Just a thought about hydrotropical growen


Registered Senior Member
ok i was thinken how dose hydrotropics work, hwo dose the plant get more carbon atoms out of water??? i have a bambo plant in my bathroom and it grows and it is in jsut water(hydropical growen) and rocks and i jsut dotn gethot it is getten the nutrents and stuff it needs to grow bigger and even stay alive :confused: , i jsut dont understand .. i knwo plants need mroe than water to live..

ne way thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
They get most of the ions and things they need from water. I am not sure, but I think bamboo is a relatively simple plant, and doesn't need much to sustain it. Plants don't, however, get carbon from water. They fix carbon dioxide from the atmosphere into various types of fibers and other structural molecules. Some of the other nutrients likely come from the rocks.
humm good thought, but also i know people that have legal Marjuana subscptions that can grow hydrotropicly, it seams liek it would need ltos of carbon to grow so fast..?
How fast a plant grows depends on how much of it's resources it puts towards fixing carbon. All plants have adapted to growing at atmospheric levels of carbon, and yet plants grow at all sorts of rates. I think marijuana plants grow pretty quickly anyways.
Hydroponically grown pot requires properly balanced nutrrient solution in the water for best results. Not too much, not too little. Hydroponics is a delicate thing. You're pushing the plant to grow quite fiercely.

A lot of times, people will put co2 directly into the room. This way they can crank the heat up higher and promote even faster growth.

Pot growing fast? It is just a weed. Weeds grow quick for the most part. Fast growing and invasive of their surroundings. They grow faster than surrounding plants and steal their light.
Nope. Gave it a shot a time or two. Never hydroponics though. I've read about the system enough to have a general idea of how it's done. Read a lot of high times in my day. Not much to it really. It's just a weed. :) :m: :m: