John Frumians


Valued Senior Member
John Frum day

To be a John Frumian one simply needs to believe that John Frum died for your sins and accept John into your heart.

To be a John Frumian one needs to simply acknowledge that the is only one God and John Frum was his Last Prophet.


I know this may seem kind of funny but people really do worship John Frum really and, in all honesty, the evidence is exactly equal for John Frum being God's son, or God's last Prophet, as there is for Jesus and Mohamed in their respective myths. I also noted that the movement similarly rings of nationalism during a time of oppression.

Just some thoughts,
Did you read the part where the Christian mocked them for their irrational fairytale-like belief :bugeye:



Your beliefs are ridiculous, everyone knows the only way to salvation is through Goatonapole!
"Goatonapole" The philosophy of being that holds that there is a Goat and a Pole and that the Goat is on the Pole...

Very interesting indeed ...
So We'll Meet Again....

I don't know why (perhaps it's Satan ;) but each time I look at those series of Pic, Jesus ---> Mohammed ---> and then "John Frum" I just crack up.

LOL! Hahahaaahaaa!

It's just too damn goatonapole obviously funny :p

It's like there is a subconscious "ridiculous alert" is slowly building up and exploding as a laugh by the time The Prophet Frum announces his return!