Just Pondering...


Registered Senior Member
Is "failing to aplogise to another motorist" an arrestable offence in America? Same question again but this time the other motorist identifies themselves as a police officer.
From my experience and observations (being an American) . . . . we seem to prefer 'Road Rage"' as a driver -argument settlement procedure (especially since Hillary lost the 2016 election) . . . . HAHA! . . . . humor intended . . . but it certainly is advantageous in most circumstances to 'apologize' to the other driver IF he/she is a policeman!! . . . . . Advicc: Don't pull your gun and aim it at a policeman!!!
Just checking that in the case of an American arrested by an alleged police officer for an alleged driving incident which the alleged officer could not have witnessed unless he was the alleged driver - the arrestee could reasonably and fairly assume the alleged arresting officer was indeed the alleged driver. The situation is further complicated by the fact that the alleged driver and the alleged police officer could pass as identical twins (with non-identical ears). https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DAwW6j1VoAAHlWG.jpg:large
Just checking that in the case of an American arrested by an alleged police officer for an alleged driving incident which the alleged officer could not have witnessed unless he was the alleged driver - the arrestee could reasonably and fairly assume the alleged arresting officer was indeed the alleged driver. The situation is further complicated by the fact that the alleged driver and the alleged police officer could pass as identical twins (with non-identical ears). https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DAwW6j1VoAAHlWG.jpg:large
And, to think, a simple apology could have stopped the insanity before it even got started.

what was the point of, and what was gained by being belligerent?
Point of law, a parking lot is on private property, and is not a public street.
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From my experience and observations (being an American) . . . . we seem to prefer 'Road Rage"' as a driver -argument settlement procedure (especially since Hillary lost the 2016 election) . . . . HAHA!
It seems to have started increasing in the mid 1980s, and started increasingly involving guns around 2012 - the involvement of guns tracks the estimated availability of handguns in cars pretty directly.

Something about carrying guns seems correlated - road rage is apparently more common among the same groups and regions in which handgun carry is more common.
pbs.twimg seems to be just twitter's image dump - I don't know the source of the image - my interest is only in the unlucky (for some) likeness of the (possibly) alleged driver and the alleged police officer. If the alleged driver were actually a police officer he'd probably have gone for the dwb charge immediately - he didn't therefore (I conclude) he probably wasn't the officer that actually made the dwb arrest. Being followed into a car park is scary. A while back I was tailgated (a car drives very close behind) - I pulled over to let him pass and then maybe drove slightly faster than normal to the car park I've parked in every morning for the last 10 years. Turned out he was going there too. In fact his car was just in front of me as we arrived at the car park. Turned out he'd just driven there to sit in his car - at least while I polished my mirrors and checked the oil. I'm guessing (perhaps wrongly) the alleged driver was in "scare the lady" mode.

Or, the guy was stressed out from giving his daughter driving lessons, and just dumped on ms Ponder.


My son tried to teach his wife to drive their standard shift car-----------he got too excited and frightened her which made learning difficult for her. So, I took over that little chore. Being older, and a tad more laid back, and less emotionally involved, within a few hours, She was stopping and starting and shifting through the gears quite comfortably.
For me, it was easy, for him, damned near impossible.
Or, the guy was stressed out from giving his daughter driving lessons, and just dumped on ms Ponder.
And then the alleged Board of Commerce Trustee met the alleged Chief of Police of Commerce - whether arranged or by chance the alleged driver does seem (IMHO) to be going a bit far in his attempt to dump his frustration on the lady driver. Until the Chief of Commerce Police got involved this looks like just another loon and another day for the lady. Two really sick loons in one day is quite a lot for anyone to handle. While Scuptor's instinct might be to apologise to sick lunatics I have to admit mine isn't nor would I expect it as a matter of course from anyone else.
Does the overuse of the word "alleged" not give you pause?

Perhaps both involved partie were going "a bit far".
It would seem that Ms Ponder knew that he was giving his 14 year old daughter some driving experience when Ms Ponder responded that it was illegal to allow a 14 year old to operate a vehicle on a public highway.
Anyone wit 1/2 a brain would know that that is a stressful situation.
A parking lot ain't a public highway.
Different laws apply.
So-------------that's a tad lame.
(what i'm reading so far is stupid(or uneducated) and inconsiderate)

We do not have much to go on here from the poorly written offered snippet.

If Ms Ponder did something that frightened the girl or her dad, then she needs a bit of an education in compassion, or at least, consideration.

My approach would be to diffuse any situation--(this hypothetical one would be a fair example)--........

From my limited perspective, I would say that both involved parties were assholes engaged in an asshole of the month contest.
Who won?
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