Just a feeling


Registered Member
Have you ever had a feeling of belief? I know it sounds strange...blah blah blah. I have never experienced anything out of the ordinary in all my life (I'm 23 years old now), but from time to time (as often as I get deja-vu's) I get this extreme feeling of happiness. I can't explain it, but it has something to do with doing good and feeling good about something. For example, this one winter was really cold, about 5-6 years ago and I found a homeless guy behind my building almost freezing to death. I made the stupid gesture of handing him some money, but he didn't reach for it. I paid no atention, left the money in his still hand and went home. In the elevator I realised how stupid of me it was so I quickly went home, got him a blanket, a bowl of hot soup and some aspirin and called police to get him to a shelter of something. I remember his skin being wrinkled by the blistering cold. He couldn't even move his mouth to talk.
After doing this I had a feeling of bliss so powerfull it felt like it could lift me up in the air. It was within me, but it wasn't me, or it was a "ME" that I hadn't known before. It's not just a good feeling, because I'm a good person helping people all the time. That time was different. It had happened in other ocassions as well, but only related to something pure and good.
I do believe in the paranormal activities, I consider them NORMAL but hard to attain. I do wish to be witness to something out of the ordinary, but other than that feeling of bliss I described nothing happened.

Sounds like you really got in touch with your soul there. What a wonderful thing you did. :)
Yeah I've had that blissful feeling before. Nothing can beat the way you feel after helping someone. :)