just a quickie


convince me or convict me
Registered Senior Member
im sure you are aware of this crime


so far the killer hasnt been found, i wonder what odds the bookmakers will have on him being a repeat offender.

maybe even a previously convicted violent crime offender.

No to the death penalty? at what point do you people say yes to the death penalty?
Quagmire said:
Its a murder.
so far the killer hasnt been found, i wonder what odds the bookmakers will have on him being a repeat offender.

maybe even a previously convicted violent crime offender.
Maybe. Maybe not. Speculation.
No to the death penalty?
No to the death penalty.
at what point do you people say yes to the death penalty?
If it somehow undid the crime and brought back the victim, it might be tempting.
Quagmire said:
im sure you are aware of this crime


so far the killer hasnt been found, i wonder what odds the bookmakers will have on him being a repeat offender.

maybe even a previously convicted violent crime offender.

No to the death penalty? at what point do you people say yes to the death penalty?

I wasn't aware of that crime but I'm aware of many crimes as horrible or even more horrible than that. I choose life... I will always say no to the death penalty. To me, killing someone who has been convicted of killing someone is, at the very least, hypocritical.
and so im made re-aware of crime that happened over a week ago, to be honest there are worse crimes in the word, the soham murders for example and if you are going to hilight stabbings go to glasgow, you will fit in very quickly i assure you, and wear a MAN UINTED top as well if you want a first hand experiece
No to the death penalty. I think a life imprisonment in a "pound-you-in-the-ass" prison would be much worse than death, and a murderer would deserve that.
What if it isn't the murderer to blame? For example, he or she was repeatedly raped and abused as a child, he or she was constantly bullied on school, he or she was continuingly verbally abused by his or her parents, he or she didn't have any parents.

Because this seems to be the case most of the time.

Such a twisted person deserves to die, not because of the killing he or she did, but to relieve him or her from his or her suffering.
and you just suppose that most of these people give a fuck do ya someguy, do you think that people in prison are really tormented by the crimes that they did, 99% of murderers are not sorry for the crime but for the fact that they are in prison, i couldnt care less whether they died or survived to be honest with you
What if one person makes another persons life hell. Then the former person makes life hell for the person that used to make his life hell, should the last person be punished?
Two wrongs don't necessarily make a right but you might say the latter was trying to make the former see things from a different perspective

I think the phrase 'couldn't care less' is a good one. Some people for a variety of reasons can't see another's point of view let alone empathise with their situation. Torment is relative maybe.