just how powerful are words

The one

Registered Member
Just how powerful are words i mean if you read the first book in the bible genesis it reads that god built the heavens and the earthbut how did he create this, if you also remember he always speaks before he did something for instance he said "let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters and let it divide the waters from the waters" Genesis 1:6 "it came into being and divided the waters from the land " and it is still divided todayif you notice anything god did he said before it happened.

Later on in Genesis it sais that God created man after himself so that means that we have that word inside of us to for instance if you start to get a runny nose and you are achie and you have a coff you instantly say i am coming down with the flew and next thing you know you have the flew. so what do you think about the word and how important the word is
Originally posted by The one
Just how powerful are words i mean if you read the first book in the bible genesis it reads that god built the heavens and the earthbut how did he create this, if you also remember he always speaks before he did something for instance he said "let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters and let it divide the waters from the waters" Genesis 1:6 "it came into being and divided the waters from the land " and it is still divided todayif you notice anything god did he said before it happened.

Later on in Genesis it sais that God created man after himself so that means that we have that word inside of us to for instance if you start to get a runny nose and you are achie and you have a coff you instantly say i am coming down with the flew and next thing you know you have the flew. so what do you think about the word and how important the word is

Thoughts are powerful things. Thoughts come before words. Words are confirmation of thoughts. Thinking makes it so. "I think therefore I am." "Imagine World Peace."
Since all of creation was brought forth by the God's right arm, the word of God(1 John), God's goodness is manifested in His creation and we are therefore made in the image of God.
To say that God spoke, well, it just goes to show how humans mold the image of God to fit them. Does God have vocal chords? Does he breathe air through them? Does he have lungs?

We attribute morality to God. God is love. God is eternal. In my opinion, any theological theory is a symbolic philisophical theory (exept for the crazy few). Jesus walked on water. Do this mean that this mythical GodManSaviour break the rules of nature to prove his divinity? Or ... "the moral of this story is that with enough desire/willpower/mental discipline one can do just about anything"? Christians say that God is a supreme being that views all humans the same. To truly love someone, you must see them through the eyes of Christ (which is above you and all your petty wants and needs). Hindus say that all is Brahman. Brahman is in and around everything. To deny this is to decieve yourself. Once you realize that the thief trying to steal your car is part of Brahman (though the individual is decieved) you can truly forgive him. You rise above yourself and see things in the big picture. Different theological concepts, same pratical use. I believe that Jesus would have agreed with me, and I have some proof (not concrete, mind you), but I don't want to completly change subjects on dude's thread.

This said, I have to include: I have no answers. I wasn't there when the world was created, there may have been a conscious being that spoke everything into existance. Jesus never talked to me. Everything I believe is subject to change and mostly based on logical reasoning done by me after reasearching others opinions.

Why the crap is this here: :m: ?
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Oh well, everyone has the choice to live their own life, I spose...
It has always been my belief that God created the earth and the heavens by his son Jesus Christ *His "word"*. Read through it once or twice thinking about that and it may make some sense to you.