Judge Gives Warning To Jeb Bush's Girl


Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
Jeb thinks so highly of the mentoring program in Florida schools that he participates in it. Either he doesn't practice it in his own home, or Noelle is beyond his reach.
ORLANDO, Fla. -- A judge gently chided Gov. Jeb Bush's daughter Friday for missing some court-ordered counseling sessions imposed after she violated drug rehabilitation requirements...

Bush was ordered into treatment after she was arrested a year ago, accused of trying to use a fraudulent prescription to obtain the anti-anxiety drug Xanax. Whitehead has since sent her to jail twice for violating the rules in drug rehab. (Full text here )
The daughter of Zero Tolerance Man gets another break.

I'm sympathetic to Noelle for a very simple reason: We don't choose the family into which we're born. The special treatment the Bush children, in this case Noelle, receive is abominable and terribly unfair, considering how many addicts are currently incarcerated for much lesser offenses - but, this enabling does her no good either. It only allows her to remain sicker longer, and continue to be the family 'scapegoat'.

:m: Peace.
he gives her a warning...again?? :rolleyes: i am not sympathetic to her. she's blowing all her chances to make something of herself...she has no one to blame but herself. (and, goofy...don't you dare make this thread magically disappear..if you know what i mean...;) :p )
He cant, its MINE now:D

(B\W u will find threads like this that wernt getting responces in the news thread at the top of ethics)
Those wacky Bush girls, America's sweethearts, they are. Who knows what they have in store for us next? I bet they'll kill a liquer store owner and then steal a car, and go on a trans continental killing spree the likes of which this generation has never known!