Jury debates over Scott Peterson’s fate…


Registered Member
So the trial for the “husband from hell” is just about over. With the closing arguments complete, now we all have to wait for the jury to deliberate.

How does everyone feel about this case? Do you think he’ll walk or get what he deserves? Also – I’ve been told that the judge is only going to give a 2-hour notice once the jury has reached its verdict. We do have a cable TV in the lounge area here at work, so I’ve been setting it to Court TV to try and keep up-to-date. I even noticed on their website that you can get the verdict sent to your cell phone, which is pretty crazy (though I’m the only one of my friends without one yet!)

Personally, there’s nothing I’d rather see than a death sentence for this disgusting human, though life in prison wouldn’t be a bad 2nd option either.

Kim most of us, self included didn't follow it...can you outline with the simplist way possible what evidence there is against him and for him? I understand so far that:

1) he is the accused in the death of his wife and child
2) he was caught leaving the city and had changed his appearance with a large amount of money on him
3) his was having an affair during the marriage

but for me that is all I know. I also noticed Kim that you have a large distain for the guy....and you think he is guilty....two questions for you:

1) why do you think he is guilty
2) why did you take such a personal, intimate interest in this case?

Please understand my questions are from ignorance of the case as opposed to arguement..I don't have an arguement cause I know so little about it.