Judeo Christian Tradition


Registered Member
hello everyone, I am in desperate need of some help! I have to write a paper on the development, the transmission, and the impact of the judeo christian tradition on western culture and british literature. If anybody would be so gracious to reply with your thought on this topic, I would be very pleased, Thanks alot!
An interesting topic might be the myth of a Judeo-Christian tradition, since the ascent of Christianity was, essentially, a Hellenized, Gentile process carried out in contempt of Judaic traditions, at the expense of Judaic traditions, and with the aid of 2000 YEARS OF JEWISH PERSECUTION. Judaic tradition is the Mishna. It is the tradition of the Tannaim, beginning with Bet Shammai and Bet Hillel. This is not to take a position as to which side (if either) was theologicaly correct, but to talk about a common tradition seems revisionist at worst and superficial at best.
I've moved your duplicate thread on this topic to the History forum, DOLIN713. If I had realised it was a repeat, I would have simply deleted it instead. Please do not start repeated threads on the same topic.
ConsequentAtheist said:
An interesting topic might be the myth of a Judeo-Christian tradition, since the ascent of Christianity was, essentially, a Hellenized, Gentile process carried out in contempt of Judaic traditions, at the expense of Judaic traditions, and with the aid of 2000 YEARS OF JEWISH PERSECUTION. Judaic tradition is the Mishna. It is the tradition of the Tannaim, beginning with Bet Shammai and Bet Hillel. This is not to take a position as to which side (if either) was theologicaly correct, but to talk about a common tradition seems revisionist at worst and superficial at best.

I can only smile at your ignorance.

"Contempt of Judaic traditions"?

Are you out of your mind or something? Jesus HIMSELF said that He DID NOT come to destroy the law. In Romans Chapter 1, Paul CLEARLY states that Christians ARE Jews. Read it for yourself. Such uneducated statements! Paul stressed that a Jew is NOT one that is circumcised on the outside, but one that is circumcised on the inside.

NOT to mention the early martyrs were Jews.

Yet somehow the Christians did not have a problem with compiling their version of the old testament even before Judaism had cannonized it!
Yet somehow the Christians did not have a problem with compiling their version of the old testament even before Judaism had cannonized it!
Explain? The Catholic canon was canonized before the Jewish one?
Sorry, I guess I'm mistaken in this, the Jewish Old Testament having been agreed upon in 100AD at the Synod of Jamnia.
Actually, no, e.g., ...
The decisions of the rabbis in the canonical discussions at Jamnia and elsewhere doubtless had some influence in what became orthodox Judaism, for these discussions, together with thousands on a vast array of other subjects, eventually became a part of the Babylonian Talmud and other early rabbinical literature. But no text of any specific decision has come down to us (nor, apparently, even to Akiba and his students). Rather, it appears that a general consensus already existed regarding the extent of the category called Scripture, so that even the author of 4 Ezra, though desiring to add one of his own, was obliged to recognize this consensus in his distinction between public and hidden Scripture.

Rappaccini said:
Well... Jesus wasn't Christian; he was a Jew, through and through.

Well maybe you should read Romans 2:28-29 before reaching conclusions.. ;)

I would type it but it's 4:30 in the morn and I must be off!
ConsequentAtheist said:
I guess it's true: Religion makes strange bedfellows.
M*W: Well, come on over, CA baby! Let's see what strange things we can conjur up!
Heres a couple....

Positive Christian Influences:

* Protestant work ethics. Precursor to capitalism.
* Religious holidays like Christmas & Holy week.
* Christian unity. United against common enemies (muslims). United on common goals (evangelization of pagans).
* Diversification (because of various christian sects). Precursor to multiculturalism.

Negative Christian Influences:

* Anti-semitism

Now I dont know how judaism influenced the west but the Jews were hardworking and creative people and made many non-religious contributions to society through science & economy.
DoctorNO said:
Heres a couple....
Negative Christian Influences:

* Anti-semitism

Now I dont know how judaism influenced the west but the Jews were hardworking and creative people and made many non-religious contributions to society through science & economy.

I would also advise you to do the same, I have never had any anti-semitic viewpoints. It is extremely inane for people of this board to embrace broad generalization and say that Christians are anti-semitic.

Absolutely ridiculous! If Jesus did NOT die, we would NOT be saved, why then should we be ANGRY that our Lord and Savior was crucified on the cross?

Why exactly do you think the apostle Paul only wished to boast in the cross of Christ? THINK before you say something, and at least READ what the Bible has to say:

Well maybe you should read Romans 2:28-29 before reaching conclusions..
§outh§tar said:
Well maybe you should read Romans 2:28-29 before reaching conclusions..

I've now read them.

Those verses change nothing.
Jesus was a Jew, not a Christian.