just askin bout the effects of overdosage and underdosage


Unbelievable and odd
Registered Senior Member
Hi all

I want to know the side effects of the nutrients we take everyday when it comes to inappropriate consumption:
These are all I know:

lack of A: blurry sight and 'evening blindness' (wrong term I assume)
-B (- = lack of): bulky (but mushy) body (sorry, since my mother tongue's not English, i can't find the English terms of many of the Bio-terms here....)
-Riboflavin: blurry sight, maybe?
-C: Gum irritation or even bleeding gum.
+C (overdosage C): Digestion problem
-D: Bad bone, and bad legs in post-infancy
-E: Sterilization
-K: Bleeding to death when wounded

+Calcium: Hypercalsemia, may lead to death
-Calcium: Identical to lack of Vitamin D
-Ferrum(iron): Anemia
-Iodine: some problem, I forgot.....

Protein overdosage: ureic acid(?)
fat and Carbohydrate overdosage: well, I assume you can at least guess....
Carbohydrate and fat (protein may go into this as well) underdosage: powerlessness (I don't think it always has to be starvation)
Protein underdosage: Growth problem.

Feel free to add, please, especially the overdosage part.
Thanks in advance.
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This may help a bit:

Vit. E Deficiency: accumulation of fatty acid peroxides –> cardiovascular problems & cancer

Vit. K deficeincy: decrease in [prothrombin] and therefore an increase in time required for blood to clot -> uncontrolled hemorrhage

Vit. C deficiency:scurvy -> potentially fatal, characterised by pathological changes in teeth & gums & collagen in connective tissue

Vit B1 (thiamine) deficiency: beriberi -> Characterised by alterations in peripheral nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, & cardiovascular system. Caused by elevated blood levels of pyruvic acid

Vit B2 (riboflavin) deficiency: abnormal maintenance of ectodermal tissue - inflammation of tongue, lesions of lips, dermatitis, functional disorders of eyes

Vit B6 (pyroxidine) deficiency: abnormal CNS activity -> hyperirritability, gastrointestinal disorders, & convulsive seizures

Vit D3 deficiency: rickets -> inadequate blood levels of Ca2+, hormones stimulate release from bones -> results in progressive weakening of bone structure
AND too much: calcium deposits through body (lungs)
I found (http://www.merck.com/mrkshared/mmanual/section1/chapter3/3e.jsp)
very helpful. Just go through it, and select the vitamin you are interested in. I used this when someone I knew was into vitamin therapy nonsense. Everything happened right as it states it in the Merck index, right down to the symptoms.
Thanks a lot for the information
And thanks to remind me that riboflavin is a form of vitamin B... I only remembered that a substance in carrot (which is not directly referred as vitamin) helps maintain sight, and I thought it was riboflavin, but it's right, isn't it?
Now it makes me wonder if vitamin&mineral suplements (like pills or capsules) are neccessary or deadly...
Also, btw, can someone suggest some Chemistry site which explains the vitamin/mineral-chemical processes which may cause underdosage or overdosage?