Judeo-Christian Values


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
My reading responce for just health last week was on the former goverments citizanship test and i thought it would be interesting to discuss it here.

the 2 questions we were specifically dealing with was were:

14)Which of the following is australian values?
a)equality between the sex's
b)a fair go
d)all of the above

15)which is the root of the australian values?

a)the koran
b)the Juedo-Christan tradition

Now the answer acording to the goverment is surposed to be all of the above and the Juedo-Christan tradition

the idiocy starts when you think about the fact that inclusion in the political system for women started in Australia in 1902 and didnt come into England (the root of the surposed Juedo-Christan tradition) till something like 1928. the churches didnt start pushing equality till MUCH latter and the catholic church STILL doesnt have equality.
Australian secularism arose out of the Judao Christian tradition, so I cannot see how one could call the former the root. At best is is a part of the trunk emerging from the dirt.
Australian secularism arose out of the Judao Christian tradition, so I cannot see how one could call the former the root. At best is is a part of the trunk emerging from the dirt.

This is true.. the real answer should be D and "none of the above".
I was going to change it but I forgot.
This is true.. the real answer should be D and "none of the above".
I was going to change it but I forgot.
Root seems like a poor word choice to me. A better question might be: The core (or primary) values of Australia are
and then the choices.
but then people tend to answer what they think is most important, though I would guess a good portion of Muslims would not say Islam, knowing quite well that they are to varying degrees outsiders in the culture.

A citizen test like this one is moronic. It should be situation-based and not some idiotic set of questions that train people to simply memorize answers.

Give people situations and ask them what they would do or should do. Then you get a better sense of their values.

A test like this just creates cynicism.

The other kind of test will perhaps inspire antagonism - since those from cultures with different values are put in a very tight spot. But then citizenship tests are, essentially, antagonistic.

In the US the test has often had the question

Who discovered America?

A question my parents had to bite their tongues not to lose points on. They answered incorrectly - by saying Columbus - since they knew this was the mythological patriotic answer.
Jesus Christ, use a spell check or google or wikipedia or something. Judo means something very different than Judeo-Christian.
Why not ? :confused:

Norse tell me what the dispersion of Christianity is according to you..
You asked me a similar question yesterday..

No, but I mean, there is no Christianity in Australia; at least, it's not big.

Hmmm......the dispersion? Well, here in the US everyone is bible crazy.

I don't know about Europe though so that's why I asked you.
No, but I mean, there is no Christianity in Australia; at least, it's not big.

Hmmm......the dispersion? Well, here in the US everyone is bible crazy.

I don't know about Europe though so that's why I asked you.

Ok, but you didn't answer my question about why you asked it (other thread)..

Anyway, since you want to know: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianity#Figures

With a bit of googling I'm sure you will even find numbers and percentages.. :)
Simon Anders the point is however the expressed VALUES are inconcistant with the christan tradition.

As i said equality between the sexs origionates with Australia and then spread (well at least we were the first to give political equality anyway).

The fair go?
umm the churchs kept slaves until quite recently so how is that a fair go? not to mention there atidues to homosexuality

well that one origionates in the bore war, WW1, WW2 ect and has nothing to do with the church. About the only difference between this and the millatry traditions of any other country is that it hasnt become the "flag waving" patrotisum of the US or the blind obediance of Japan and Germany. This could be because the officers our solders fought under wernt even our own, they were all british. Hell my grandfather used to complaine (mum only recently told me about this) that the australian troops wernt even alowed to fight under the Australian flag in WW2
I don't know how many people I've met that don't understand that Judeo-Christian refers to government and not religion...