Just wondering about


Registered Member
Recent scientific data supports human bottleneck theories. Is it possible that as the survivors of the bottleneck spread out and repopulated taking their stories and legends with them along with architectual development, etc. Wouldn't this explain some of the similiarities of ancient cultures and civilizations?
I really doubt any culture would survive the 200,000 years and move across continents.
To be honest it's more likely that plains people walked the lowlands that were eventually swallowed by an increase in sea levels and also changes in tectonics. This would cause them to move in droves towards higher ground, the higher ground might well be islands or soon to be different continents.

So some cultures would obviously share the same histories, what would support that is obviously common ancestry based upon their genetics.

This however doesn't undermine that people would travel between lands and share stories or adopt stories, after all the very nature of humanity (and primates) has been the ability to adapt when it seems advantageous.
hmm I think the last big "bottleneck" was the Toba incident(69-70Kya?) reduced humanity to about 2000 pairs...some of which lived right at the foot of the volcano! (Ok not the foot of it - but close and it's guessed they were "upwind")

I think Y-chomosome Adam traces to this time period - not sure. I think