Just some questions about love


Registered Senior Member
For those who love God:

1) If you die and God tells you that He is sending you to hell for whatever reason, would your love for God persist despite his decision to damn you for eternity?


2) If your religion was the same as now, except for the following difference: God sends everyone to hell because heaven is full... would you still love God?
1. It wouldn't matter. Also, this is one of the reasons why nonXtians, especially Hindus, consider Xtianity to be so ridiculous. The concept of forgiveness, mercy, virtue, and perfection which is supposed to be embodied by this god is just self contradictory.

Of course, you should note that the bible doesn't mention hell.

2. Uh, this is a rather pointless question. How the fuck would heaven get full?
If your religion was the same as now, except for the following difference: God sends everyone to hell because heaven is full... would you still love God?

Uh, this is a rather pointless question. How the fuck would heaven get full?

It's hypothetical reasoning, not pointless though. It could give someone insight into one's reasoning and the conditional motivation of one's faith.
Originally posted by Zero
1. It wouldn't matter. Also, this is one of the reasons why nonXtians, especially Hindus, consider Xtianity to be so ridiculous. The concept of forgiveness, mercy, virtue, and perfection which is supposed to be embodied by this god is just self contradictory.

I see no reason why it is self-contradictory,and Im not really sure what you mean.

Of course, you should note that the bible doesn't mention hell.

Actually the Bible does mention hell,look into Luke 12:5
Also ill try to answer any more questions about christanity you may have.
Of course, you should note that the bible doesn't mention hell.

It does actually, eg. Matthew 23:33, however whether it is actually a place that you can visit is debatable, the more rational Chrissies might consider it a state of mind or degradation of the soul.
The ideas of heaven and hell are simplifications of concept we cannot grasp. The best we can do is try to understand them in human terms. One thing is clear: it is more important that we realize who God is, than where we end up. Heaven is a promise. We are saved through Jesus, not by our own merit.

1 Cor. 15:19
If we have hoped in Christ in this life only, we are of all men most to be pitied

John 3:17
For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.

Romans 8:24
For in hope we have been saved, but hope that is seen is not hope; for who hopes for what he already sees?

One apostle said that he would endure the fires of hell if it meant that others would be saved by it. It's a matter of priorities - of loving others and bringing the Good News - not a race to see who can get into heaven
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I have a strong faith and love for the Christian God. If God were sending me to Hell it would be because I hadn't accepted Jesus and the gift of salvation and I would love God still because He is being fair and just. If I didnt accept it then I cant get into Heaven end of story.

As for Heaven being full, it is impossible for Jesus says "I am going to prepare a place for you in my Father's (God) house." (not sure exactly where that is but I know its in the gosples) That means that God knows I"m coming and there is a space reserved just for me, I may be the last one in the door, but there is still that one space reserved for me, and once again if you haven't accepted the gift then you cant get into Heaven, there is no place set out for you regardless of whether it is full or not!
1)God wouldn't send me to hell. I have salvation. Besides, if He is Love, how can He send me to hell, if I Love others? Impossible. I have salvation and practice the law, why would He send me to hell?

2)Heaven is never full. New Life said why...