Judas, the hero


As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member
Call me dumb, but here is the other thing I don't understand about the whole Eastern story:

So according to divine plan, Jesus has to be caught and sacrificed, right? Thus there is martyrdom, salvation, and eastern eggs.

So the biggest HELPER of the plan is Judas, who helps the authorities to catch Jesus, thus the mission can be accomplished, and we can all rejoice 2000 years later. Imagine the horror of Jesus dying of old age! :eek:

Then why is Judas hated as the ultimate traitor in Christian circles? He should be celebrated and given a Saint status, at least...

Any intelligent response would be greatly appreciated...
the logic falls before this incident...the logic falls at the first words of bible were world was created in 7 days...

You are such a Nihilist.


The idea is that it was regretable nonetheless.
According to the Gospel of Judas (one of the so-called Gnostic Gospels) he was actually the preferred of the Apostles, and was why Jesus/God chose him above all others to be the one to do the deed - supposedly sacrificing all he had for the greater good.

Also - if you look at the chronological order of the 4 Gospels in the Bible:
- Mark's was first - and didn't mention Judas by name.
- Luke and Matthew were next - and while mentioned by name there was little animosity - more just something he did.
- John was last - and written with some significant anti-jewish sentiment. As the name Jew and Judas have the same roots in the Greek, Roman etc, the Gospel of John goes to town on villifying Judas - going so far as to saying he was Satan (or that Satan entered him).
Call me dumb, but here is the other thing I don't understand about the whole Eastern story:

So according to divine plan, Jesus has to be caught and sacrificed, right? Thus there is martyrdom, salvation, and eastern eggs.

So the biggest HELPER of the plan is Judas, who helps the authorities to catch Jesus, thus the mission can be accomplished, and we can all rejoice 2000 years later. Imagine the horror of Jesus dying of old age! :eek:

Then why is Judas hated as the ultimate traitor in Christian circles? He should be celebrated and given a Saint status, at least...

Any intelligent response would be greatly appreciated...

The action of Judas was used by God to fulfil His plan, But Judas did not do what He did out of the desire to assist God in fulfilling His plan. Judas did what he did out of a desire for material gain.

God has thought history used the evil schemes of men in His plan. He both uses their actions and intents to catch them in their own cunning and serve His purpose.

I am quite sure that God did not need the actions of Judas to bring about the crucifixion of the Messiah Jesus. The jewish religious authorities where hell bent on getting rid of Him one way or the other. Judas chose to work himself into their plans by betraying Jesus.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
It was predicted that Jesus would be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver which eventually would be used for graves for poor foreigners.
Please provide details of this prediction: i.e. name of predictor, the actual prediction, date predicted (rough) etc.
everybody is the hero in his own story I supose. I've found out that the bible makes little sence. You don't go betraying people for financial gain and then go kill yourself before you spend and lost the money.

The reel killer's proberly the catholic church altough theve made quit a lot less mess then the quran.
The action of Judas was used by God to fulfil His plan, But Judas did not do what He did out of the desire to assist God in fulfilling His plan.
Haaaahahahahaha ... free will anyone :)

Yeah, Judas was a the most trusted and in a since he was Jesus's hero. Basically, Judas was asked by Jesus to look as if he betray him. Whcih would have been a hard thing for any person to do anyway.

So yes, Judas the Hero is probably a little more closer to the Allegoric truth - whatever that was.