

God is a Chinese Whisper
Valued Senior Member
I wrote this a while back.
It is called "Journey".
I was curious what people think of it.
Any comments?
Nine years it took me to find the mountain, and nineteen days to climb it.

I had to find him. The Omniscient One.

When I did reach the top I saw him sitting there. Sitting upon a log. Saying he looked as if he belonged there would be an understatement. It was so much more than him being in his place. This place was in him.

I walked toward him, removed my pack, lowered myself to my knees before him and sat on the heels of my feet. As I gazed into his eyes, I saw, at once, the exuberance of youth and all the wisdom of the earth I knelt upon itself. I knew I had found myself in front of the man I had searched for for nine years, and dreamt of for many more.

I spoke first. "Is it all true? All they say about you?"

"Well," he replied with a smile, "that would all depend on what you have heard. Wouldn't it?"

I smiled sheepishly. Embarassed for the silly question.

He continued, "I have been on this earth for many years, and I have seen much to tell in those years. I have shared a loaf of bread with Jesus. I know who his true father is. I know of the origin, nature and inevitable end of man. I know if your God exists. Or if he does not. Socrates was a pupil of mine. Or shall I say a pupil of mind? I have spoken with Nostradamus. I spoke with Dante after he wrote of his Inferno, and told him if he was right or wrong. I can tell you if Earth is Heaven or Heaven is Earth or if neither truly exist. I can tell you the only way to judge the true nature of any being you come across. I know of the soul. I know exactly what happens to it when your body expires. I have been to every land you have seen, and many that you have not. I know every star by name. Not its name given by man. Its name given by nature. I personally know Mother nature. And I have known all of her children. I know all of man's secrets, many he has yet to learn and some he will never know. I know the secret of immortality"

He placed his hand on my cheek. It felt as soft as a butterfly's wing, but it had a warmth and substance that can not be mistaken.

"I look into your eyes, my child, and see thirst." He spoke with an honesty and clarity I have never known. "I see a pure unadulterated thirst for knowledge. You have dedicated your life to quenching this thirst. I see a hunger for wisdom. I see that you do know that wisdom can not be taught, wisdom can not be learned, wisdom must be acquired. I see an innocence of spirit, a purity of soul, which unfortunately, I do not see often enough. Most who have sought me have not done so for guidance, for knowledge, for all I can offer. Most come to me with a question, or sometimes several. 'Does God exist?' 'What is the secret to eternal youth?' 'How does one find hapiness?' You come to me a vessel. You come to me with an open mind free of all assumptions. A mind longing to be filled. A soul which only seeks truth because it requires truth, and only truth to survive. A spirit which is driven by the very need for expansion and learning. You come to me pure. I will take you in. I will fill your mind, feed your soul nourish your spirit. I offer my home, my food, my years and, in all likelihood, many of my tears to you. You may stay here with me for as long as it takes to acquire all that I know. Even if that takes a lifetime. Even if you do choose iommortality, and that lifetime spans an eternity. I Offer you all that I have, including myself."

We both remain silent, comfortable in our situation, enjoying the silence, pleased with finding each other.

"First, my son, you should rest. Any mind, even if that mind be as open and pure as yours, if weary, closes. We shall begin in the morning. Beyond that tree is a bucket with water. You may use that to clean yourself up." He handed me a jug. "You may drink from the water in this. Beside my bed, there is a bowl with fruit, leaves and berries. Next to that bowl is an empty bowl. Please partake in as much refreshment as you require, but no more than that. Your body needs nourishment, no body needs excess. Sleep well."

I stood, picked up my pack and walk towards the tree. I placed my pack on the ground to remove and unroll my sleeping bag.

I washed my hands, feet and face, added some berries to my bowl and rested my body and mind for the evening.

I rose with the Sun feeling fresh and well rested. I walked over to the edge of the mountain and sat on a rock to watch the Sun rise. What I witnessed that morning was like no sunrise you have ever even read of in a book. I know this because to try and describe the heavenly beauty that I had seen that morning with simple ugly words which were invented by man, would be nothing short of a travesty. Beauty that is not only seen. Beauty that is felt. Beauty that is tasted. Beauty that is experienced. A beauty so completely consuming, your heart could forget to beat.

I felt that I had encumbered my rock for long enough, so I walked back towards the place I rested my weary bones the night before. The Omniscient One was already perched upon his familiar log. I placed a handful of berries in my mouth, filled my canteen with the water from the jug, rolled up my sleeping bag and placed my pack on my back once again. I knelt before him, just as I had the prior evening. Again, I spoke first.

"I must be going now. There aren't enough words in man's vocabulary to express my appreciation, but I am certain that you are aware of how thankful I am so I will not belabor the point. 'Thank You' is all I will say. And 'Good Bye'"

"Good Bye?" He was puzzled. "I thought we would begin our talks today."

"This was the first stop of many in the journey I have chosen. The journey that I will continue on until the last day that I am blessed enough to spend on this Earth."

"You came seeking knowledge. Did you not? You are not complete as a man without the search for complete knowledge and truth. It is not simply a quest. For you it is a necessity for survival. You require it to sustain life. No less than you require oxygen, water, food. I am offering you this knowledge. Why do you refuse it?" He almost seemed to be mourning, but there was a distinct look of disappointment in his eyes.

I placed my hand upon his cheek this time. "I sought you for all these years, my whole life really. This, as I said, has been the first of many stops on my journey. Without first meeting you, my journey could never truly begin. You have already given me all the knowledge that I came to you in search of. I needed only to know that the answers exist. Now the journey begins. I will go find those answers. I must go acquire wisdom. Thank you."

My hand was still resting on his cheek. He placed his hand on top of mine and smiled. He used my hand to wipe a tear from his cheek. "No. Thank YOU."

I began to walk back down the mountain. I turned around before I lost sight of him forever, "One last question, if you don't mind that is."

"Of course, my son. Anything you wish."

"What is your name?"
Absolutly beautifull one_raven. thank you for sharing that. Would it be alright with you if I print it?
Beauty to be tasted, experienced.. wisdom to be acquired.. nice theme. I liked your musings.

But it is difficult to see Him than acquiring wisdom..! U must be in ur early/mid twenties, am i right ? Do u realise nothing can be weighed, even wisdom, beauty etc, above Him. U oversimplified Him. Youth, i presume. A few more years enough for u. All the best, u romantic fool..! Keep posting..! U move our heart :m:
Originally posted by Taken
Absolutly beautifull one_raven. thank you for sharing that. Would it be alright with you if I print it?

Thank you.
Not a problem if you want to print it.
I take it as a big compliment.

Originally posted by everneo
Beauty to be tasted, experienced.. wisdom to be acquired.. nice theme. I liked your musings.

But it is difficult to see Him than acquiring wisdom..! U must be in ur early/mid twenties, am i right ? Do u realise nothing can be weighed, even wisdom, beauty etc, above Him. U oversimplified Him. Youth, i presume. A few more years enough for u. All the best, u romantic fool..! Keep posting..! U move our heart :m:

Actually, I am 31, and have been studying religion, philosophy and meditation since grade school.
I think maybe you assumed "He" is God.

Thank you for complimets.
that was one of the better pieces of writting I've seen in a long time.........thank you for sharing that with us!

I especially like how everyone can decide who "He" is for themselves according to their own belief.

once again, thank you
im sorry raven.. interestin piece of writing, but this kinda writing really irks me with all the flowery ish sprinkled all over it... i see it as sugarcoated pills...