Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda - The second coming of Jesus has arrived


Registered Senior Member
Did anyone see this thing on ABC about this Rican who claims to be Jesus? LLLLOOOOLLLL!!!!!! I guess that settles the "How hard is it to start a new religion" thread. This guy is such a joke. And the people follow him and give him money are even more of a joke. He claimed on national TV that he is the second coming of Jesus and that there is no such thing as sin. One rich guy has donated $2 million to him.

For those who didn't see it on TV, check this link out:
Did anyone see this thing on ABC about this Rican who claims to be Jesus? LLLLOOOOLLLL!!!!!! I guess that settles the "How hard is it to start a new religion" thread. This guy is such a joke. And the people follow him and give him money are even more of a joke. He claimed on national TV that he is the second coming of Jesus and that there is no such thing as sin. One rich guy has donated $2 million to him.

For those who didn't see it on TV, check this link out:

M*W: President Abraham Lincoln said it best: "If you once forfeit the confidence of your fellow citizens, you can never regain their respect and esteem. It is true that you may fool all of the people some of the time; you can even fool some of the people all of the time; but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time."

Then a rival of P.T.Barnham said, "A sucker is born every minute."

I saw that piece about Jose Miranda, and made a comment... I said, "he's just another Jim Jones." Lo and behold, the next segment compared him to Jim Jones. Jose Miranda is a lunatic. His followers are fools.
he needs to be read his rights,

and locked away.
Saying to be Jesus is more common than that...

There are more living Jesuses than that :eek:

There 's also a Russian clothing in white tunique, Jesus-beard all inclusive, preaching.
Maybe all these self-declared Jesuses should be invited to a public religious meeting where they could freely dispute their arguments and maybe "proofs" for being Jesus, and then could agree on who will be declared best 2nd incarnation of Jesus. If no agreement, then the public could vote which one is the real Jesus.:)