John Edwards takes drugs!?!


Registered Senior Member

Crossing over with John Edwards. Ever see it?

I have on many accounts, like many other atheists, argued that there is no scientific proof of another level of existence. Well, this show proves that there is this alternate reality that theist are so confident in, no? I mean, his abilities must be real, its been under too much scrutiny! Isnt this something science must investigate to the fullest?!?

BTW, John Edwards can speak to your dead family and friends...

Look, Ill be honest. This is scary. If the afterlife exists as the "tricks" of this man proves. Then, well, there is substantial grounds for all religions, as they all have a common claim wich is life after death. How can the conept of god, however misunderstood, then be so utterly wrong?!?

Please, elaborate on your opinions and lets discuss!!! Maybe a scientific explanation? Granted, this is the unknown wich doesnt by default prove "god". But still...
I beg to differ...

Maybe he is vague, but incorrect?!? It doesnt seem to me incorrect. I mean, are you saying he has no real ability at all?? Could anyone star in a show like this? It sounds too credible. I was at first very skeptical, but he cant be guessing all the time, can he? Come on. Isnt this proof?
Maybe he is vague, but incorrect?!? It doesnt seem to me incorrect. I mean, are you saying he has no real ability at all?? Could anyone star in a show like this? It sounds too credible. I was at first very skeptical, but he cant be guessing all the time, can he? Come on. Isnt this proof?
There have been many con-artist with similar stunts. The sci-fi channel doesn't endorse the validity of him. They only care about ratings. Now if he is honestly not trying to decieve, then I believe that he is communicating with demons.
Look it up on the net, Sputnik. What he does is called "Cold Reading."

He could say "Does november hold any significance?" and have a great chance of being right, because somebody's birthday could be in november, the loved one could have died in november, and of course, Thanksgiving is in that month.

And there are written testimony on the internet and other places that say he actually mics the crowd and listens to them before the show. And, the program never shows him being wrong. Which he is. Plenty of times.

"Now if he is honestly not trying to decieve, then I believe that he is communicating with demons."

Why would it be demons, and not angels? (Scripure, I take it)

So you believe in God. Still, wouldnt you grab the chance to prove to us atheists via science that another realm exists?!? I mean this is supposedly physical manifestations of dead people through this guy. The validity of this is measurable and science can work with it. How does he know what the name of this guys pet is, or what disease this guy had before he died...

Im confused...:confused: :bugeye: :eek:
Still, wouldnt you grab the chance to prove to us atheists via science that another realm exists?
Not if it's false.

Most of the voices that one hears are either demons or a sign of schizophrenia. Demons can take the voice of yourself, family members etc. They also occasionally follow someone around so it is not suprising that they may be able to read someones dispair. They can also speak in an inner voice directly to one person. If he is genuine this is surely how he is communicating with the dead. Though I agree with JDawg on this one. He's not genuine.
Thats was one of the best episodes of southpark and they really closed the book on that fraud.
Its so ridiculous, You know how he'll say something like "they want me to recognise a rose or some kind of flower"? why would dead people say to john edwards "a rose", its patheticly stupid and only scared desperate people could believe it. The only information the dead people ever give him is "they are fine", wouldn't he hold all the secrets of the universe or something? No all they ever say is "please john, ask lisa about a bassonet" or some trivial shit like that, so dumb.
Watch the john edwards episode of southpark if I'm not convincing enough, its so awesome.
"here he is, the biggest douche in the universe..."
"argh! I'm not a douche!"

I don't know you, do I? Well, let me tell you a couple of things that the "spirits" are telling me about you.

You have a scar on one knee - probably the left knee. Somewhere in your house you have a watch or clock which used to work but which doesn't any more. You also have an out of date calendar which you haven't got around to throwing out yet.

Am I right?

I do have a slight rash thingy on my left foot!!!
Yip, my dog ate my digi watch a year ago...Im sure youre right, it must be somewhere around here!
Yes, my old schooldiary calender, got to throw it out!

Thank you James R

Its unbelievable....though the meaning of life....are you gonna charge me for that?