John Milton's Paradise Lost and Samson Agonistes


Registered Member
I hope that this thread is acceptable in this category. I was going to post it in Arts & Culture, which is where threads dealing with literature are supposedly posted; yet, it seems that it is more of a place to discuss pop culture and favorite pizza toppings.
Anyway, I would like to start a thread that discusses John Milton's Paradise Lost and Samson Agonistes. These two works challenge, or at least discuss, Christian doctrine. I am also interested in discussing other works of literature that address different religions creatively. :)
I've read Paradise Lost, and tried Paradise Regained (it was a bit of an anticlimax), but not Samson. What would you like to discuss? Their literary liberties or their theology?
The two most interesting books on Milton i know are William Blake's epic poem, Milton and Sir William Empson's Milton's God, which also points out the flaws in abrahamic monotheism.
Samson Agonistes is an admirable work,which is also interesting as the inspirer of Gerard Manley Hopkins's Sprung Rhythm