Just some biology thought and comparison of Humans to plants.

Hello, I do not have great knowledge about biology, but an horrible subject close to my heart is the dreaded Cancer, experiencing the loss of both parents to Cancer, so please no horrible comments as I am just adding some thoughts.

The comparison of humans to plant life is the simplicity, of food, water and light and also a plant can have tumour growth, and has a biological function similar to our own in my opinion.

Energy in plants and the human body is a process that is energy gain from the intake of food and water and the extraction of energy from electrolytes , as far as I understand it.

Electrolytes are any particle suck has silicon, that is an absorber of electrical energy as can be seen similar in L.E.D technology, a greater intake by entropy of energy creating a Thermodynamic increase.

Hopefully so far my understanding is accurately described although it may not be defined has technical?

On the intake of food and water the Human body uses these electrolytes, the membrane walls extracting the goodness has a micro filtration system, and discarding the access waste that is not needed or able to pass through the filtration system.

The membrane contains a filter better known has the lipid bi- layers, a sort of stranded threads.

On originally viewing the subject I had the instant thought of sedimentation, electrolytes in a solute form,
becoming solidified when grouping in the lipid bio-layers, causing an increase in Thermodynamics by entropy in those effected areas, in effect saturating the area with concentrated radiation from the increase. in effect radiating the area making the DNA to become unstable causing mutation of the area, the area tries to evolve to the change and can not return to equilibrium state .

On considering plant life, and the feeding structure of plants, plants do the same think in certain instances,
however to prevent the build up of electrolytes, to a plant we can add a flush that breaks down the solidity that has formed of the electrolytes sustaining the plants life and growth.

Why can we not develop a Human flush?

P.s - I may be completely wrong, but I see a comparison.
The electrolytes are important in that they are used to tweak the water potential. The organics of life are dissolved in water with water being the majority component of life. All of the large life molecules form hydrogen bonds with water and therefore bind with water.

The electrolytes impact the local and global potential within the water, and therefore help to define how the water binds to itself and to the organics, which in turn, influences the behavior of the organics. The impact of each electrolyte can be subtle to strong. Sodium and potassium cations ions both have charge +1, but each impact water opposite at the level of hydrogen bonding. The exact blend of electrolytes is designed to tailor the water a given way, which then tailors the organics.

Electrolytes are also used for osmotic activities, via selective permeability through membranes. The water will freely flow through all the membranes in the direction of high electrolyte concentration. This migration of water will generate an osmotic pressure. Since pressure is defined as force/area, the water and electrolytes generate a force based on entropy; fifth force of nature or entropic force. This force is used to tweak the pressure and entropy elsewhere in the cell, thereby impacting local and global entropy.

Cancer is a state of life that defines very high entropy due to the high rates of metabolism. At some level, the impact of electrolytes tweak the global entropy allowing equilibrium states defined by high entropy cancer. The body helps to regulate electrolytic potential via the brain and nervous system, with sodium/potassium flux helping to maintain lower membrane entropy. If we have defects in the local nervous control tissue, this can allow higher entropy to appear at th membrane to encourage cancer if other systems are go.
The electrolytes are important in that they are used to tweak the water potential. The organics of life are dissolved in water with water being the majority component of life. All of the large life molecules form hydrogen bonds with water and therefore bind with water.

The electrolytes impact the local and global potential within the water, and therefore help to define how the water binds to itself and to the organics, which in turn, influences the behavior of the organics. The impact of each electrolyte can be subtle to strong. Sodium and potassium cations ions both have charge +1, but each impact water opposite at the level of hydrogen bonding. The exact blend of electrolytes is designed to tailor the water a given way, which then tailors the organics.

Electrolytes are also used for osmotic activities, via selective permeability through membranes. The water will freely flow through all the membranes in the direction of high electrolyte concentration. This migration of water will generate an osmotic pressure. Since pressure is defined as force/area, the water and electrolytes generate a force based on entropy; fifth force of nature or entropic force. This force is used to tweak the pressure and entropy elsewhere in the cell, thereby impacting local and global entropy.

Cancer is a state of life that defines very high entropy due to the high rates of metabolism. At some level, the impact of electrolytes tweak the global entropy allowing equilibrium states defined by high entropy cancer. The body helps to regulate electrolytic potential via the brain and nervous system, with sodium/potassium flux helping to maintain lower membrane entropy. If we have defects in the local nervous control tissue, this can allow higher entropy to appear at th membrane to encourage cancer if other systems are go.
Thanks for the great post, I have got to admit it will take me few times of reading it to understand it, you obviously have great biology knowledge.
Since pressure is defined as force/area, the water and electrolytes generate a force based on entropy; fifth force of nature or entropic force. This force is used to tweak the pressure and entropy elsewhere in the cell, thereby impacting local and global entropy.
Once again your complete misunderstanding of entropy leads to absurd conclusions. Now you think entropy is a 'fifth force'. Too bad you never took an introductory course in Chemcial Engineering, then maybe entropy would not be such a mystery to you.
Once again your complete misunderstanding of entropy leads to absurd conclusions. Now you think entropy is a 'fifth force'. Too bad you never took an introductory course in Chemcial Engineering, then maybe entropy would not be such a mystery to you.
Entropy isn't hard to understand, I would recommend looking into Gibbs equations - you guys can find them explained here.

Bozeman science is a great resource for simple biology - as the question posed in this thread is an introductory concept.
Entropy isn't hard to understand, I would recommend looking into Gibbs equations - you guys can find them explained here.
Bozeman science is a great resource for simple biology - as the question posed in this thread is an introductory concept.
I think that was a very good introductory video for entropy. Hopefully Wellwisher watches it.