

§Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥
Registered Senior Member
Joeman, your friend Mallory Knox is like a nuclear weapon: Not in my back yard! However, I must say that she would be the perfect addition at the forum TheChosen continually mentions. PLEASE recommend to her that she have a look at it.
I think that your mention of Mallory Knox will have little affect upon those who monitor the threads in favor of behavour modification. They were not here to enjoy the doubious gifts of Mallory.

I think that Adam probably had it right, in that it is like dropping a nuclear weapon for those unprepared.

I don't think I would enjoy seeing it spread across the board as such has a tendacy to do. Nor would I wish it on those who camp out in those selected threads.

Nice thought though.
Originally posted by Adam
Joeman, your friend Mallory Knox is like a nuclear weapon: Not in my back yard! However, I must say that she would be the perfect addition at the forum TheChosen continually mentions. PLEASE recommend to her that she have a look at it.

I don't know who this Mallory Knox is, but if she is a flamer or a very disrespectable person...

She will be banned if she were to post BS in sosuave and flame without reasons.

sosuave is a mature site, if you invade us the young and immature high schoolers there will invade you back, so I really advise against it. swirl girls have invaded us (immaturity) for the sheer fun and we did back, we had couple of huge arguments (exactly like right now) about how the advice only works on "stupid women" and before you know it, most women on that site agree that it works now - their minds have opened and it was mainly thanks to Sir_Chancealot.

We have a langauge filter for a purpose, we are a mature site and any flaming, unnecessary insults results in ban, that is why we have so many moderators.

Peace and I mean it, don't start anything with people you hardly know and understand about.
Mallory Knox was a very successful troll that visited us for a short time. Mallory's talent lay in the fact that she could get you to bite in spite of yourself. It is rare that you come across such an accomplished troll.

Mallory was banned from scifoums through her posts remain. You may slake your curiousity (if you are curious) by typing her name in the search by user name of the search function.
Oh, and Joeman, tell Mallory that I am still thiiiiiinking about her. :D

She will be banned if she were to post BS in sosuave and flame without reasons.

Best that she not use the nic "Mallory Knox" then, eh?

Winky winky!

God yes, she was so fucking irresistable.
Originally posted by wet1
Mallory Knox was a very successful troll that visited us for a short time. Mallory's talent lay in the fact that she could get you to bite in spite of yourself. It is rare that you come across such an accomplished troll.

Mallory was banned from scifoums through her posts remain. You may slake your curiousity (if you are curious) by typing her name in the search by user name of the search function.

I see, but what the hell is wrong with Adam and Joeman?

Ok you two pricks, what's your REASONABLE CAUSES to recommend such bullshit??!

Recommending her to that site to cause trouble? This is pathetic, and no one will speak against their stupid advice because of the prominent " gang" that lives in here. :rolleyes:

I sure hope Xev ain't a part of this...
Actually, Chosen, I must admit that it was I who first mentioned Mallory Knox.

I'd say that I'm sorry, but I'm not sure how sincere that is, given that I'm still rather amused by the thought of those poor people dealing with Mallory Knox.

So, you have half an apology. Perhaps I should not have inspired Adam.
Originally posted by Xev
Actually, Chosen, I must admit that it was I who first mentioned Mallory Knox.

I'd say that I'm sorry, but I'm not sure how sincere that is, given that I'm still rather amused by the thought of those poor people dealing with Mallory Knox.

So, you have half an apology. Perhaps I should not have inspired Adam.

I see but I totally advise against such thing. Why?

The DJ Site does have bad people that are out to cause trouble we are not all real men that are true gentlemen.

I can picture it already, Mallory Knox will say she is from, and there are post to prove it to a certain point.

The bad DJ's will invade this site, hack, cause the server to go down etc., trust me, it has happened to the DJ site, all of the post were unreadable, you could not log in, etc.

It's not my fault if gets attacked, that site is more populated than this site, that's the whole reason of a "High School Forum"
Oh, I don't think so, Chosen. Any egegrious violation of Netiquette in that manner would cause one of our nerds (and believe me, we have nerds oh yes we do, what do you think I'm doing on this Saturday night but coding?) to retaliate.

Besides, Pofiry is a fucking wizard.
umm..I don't want another site vs site war...

Originally posted by Xev
Oh, I don't think so, Chosen. Any egegrious violation of Netiquette in that manner would cause one of our nerds (and believe me, we have nerds oh yes we do, what do you think I'm doing on this Saturday night but coding?) to retaliate.

Besides, Pofiry is a fucking wizard.

But would an attack against the DJ site be warranted?

No, I don't think so, it's Mallory's fault, and can be traced back to you three.

If Mallory misrepresents this site, I will try to stop her, but if I fail, you have no right nor does anyone to retaliate against the DJ site.
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Mallory Knox is not that stupid. She is not just going to show up and troll and get banned. She is going play nice first, make a few friends, and then rip the place apart. If she is patient, she will get people to be on her side defending her while she flames away. She is an absolutely legend in She was banned 7 times, and there are still a lot of people who would want her to return.

She actually doesn't troll much. She interacts with members and participate in discussions. I was surprised she went on the rampage here. She usually just blows up and get banned. She would engage in flame wars against certain individuals, but that doesn't mean she trolls. She is very volitile but doesn't attack people indiscriminately. She basically attacks people she doesn't like which include animal right activists, feminists, gay rights supporters, people against owning guns, or other political correctness zealots in general.

