Just musing...


God is a Chinese Whisper
Valued Senior Member
"The unexamined life is not worth living" - Socrates
"kill your parents, kill your god, kill your teacher" - Buddhist Tenet

Most anyone can quote a philosopher.
Spouting quotes from the wise does not make you wise.

Many people have the capacity to understand the meaning behind the words.
Understanding the quotes does not make you wise.

The whole point is that you should not accept anything as fact.
One truly knows only what one learns, not what one is told is the truth.

I have met many people in my life.
Those people have opened my eyes to many things.
These people's opinions and views on life and spirituality have shaped the direction and path of my journey.
What I learn from people is not fact, it is either opinion, or what they believe to be fact.
Nothing more.

I love to meet people and listen to their views on all subjects,
(there isn't much I'd rather do more, in fact)
but I do not bother listening to what people that have never questioned their own beliefs have to say.

If you have not questioned all you have ever been taught, all you have ever learned, all you have ever seen and all you have ever known...
then you do not even have an opinion to share.
What you have is a recording of other people's opinions.
If I wanted to have a verbaitm recount of Nietzsche's philosophies, I would read a book.
If I wanted to have a educated recount of Nietzsche's philosophies, I would read a better book.
If I speak to you, I want to know you.
Not what your father said.
Not what your pastor said.
Not what your teacher said.
Not what your bible says.

You are not a sum of the speeches you have heard.
YOU are a sum of your experiences.
Nothing more.
Nothing less.

If you want to teach me, don't bother. I will be friendly and forget you.
If you will allow me to learn from you, talk to me. I will be you friend, and never forget.

Am I making any sense at all?
Do you have any opinions on the subject?
"You are not a sum of the speeches you have heard.
YOU are a sum of your experiences.
Nothing more.
Nothing less"

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Whew.....!!!!!............ Talk about a sermon on the mount....

But nothing could be further from the truth.

"For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe"
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Originally posted by TheVisitor
Whew.....!!!!!............ Talk about a sermon on the mount....

But nothing could be further from the truth.

"For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe"

Thank you for so clearly illustrating my point.

Look at that!
I actually appreciate and get some value from a post of yours.

True, not the vlaue intended, but value nonetheless.
Ok, you lost me there.....I don't know whether to say "thank you" or apologize.

But my point was that you can use the scriptures to make a point , do you get my point, or is this pointless.
You both have a point.

I think you can quote something if you have realized its significance first-hand, i.e. when it has become experience.

Visitor: quoting out of ignorance is senseless and dangerous.
Raven: How different is quoting yourself from quoting someone you agree with 100%? And we do learn from books, and others, as you admit.

Sometimes you start trusting a source when all your experiences are sufficiently represented by it.

Sometimes you question your experiences and find a sufficient explanation for them and you be a primary source yourself, or you find it was already discovered by someone else.

A lot depends on the validity, authority and verifyability of the source. Every bit of information we get comes from a source, whether it is primary, secondary, or tertiary. Therefore all knowledge is inferred. Arguing from a lack of knowedge is called ignorance. Relying solely on a strong source is called being a weak messenger.

The best we can do is to be reliable witnesses to what we believe and experience. Keep the truth intact...
"I frequently quote myself" - Jenyar