Judge's mistake leads to prison time


Valued Senior Member
If you think the American justice system is credible or believe in capital punishment, this article’s for you: Judge's mistake leads to prison time

A judge signed the wrong paperwork and sent a burglary suspect to jail three months ago, but the man was never tried and never convicted.

How’d you like to sit in the slammer for 3 months, while everyone ignores your claim that you weren’t convicted?
At least the judge admits it

- "I carelessly did not look at the papers carefully enough and signed the sentence and judgment," Bush said Wednesday in a hearing transcript. "And off went Mr. Cook. It's my fault."

That's a start. We'll see what happens from here, I guess.

As to the greater tragedy of the justice system, I haven't the energy nor the willingness to set aside the time, and I'm not sure anyone would care to read it; thus I refer anyone to prior remarks I've made in other topics, excoriating the American excuse for justice.

Thanks for the interesting story; slipped right by me.

Tiassa :cool: