Judaism Christianity Islam


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Whoever thinks that all these religions are true is bs. They all Contradict eachother Judaism Says Jesus wasnt Gods Son but merely a Good Prophet, Christianity Says Jesus was the Son of God, Islam says Christ was a good prophet. But Jesus DID claim he was the son of God so how would that make him a good prophet in Judaism or Islam if he claimed to be Gods son! He would be a liar! Therefore only one could be possibly true!
Akottens: Whoever thinks that all these religions are true is bs. They all Contradict eachother Judaism Says Jesus wasnt Gods Son but merely a Good Prophet, Christianity Says Jesus was the Son of God, Islam says Christ was a good prophet. But Jesus DID claim he was the son of God so how would that make him a good prophet in Judaism or Islam if he claimed to be Gods son! He would be a liar! Therefore only one could be possibly true!
M*W: Welcome to sciforums, Akottens! None of these religions are "true," that'w why they contradict.

Jesus, himself, never claimed or said anything. Everything Paul quoted Jesus having said was a lie. Paul never new Jesus. But, it gets deeper. Jesus never existed, and possibly neither did Paul. The latest research on these biblical characters concludes they may have been invented by the Caesars in order to control the masses when their funds ran out to pay their armies to control them.

Judaism and Islam came out of Egypt but retained their Egyptian heritage. In their early days, they were polytheistic. Abraham was polytheistic (if he existed), and it's highly doubtful.

So, what am I getting at? All religions are man-made and have no real divinity. Ancient humans feared and awed the sun, stars, planets and elements, and created stories around those sky gods. The stories changed with the movements of the planets, and new myths were created and their names were changed. There is really no such thing as religion except in the minds of the spiritually needy.

Therefore only one could be possibly true!
Or more probably none of them since there is no verifiable historical record for a Jesus.
medicine woman has put things better than i could ever put. that is what i will go with, and it makes sense.
The first half or so of the Old Testament is quite different from the later half. Basically, the war-like god of the ancient Jews started to calm down and even began to promise a "saviour".

The Christians built on this in the New Testament and produced Jesus.

The backward, tribalistic Arab traders saw the commercial and political success of the Christians and the later Jews and invented Islam to eradicate tribalism.

Some "scholars" came along, edited the Qur'an, and took over Islam.

So there we have it in a nutshell. All three worship different gods as befits their mood. Why bother with any of them!
And yet they all converge at one thing - that there is a God. Interesting how they know this God to have created all yet is exclusive to only a special few.
Belief, by definition, is the absence of proof.

If I choose to believe that little green aliens live under my bed, then so be it. If others choose to believe in a deity, then again, so be it.

Akottens said:
Whoever thinks that all these religions are true is bs. They all Contradict eachother Judaism Says Jesus wasnt Gods Son but merely a Good Prophet, Christianity Says Jesus was the Son of God, Islam says Christ was a good prophet. But Jesus DID claim he was the son of God so how would that make him a good prophet in Judaism or Islam if he claimed to be Gods son! He would be a liar! Therefore only one could be possibly true!

CS Lewis said if the the bible is true, Jesus is either God, a liar or a lunatic.

I would argue that Jesus is both a liar and a lunatic. He said he was going to return in his disciple's life time in Matthew 24 but he lied.

He cursed the fig tree for not producing fruit when it was out of season. That makes him a lunatic.
M*W: Welcome to sciforums, Akottens! None of these religions are "true," that'w why they contradict.

Jesus, himself, never claimed or said anything. Everything Paul quoted Jesus having said was a lie. Paul never new Jesus. But, it gets deeper. Jesus never existed, and possibly neither did Paul. The latest research on these biblical characters concludes they may have been invented by the Caesars in order to control the masses when their funds ran out to pay their armies to control them.
M*W: Archeological/scientific/biblical research:

The Mythmaker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity, by Hyam Maccoby.

Caesar's Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Christianity, by Joseph Atwill

Judaism and Islam came out of Egypt but retained their Egyptian heritage. In their early days, they were polytheistic. Abraham was polytheistic (if he existed), and it's highly doubtful.

So, what am I getting at? All religions are man-made and have no real divinity. Ancient humans feared and awed the sun, stars, planets and elements, and created stories around those sky gods. The stories changed with the movements of the planets, and new myths were created and their names were changed. There is really no such thing as religion except in the minds of the spiritually needy.
M*W: More references:

The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold, by Acharya S

Jesus Christ, Sun of God: Ancient Cosmology and Early Christian Symbolism, by David Fideler

The Hero With A Thousand Faces, by Joseph Campbell

Moses and Akhenaten: The Secret History of Egypt at the Time of the Exodus, by Ahmed Osman
Akottens said:
Whoever thinks that all these religions are true is bs. They all Contradict eachother Judaism Says Jesus wasnt Gods Son but merely a Good Prophet, Christianity Says Jesus was the Son of God, Islam says Christ was a good prophet. But Jesus DID claim he was the son of God so how would that make him a good prophet in Judaism or Islam if he claimed to be Gods son! He would be a liar! Therefore only one could be possibly true!

Well actually these three religions contradicting each other doesn't mean that EVERYTHING is false about them. Much of the teachings are very very much the same of these three religions. But you brought out the question about Jesus's prophethood, or divinity.

ALL three SCRIPTURES agree that Jesus was a prophet. Now I am stressing on "Scripture" meaning Jews (Old Testament), Christian (New Testament), Muslim (Quran). What the people or followers of these religions do or say or believe doesn't really matter, because the source of the religions are these scriptures.

No Where and I DO mean NOWHERE in the Bible does Jesus himself claim to be God, on the contrary he claims to be a servent, who has a God of his own. The Jewish scriptures give prophesies which are completely fulfilled by Jesus, and he was a prophet. All the time Jesus LIVED he doesn't say he is God. A dream or whatever, possibly, like Paul had in that it is possible. But dreams as such don't hold as much weight as the person's saying when he was living.

According to the beliefs of the followers of these religions, then YES they do contradict. But looked at the scripture they agree COMPLETELY about the concept of Jesus being a prophet and nothing more.

But yes there are other teachings which contradict each other, but them contradicting each other doesn't mean that all are wrong. It is like saying that I claim 2+2=4 but someone says 5, we both are contradicting, but it doesn't mean we both are wrong, because as we know 4 is the correct answer.

Peace be unto you :)