping her maidenhead for "Mr. Right".
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