Judge Mental


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How is this scientifically ethically morally (snort) possible in a crazy world? I do believe that most of us (myself excluded of course) are not sane. I believe that most human problems are the result of crazy people in power. I think that in the USA (for one prominent ex-ample) we are living under a system that often (and not always uniformly) places crazy people in power. It is social entropy at the top. But who am I to judge?
For evil to flourish it is sufficient for good men to do nothing.
With our system, the rich get in office so the sytem is based on making the rich happy.

I wouldn't say it was "to make the rich happy", to be honest most of those people that get into those high rolling positions do so because they are not happy, not being happy is what causes their drive to do something about making themselves happy.

Even if they get to be filthy rich, it doesn't necessarily guarantee happiness, there are still situations where the wealthly suffer depression, potentially commit suicide or turn to heavy drug or alcohol use.

I would suggest crooks get into office because white collar crime apparently pays and they get to boss people about to cushion themselves from their own failures as a human being.

Power Corrupts.
Is it not true that commonly the corruption includes psychological dysfunction? That is, many psychopaths and criminals honestly consider themselves to be exemplary anthropes. We have powerful taboos about calling leaders crazy in all prominent professions. So, we don't do it very much (call them out when it's obvious) while leaders often behave pathologically. Why is that?

I'll have more to say when I have time to figure out what S.A.M. was asking.
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I'll have more to say when I have time to figure out what S.A.M. was asking.

Just responding to your crie de coeur

hypewaders said:
I believe that most human problems are the result of crazy people in power

i.e. For evil to flourish it is sufficient for good men to do nothing.

Its easy to blame the crazy men in power, but what exactly is their power?
Cultivated fear & apathy in the governed. I think it is often a selective trait to be devoid of empathy/psychopathic to lead humans with maximum control. But if we (the governed) were not conditioned to give insanity in government a pass, then government would be compelled to become considerably more accountable and (resultantly) sane.
Yes, power corrupts. And corruption is caused by insecurity, greed, etc....The greater the power, the greater the need & desire to control/protect/attain. I think this is a constant in human nature - (and probably for any earth species for that matter).
Powerful individuals and groups will develop in all societies. Who do we choose to be powerful? -- Governments, individuals, corporations, mobs, media? And more importantly, how do we prevent those groups from influencing our choices?
I'll watch Manufacturing Consent this evening thanks Sam.

Asking here for answers as to why the world is dominated by crazy people, I've been thinking this subject is at the very center of how pathological leaders leverage their power.

But it's more pervasive than that, as I discover in recollection my own behavior. When I lose my keys, or phone, the loss triggers a powerful response because the missing things are interrupting the near-term course of my life. This can (depending on the importance of a near-term event) result in psychotic behavior as the unplanned search commences.

Now I'm not disclosing here the full fury of my rampages, but I'll just say that KoKo the Lab Mutt finds the place in the room I might seek if a grenade crashed through the window. This is only because my dog can read my thoughts- not because I have ever harmed or seriously threatened to harm her. Without my moving (I typically begin standing still and mentally rehearsing the coming search). KoKo already knows that I am in a psychotic-leader moment. She knows that in about 10 (9,... 8...) seconds I'll be moving all around the house in a search pattern, flipping things over and cursing occasionally.

Car keys and Executive Orders may seem far removed, but I think strongly connected in the security v. liberty struggle. We have evolved to expect order to be maintained, and when there is a threat to the order of our lives then there is a strong visceral, limbic, and psychological response; We have evolved an impulse to barricade ourselves from the self-perpetuating and more stately evolution (and nature) of nature. We have developed strong emotional responses to the intrusion of the unforeseen upon even short-term plans.

We have an epidemic psychosis in our species. The epidemic causes us to avoid the realization that our political behaviors are very often insane. We don't know if the condition is treatable, because we have never made any public diagnosis, nor explored promising treatments. Instead, we are absorbed in the false framing of the false security v. liberty dilemma.

Once our physical security is reasonably assured (our lives are as secure from immediate threat, disruption, and such) as it is for most people in the USA, we have no need for ransacking our own houses (lost my keys) or ransacking a house 5 thousand miles away (lost our terrorist). The most common psychological responses are not rational. The most common resultant behaviors are also not rational, and often self-defeating. We have to be deliberate enough in our governance to keep track of car keys and terrorists in practiced routine. But we also must designate the appropriate behaviors when we do lose our overestimated "control" of the future (near and far).

Now it's time for me to finish finding the #%$* car keys and get out of here. Where's that damn dog, "go get your collar, it's time to GO!":mad:
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Asking here for answers as to why the world is dominated by crazy people, I've been thinking this subject is at the very center of how pathological leaders leverage their power.

I think this kind of thinking is unproductive. There are no bogeymen, no abnormal, antisocial, pathological, psychopathic sociopaths who do bad things. The desire to separate people into kinds is an old one which prevents most of us from guilt by association. The idea that "people like us" could do "bad things" is resisted so strongly that we build prisons to "keep out" these abnormal products of society. Except that, they are products of the same society. We Have Met the Enemy and He Is Us

PS Manufacturing consent is very good, after you watch it, think how self fulfilling a prophecy it is that you watch it.

I saw this many years ago & it changed my perception of media.

For more profound analysis on media, I encourage reading some Marshall McLuhan (He's Canadian!):
Instead of tending towards a vast Alexandrian library the world has become a computer, an electronic brain, exactly as an infantile piece of science fiction. And as our senses have gone outside us, Big Brother goes inside. So, unless aware of this dynamic, we shall at once move into a phase of panic terrors, exactly befitting a small world of tribal drums, total interdependence, and superimposed co-existence. [...] Terror is the normal state of any oral society, for in it everything affects everything all the time. [...] In our long striving to recover for the Western world a unity of sensibility and of thought and feeling we have no more been prepared to accept the tribal consequences of such unity than we were ready for the fragmentation of the human psyche by print culture.

The Gutenberg Galaxy (1962)
Terror is the normal state of any oral society, for in it everything affects everything all the time...we have no more been prepared to accept the tribal consequences of such unity than we were ready for the fragmentation of the human psyche by print culture

That is an interesting assertion. Has he written more about this? I've never looked at it quite that way before.