Judas the Anti-christ Hero

Leo Volont

Registered Senior Member
Judas the Anti-Christ’s Hero

I read in the Newspaper today that a new Dead Sea Scroll was found – the Gospel of Judas, a 3rd Century Coptic Text translated from an earlier Greek Edition. Its intent was to depict Christ discreetly telling Judas that he was really the favorite, as he would be most instrumental in facilitating the Redemptive Sacrifice.

Now, let’s review. The Real Gospels tell us that Christ had strenuously prayed to be delivered from arrest and execution. We have Christ lamenting his own capture and torture – “Father, why hast Thou forsaken me”. Only the Gospel of John, written in the 2nd Century by a Paulist Greek, supposes that Christ had foreknowledge of his Crucifixion and somehow approved of it. But the general direction of the Synoptic gospels (Mark, Luke and Mathew that say about the same thing and keep about the same timeline, and of which the experts conclude that they are a mix of two distinct primary sources) is that Christ had come to set up a Messianic Kingdom and to instruct upon Righteousness and to warn of a coming Judgment. There was nothing about a Suicidal Sacrifice so that Humanity could then sin for free forever after. But that was what Paul would teach and it would be that Teaching, beyond any reference to anything Christ had taught, that would become the pillar and focus of Christian Doctrine.

Well, the Prophet Simeon in the 2nd Chapter of Mathew warned, with his dying breath, the last Prophecy (by the way) that would come from the Hebraic Tradition of Prophecy, that “Christ would be contradicted”. And Christ Himself gave the Three Warnings: that the Wheat would be mixed with Weeds, that there would be a Wide Way of Destruction, and that a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing would come with a False Teaching. All the Protestant Paulists who swear up and down on the Bible have conveniently ignored these passages, and it seems when they say that the Bible is the Word of God, they intend that to refer only to the Letters of Paul.

It is some measure of the twisted and perverted Theology of Paulist Salvation Doctrine, supposing as its basis that the Murder of Christ was a positive development, that it would somehow logically follow that Judas could then be considered the Foremost Hero of all the Apostles. In the World of the Antichrist it is a scheming Traitor that becomes the First in Heaven. This absurd but logical progression of Theology should serve to finally instruct both Catholic and Protestant on the extreme Error involved in believing even a single word of Paul, let alone canonizing all of his ridiculous 14 letters.

Oh, and since there may be somebody idiotic enough to suppose the Gospel of Judas may be in any way true, maybe I really do need to point out that Judas had hung himself, and therefore was in no condition to leave behind a memoir.
3 different descriptions of judas' death.
count them. 1. 2. 3.

why would we believe other negative attributes assigned to him, if the manner of his death couldnt even be accurately portrayed?

i tend to believe logic, not superstitious "boogeyman" scriptures like the entire "antichrist" doctrine. nowhere does jesus say that a dude is gonna come and do the things the antichrist is supposed to do.
as much as i cannotstand Pulinemyth which denigrates the flesh and sexand woman etc....i CA ee what he wasplaying AT

ie., to amalgamize Jew ad Gentile by using rthe very ancient pgan motif of 'sacrifice' of a 'god'man'------this aceint idea i complex and assciciative which the pauline christians literalized

in its essence, the SACRIFICE is of the Sun, the son/lover/consort of the Gddess, eg Nature in its cycles, AND most importantly , the sacrament!....the psychedelid fruit. understand that tis fruit IS sacrficed. plucked fom earth and ingested by celebrant and then tis 'plant' which was also 'god of Nature' is 'resurrected'.....understand?...ie te sacramental-eter wo has ingested loses 'hirself' and is then 'possessed' by the 'god'

if we are trying to understand mythic role of Judas, Dan Russell explains in his book, Shamanism and the Drug Propaganda: [undertand that many of te Christian motifs were appropriated from Orphism and also myth of Dionysos] "The pharmakon, Dionysos, was the herb eaten, sacrificed to satisfy the soul. The pharmakos, Pentheus, the herb's mythic double, altavistically, psychologically, identified with the herb, became the scapegoat sacrificed to satisfy the community, once the pharmakon was prohibited, once the community was donvinced that healing and rebirth were secondhand, not entheogenic, not sacramental, but sacrfical, political.
The psychological transition was simultaneouosly political, religious and medical--none of the elements ca be separated from one anoter.......The pharmakos, the offical scapegoat identified with te pharmakon - the Slave, the Judas, the Witch, the Nigger a perfect pharmakos, embodying, historically, a close connction to tribal culture)-became the living example of what happens to practitioners of te now prohibited shamanism. The emotive meaning, the archetypal apprehension of te originary shamanic imagery is INTENTIONALLY used against itself by the fascist high priesthood, the industrial state.."