Judge removes Christmas tree


Registered Senior Member

"A Canadian judge has ordered the removal of a Christmas tree from a Toronto courthouse lobby, saying it might offend non-Christians.

In a letter to staff on Wednesday, Justice Marion Cohen said the decorated tree made non-Christians feel "they are not part of this institution" and was an inappropriate symbol to greet visitors.

But the judge's order prompted an angry reaction on Thursday.

"There's no reason why a Christmas tree can't be put wherever people want it to be. It's by no means an offense, I believe, to any religion," an attorney told broadcaster CTV.

Ontario premier Dalton McGuinty called the decision "unfortunate."

"We enjoy the wonderful privilege of building a pluralistic, multicultural society," he told the Toronto Star. But no one should be "asked to abandon their traditions."

"It doesn't offend anyone when we celebrate Diwali at Queen's Park (the Ontario provincial legislature) or celebrate Hanukah at Queen's Park," McGuinty said. "That's part and parcel of who we are."

Still, the artificial tree was moved to an administrative corridor in the courthouse.

More than 70 percent of Canadians identified themselves as Christian, including almost 13 million Roman Catholics, in the last census in 2001.

Muslims account for about two percent of the population. Jews, Buddhists, Hindus and Sikhs each represent about one percent."

This happened in my hometown of Toronto. I'm sorry, but everyone is just way too PC these days. Even the Muslims and Hindus were offended by this - they didn't want that to happen.

I'm all for multi-culturalism, but Canada is a Christian nation bult on Christian beliefs. Why should we feel guilty for celebrating our holiday (whether it's in a secular way or a religious one), because we're afraid of offending the immigrants? Like I said, multi-cultrlism is great, but we shouldn't have to change our beliefs because of it. We're losing our identity as Canadians.

Now I know many on here will say that this is just another 'problem with religion', but it goes much deeper than than. It's about having respect for a nation that's giving many people a second chance.

It's not right.
We live in a world with little creativity, war, poverty and no Christmas trees. We are the Stepford society.
A super market, an office or the street are places you'd expect to see christmas decorations... but a courthouse?! That strikes me as odd.

I'm not one of those people who gets offended by christmas decorations because christmas has nothing to do with religion for most people. It's more to do with fat men with white beards, reindeer and playing Slade songs... But still, Christmas was once a predominantly religious event, and still is for some. So with that in mind, no religious paraphernalia should be in a courthouse, purely so that there is no apparent bias.
well said kenny, I agree, hear hear for the judge, why should xians get the monopoly, on court house's, ain't they got enough churches.
Who did the Canadian judge think was going to be offended?


In a letter to staff on Wednesday, Justice Marion Cohen said the decorated tree made non-Christians feel "they are not part of this institution" and was an inappropriate symbol to greet visitors.

Don't you know Cohen is Jewish. Actually Cohen means priest. All Jews with the name Cohen decend from the Levites.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I'd like to know just what a Christmas Tree has to do with religion. A tree decorated with lights and variouis ornaments, supposedly with gifts left by a jolly fat man. I just don't see any connection to any religion. Well maybe capitalism--but capitalism isn't a religion.

I can see a connection to Christianity with a nativity scene on display but a christmas tree...

I can see offending those who don't like capitalism and all its joys of marketing and selling useful and useless junk...

But a pine tree offending non-christians?
I'd like to know just what a Christmas Tree has to do with religion. A tree decorated with lights and variouis ornaments, supposedly with gifts left by a jolly fat man. I just don't see any connection to any religion. Well maybe capitalism--but capitalism isn't a religion.

I can see a connection to Christianity with a nativity scene on display but a christmas tree...

I can see offending those who don't like capitalism and all its joys of marketing and selling useful and useless junk...

But a pine tree offending non-christians?

There is no real connection between Christianity and the Christmas tree. It was a pagan addition. A result of mixing paganism with Christianity. Same with Christmas, It too was a pagan festival that was blended in by the false church. Jesus was not born on December the 25th.

LOL So the Jewish judge in a funny way is offending the pagans by removing the tree.

Maybe she read old Jeremiah in her Torah?

Jeremiah 10
2 Thus says the LORD:
“ Do not learn the way of the Gentiles;
Do not be dismayed at the signs of heaven,
For the Gentiles are dismayed at them.
3 For the customs of the peoples are futile;
For one cuts a tree from the forest,
The work of the hands of the workman, with the ax.
4 They decorate it with silver and gold;
They fasten it with nails and hammers
So that it will not topple.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I say we just put the Ten Commandments in the court room. Wasn't there some dick head from Alabama trying to get that to happen?

That's smallfry compared to putting your hand on the Bible and swear to tell the truth. Do countries still do that? If I go into court and I must swear on a holy book, could I arrange for the Gospel of the FSM to swear on?
Na. There's nothing to worry about, kids. Believe you me, the reason for the decree should be put in quotes, as so: "offense". And next to "offense", "political correctness". And next to "political correctness", the "judge". And next to "the judge", a man "of law". And next to that—the real reason behind this whole charade—"oh look world how contemporary I am [we are] here in Toronto". In other words, ego. It has nothing to do with "institution".

I'm all for multi-culturalism, but Canada is a Christian nation bult on Christian beliefs.

I could be wrong but find that hard to believe.

maybe you could provide us with some links as to what Canada's constitution says exactly about this.
Well first of all, Christmas is just an adopted pagan holiday, that existed way before Europeans ever heard of Christianity, Jesus or what not...

The birth of Jesus is not documented and it certainly was not this time of year either, perhaps the dood wasn't even born, hence never existed, however the tradition was adopted by christians. The christmas tree was I believe a German tradition, and christians adopted this idea as well.


Wasn't Jesus' birth decided hundreds of years after his death, and the decision to make it december 25th was because everyone celebrated on that day anyway?