Just Say No to Theism


To all of you non-theists out there, my people have an urgent request: stop calling us theists. From now on, refer to us as rationalists, logicalists, moralists, or perhaps even ethicalists. In fact, a combination of all four would probably do us justice: Rationalistic Ethicalistic Logicalistic Moralists. RELM, for short.

Do we have a deal, secular humanists?

You know only atheists (or secular humanists,etc.) call religious people "theists." I have never heard this word before coming to this forum.
To all of you non-theists out there, my people have an urgent request: stop calling us theists. From now on, refer to us as rationalists, logicalists, moralists, or perhaps even ethicalists. In fact, a combination of all four would probably do us justice: Rationalistic Ethicalistic Logicalistic Moralists. RELM, for short.

Do we have a deal, secular humanists?


Nope. There's nothing logical or rational about it. There's an old book and you chose to believe it.
Everything is based on an old book somewhere. No one reinvents the wheel/
Nope. There's nothing logical or rational about it. There's an old book and you chose to believe it.

I don't see the humanism in atheism, but I'm calling it that (out of respect), anyway.

I expect the same treatment in return.

To all of you non-theists out there, my people have an urgent request: stop calling us theists. From now on, refer to us as rationalists, logicalists, moralists, or perhaps even ethicalists. In fact, a combination of all four would probably do us justice: Rationalistic Ethicalistic Logicalistic Moralists. RELM, for short.

Do we have a deal, secular humanists?

What? Isn't belief in God central to your life?
I expect the same treatment in return.


You are already the one in the advantaged position: You are the one who is sure to go to heaven, while many others fear they will burn in hell for all eternity.
Gee Kadark, did you come up with this concept all on your own? What a genius! You really put that brain of yours into overdrive this time. Kudos!!

I kneel to he who hath vanquished me with his superior intellect.
I don't see the humanism in atheism, but I'm calling it that (out of respect), anyway.

I expect the same treatment in return.


You don't have to, there isn't any. Atheism is only an attitude towards the concept of God or Gods, sometimes also the supernatural in general. It isn't a comprehensive religion or philosophy like Secular Humanism. Secularism also doesn't preclude believing in God.
To all of you non-theists out there, my people have an urgent request: stop calling us theists. From now on, refer to us as rationalists, logicalists, moralists, or perhaps even ethicalists. In fact, a combination of all four would probably do us justice: Rationalistic Ethicalistic Logicalistic Moralists. RELM, for short.

Do we have a deal, secular humanists?

Fair enough.

Firstly though, could all of you RELM's agree on who the real god is and what religion we're supposed to follow? I would also like to meet this real god when you get a chance, I have a million and one questions to ask.

Get back to me when you figure that one out, rationally, logically, morally and ethically.

There's a good fellow.
Some people believe that there is a God or Gods, but that they don't take a personal interest in humanity. Therefore, a humanist philosophy is appropriate to guide governance.
You mean by arguing definitions of set terms? Yeah I can see the productivity level hitting sky high there.