She is a facist politically, and she likes watching sick movies. Mallory Knox is a character from natural born killer. One time she thought about committing suicide for some unknown reason. I tried to talk her out of it. She has a normal life as far as I can tell. Strangely I think she has a good heart. She enjoys helping people in math, and she is going to be a math professor some day.

Tell you the truth I don't think she would go over to that forum. She only likes sports. I invited her here, and then she worked on her exit prematurely probably because she doesn't want to post here.

An attack? A troll invasion or an attempt to crack?

Believe me, responding to a troll by cracking a board on which one of said troll's friends resides would be very out of line.

Revenge would be likely, but I never make threats I do not carry out. Hence I leave it there.

(And to be honest, with all respect to your friends, they don't seem the type who could hack into a iMac running Windoze 95, let alone into Pofiry's site!)


Yeah, I can't be sure whether to pity her or admire her ability to press people's buttons.
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Not everyone on that board thinks with their dicks, they are alot of extremely intelligent people there than you think. Some actually reside on won't show themselves though :D

But anyway, invasions get old, hacking is damn irritating.

People there are no more intelligent than people here, so don't look onto us as sex crazy mindless males...we think like that in the bedroom :D
I think the veiled thread of invasion from another site uncalled for. I realize this was in responce from the percieved notion that someone else was having this idea, I like it from neither side.

Basically, The Chosen, you had been spamming for another board. Most of us here are tolerent. You have not been out of hand in your behaviour so nothing has been said about it. I know that you have been active in other threads without the topic of behaviour modifications. So I do see you as a member with other interests and not as single minded as first appeared.

To be honest, I have not went to the site you have mentioned often. I am sure my reason is not what others have. My reason is that I simply do not need to hunt. If I am ready, in my attitude, always, always, I have no trouble meeting women. Nor do I have trouble picking one up, if that is my intention. However, I am choosy. So, sometimes I play dumb, rather than being blunt and hurting anothers feelings. I do go for the long term rather than the short term relationship so it is rare the occasion comes to seek another women. That is my choice and how I choose to live.

I understand your premise and why you are posting for favor of your topic. Personally, I do not agree with the attitude so I have not continued to post within your threads. Others feel that there is value in what you say or are totally upset and wish to say so. You provide interaction in that sense and that is what the boards are for. I am sure that there are those here who will like the info you had presented and will try and use it. Maybe they will have success in using the methods mentioned.

While I have been on The Chosen's case I would also ask that the other members of sciforums might have a little bit of restraint. He has come "in good faith".

I, for one, would not appreciate an invasion...
flamewars in general lower the overall culture level at sciforums, but if it is someone so irresistable as Mallory Knox or Tony1 then it's quite a relaxation from overall seriousness. some fun.
if only the cluture level didn't suffer from it......

but I guess it shows people "as is"...

which shows that culture is noce, but there's an animal in all of us somewhere deep behind ou consciousness:cool:

Originally posted by wet1
I think the veiled thread of invasion from another site uncalled for. I realize this was in responce from the percieved notion that someone else was having this idea, I like it from neither side.

Yes, our site had enough of that crap.

To be honest, I have not went to the site you have mentioned often. I am sure my reason is not what others have. My reason is that I simply do not need to hunt. If I am ready, in my attitude, always, always, I have no trouble meeting women. Nor do I have trouble picking one up, if that is my intention. However, I am choosy. So, sometimes I play dumb, rather than being blunt and hurting anothers feelings. I do go for the long term rather than the short term relationship so it is rare the occasion comes to seek another women. That is my choice and how I choose to live.

Yes, I have never criticized anyone saying there advice plain doesn't work and is idiotic, etc. In fact, any advice works, because there are so many women out there, it's up to the person to choose. I have nothing against how you choose to live, and I think that is great you are seeking a LTR, as most of the other people on that site are also.

I understand your premise and why you are posting for favor of your topic. Personally, I do not agree with the attitude so I have not continued to post within your threads. Others feel that there is value in what you say or are totally upset and wish to say so. You provide interaction in that sense and that is what the boards are for. I am sure that there are those here who will like the info you had presented and will try and use it. Maybe they will have success in using the methods mentioned.

I, for one, would not appreciate an invasion...

Invasions are immature so I utterly agree with you.

Those that are upset, I'm still waiting, exactly why? Advice is stupid? Women don't fall for it? hmm...

As for the others that privately messaged me, thanks for understanding.

T.A.R.S.A. Notice---

Troll Alert Response System Activated.................vancouver, Canada july 23rd (AP)
An international search party was sent forth ... to ... try. ..&...find..
a......notorious .....troll. The TIPS program is now in effect. if you are in the vicinity of a troll or think you might be in the vicinity next week, don't hesitate to tell your neighborhood mailman.

Special Agent Troll Sniffing Dogs are accompanying Special Troll Catching Agents in apprehending this ... most... wanted...person...who.. where was I? Oh yeah ....A troll could be a close relative to you. A troll could be hiding very nearby. If you see one or think you saw one please report it here. :cool:
I don't know what you are talking about. You just paranoid.

*Joeman tries very hard not to laugh*