Joseph Smith was an Occasional Drinker.


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The main reason I am posting this is because I have been requested to leave the home I am living in due to alcohol. My parents are LDS, yet through documented information I have found proof that Joseph Smith had a drink every now and then.

I'm going to present the paper to them with all of it's listed sources. Will they want me to leave after reading these truths about their supposed first prophet?

Still, I will suggest that they continue not drinking EVER, but that I should not be requested to leave the home based on alcohol. Perhaps I should request that they leave due to hypocrisy?

Besides, home brewing is more healthy when the brewing instructions are exactly followed.

What an outrage!
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Yes Joseph Smith did drink but that was before his revelation on the Words of Wisdom doctrine. So putting your evidence before your parents will do nothing for your case. Trying to convince your parents that their religion is wrong, is not going to breed any good will between you and them either. It will only make the problem worse.

I don't know how old you are, or how much you drink. Drinking can become an addiction. I trust you are not addicted. And if you are not, I suggest that while you live under your parents roof you should obey their rules. You need to decide how much is your drinking worth to you. If you have an irresistable need to drink, then you have a medical problem that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. I would suggest seeing your bishop as well.

If you don't like your parents rules, then get the best solution is to get a job and find your own place. But whatever you do, no not attack their religion because you are going to loose no mater how right you think you are. My advice to you is to accept your parents for who they are, forgive them for their transgressions and faults, respect them and their beliefs and live your own life.

I have seen many lives ruined by addictions and drinking, please do not add yours to the list. Drinking is an option not a right nor a requirement.
Good advice joepistole.

This boils down to my severe back injury. Beer reduces my back pain so much it is near impossible to resist. On the other hand, I do think it a better sollution than taking some super addictive pain killers. + Tons of jobs around here require heavy lifting....

A yoga class would be nice.
Diode Man there is not much difference between an addiction to prescription pain killers and alcohol. Both substances can be destructive when they become over used. I suggest working on the causes of the pain and maybe with a pain specialist. The church, and your bishop, may be of some assistance with this as well. There are alternatives to prescription drugs for pain management, I believe they are working on electronic devices pain managment. I know chronic pain and disability is not an easy thing to endure for anyone, you or your parents and family.

I wish you the best, medical afflictions can be a real challenge. But I am sure you have people, a lot of people, on your side and willing to help. And you can inspire them with your actions, by being brave and doing what you know needs to be done.
Mod Hat:

Moving this to EM&J.

Nothing of Philosophical import here...

I agree. If you aren't 21, its illegal for you to drink and your folks could get into trouble. If you are over 21, move out.

"Move out" is easier said than done. Most slave labor jobs here in Utah are in restaurants and pay about $7.15 an hour. Thats just enough money to buy some f***ing toilet paper.

Were my spine not compacted so severly I would get a job doing construction, getting maybe 10 or 11 per hour. I suppose I'll wait on those student grants to come in eh?
"Move out" is easier said than done. Most slave labor jobs here in Utah are in restaurants and pay about $7.15 an hour. Thats just enough money to buy some f***ing toilet paper.

Were my spine not compacted so severly I would get a job doing construction, getting maybe 10 or 11 per hour. I suppose I'll wait on those student grants to come in eh?

I raised a son on $8 an hr. If you have enough money for booze....
The main reason I am posting this is because I have been requested to leave the home I am living in due to alcohol. My parents are LDS, yet through documented information I have found proof that Joseph Smith had a drink every now and then.

If I read you correct, your parents are far more concerned about their cult than they are their own son, and are asking you to leave in favor of their cult?

I just love religion, don't you? It makes the world go round and round and round and round...

... till you get dizzy and start throwing up.
The main reason I am posting this is because I have been requested to leave the home I am living in due to alcohol. My parents are LDS, yet through documented information I have found proof that Joseph Smith had a drink every now and then.

I'm going to present the paper to them with all of it's listed sources. Will they want me to leave after reading these truths about their supposed first prophet?

Still, I will suggest that they continue not drinking EVER, but that I should not be requested to leave the home based on alcohol. Perhaps I should request that they leave due to hypocrisy?

Besides, home brewing is more healthy when the brewing instructions are exactly followed.

What an outrage!
M*W: I don't know how old you are, but are your parents kicking you out of their home? Could there possibly be a reason other than your alcohol consumption? Isn't it custom for FLDS to abandon their sons at puberty? I think you are doing the best thing by presenting them with 'evidence' on your behalf. Good luck with your effort.
Joe was an unrepentant philanderer, con man and without a doubt he drank and stole the "book of Morman."

But don't expect some one brain dead enough to believe LDS to be able to understand any of that.

If your back is bothering you there are things you can take less damaging than alcohol.

Also it sounds like you need to pick up a sit down job which means at least some kind of associate's degree or certification, which means hanging with you parents for a bit more.

Instead of worrying about your parents insanity, think about what you need to do to take care of yourself.
Unfortunately a lot of folks are letting their religious bias interfer with good judgement.

First, Diode-Mans family is LDS not FLDS...there is a difference. And it is not customary for LDS parents to abandon their male children at puberty. There appears to be a lot of misunderstanding about the LDS church. LDS members are intensely family oriented now and in the after life.
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How do you know they're family oriented in the afterlife?

Are you asking if there is an afterlife? If so that is a different thread. LDS folks believe that they will be together in the afterlife as long as they live good LDS lives...follow doctrine and worship God as the church prescribes.
Drinking is a right. And fuck anybody that says otherwise. Who are you, the fucking Taliban?

1. Not if you are under 21.
2. Not if you live in someone else's house and they forbid it.(or everywhere else forbidden)

Fuck you too!

As about kids living at home, you better follow the rules as stupid as they might be, or leave...
1. Not if you are under 21.

21, where did you pluck that number from? Oh, the Taliban controlled USA. Other places have other ages, you know, and some, have none, and haven't slipped into chaos.

2. Not if you live in someone else's house and they forbid it.(or everywhere else forbidden)

Then do it in secret. I doubt he masturbates in front of them, so he should manage a drink on the sly too.

Fuck you too!

Fuck the Taliban/oppressors of freedom/teetotal brigade who try to foist their insecurities onto others, actually.
Drinking is stupid. If he is going to get intoxocated on the sly there are much more fun substances that don't chew up your liver.

What ever "lds" is (don't do the brown lds), its obvious his parents aren't family oriented.

Self medicating with alcohol is doubly stupid.

Baclofen is as effective as diazepam in reducing spasticity and it has about zero side effects and isn't particularly sedating at this dose level. As with any CNS depressant taper off after long term use to avoid withdrawal and no, it ain't fun in higher doses.

"A very beneficial property of baclofen is that tolerance does not seem to occur to any significant degree in that baclofen retains its therapeutic anti-spasmodic effects even after many years of chronic use."

Its not listed as a drug in the states so you have to order it from overseas, but its about dirt cheap and because it isn't listed here you don't need a prescription.