Joyce Myer


Joyce Myer

I know this sounds weird coming from an agnostic, but I really like listening to this lady when she's on TV. While she is a minister and does, obviously, preach Christianity; her messages are always down-to-earth. She doesn't deliver snake-handling, fire-and-brimstone speeches a lot of preachers do. She talks about real life and how to cope with life's difficulties.

Anybody else ever listen to her?

It's Meyer, and yes, we get her, Benny Hinn (a bit of a chuckle is he), various local bible-thumpers and Islamic imams, an Indian Christian guy, Yogis, Bahai - all on free-to-air (lucky us).

She certainly sticks to her storyline; I get a little nonplussed by the vehemence, the certainty that isn't actually there, the inability of most of these "preachers" of any description to look people (or the camera) in the eye. When people say forceful things while they're looking away, somehow it loses its punch.

I notice the Bahai and the Yogis aren't anywhere near as adamant or strident. Old pastor Benny is a riot, though, a real belly-laugh.
Sounds like Joel Osteen
S.A.M.: I was listening to the "Bible Answer Man" yesterday & what was said about JO & JM, is that they are both cultic, following a form of heresy that basically says that "words" are power (magic), that faith makes us wealthy & healthy (so if we are sick & poor, we don't have enough faith)

that we are all "gods"
with phrases like;
cattle reproduces cattle,
dogs reproduce dogs,
therefore God must reproduce "gods"?
You know who gives a really good sermon? Joseph Prince. Total con artist, but he definitely knows how to talk to his congregation.
They're all con artists.
M*W: So true, but I'm an atheist and even I like listening to her preach. She sometimes has pretty good advice that everybody should need to know. However, I don't like any of those televangelists pretending to be righteous. They are all about donations. I usually flip the channel about that time. At least some of the time, JM is a good speaker, and she talks about everyday kinds of things in all walks of life.

I will tell you this. I used to watch Jimmy Swaggart just to see him cry.