Joe Smith, frontier playboy



Joe Smith, playboy:

the real reason for polygamy in early LDS
For example, William Law (Second Counselor in the First Presidency) was one of Joseph's staunchest supporters. As evidence of the prophet's corruption accrued, Law became increasingly disillusioned. The final straw occurred when Joseph tried to convince Law's own wife, Jane, to become one of his plural wives. William Law confronted Joseph and threatened that unless he went before the High Council to confess his sins, he would expose his seductions before the whole world (Horace Cummings, Contributor, Salt Lake City, April 1884, Vol. 5, p. 255; Thomas Ford, History of Illinois, p. 322; John D. Lee, Mormonism Unveiled, p. 147; Joseph H. Jackson, Narrative of the Adventures and Experiences of Joseph H. Jackson, pp. 21-22).

Law was only one of several men that ultimately left the church specifically due to Joseph trying to seduce their wives. Others include Dr. Robert D. Foster, who arrived home unexpectedly from a business trip to discover Joseph dining with his wife. His wife later confessed that Joseph had been preaching polygamy and had endeavored to seduce her (Fawn Brodie, No Man Knows My History, p. 371). Another example is Hiram Kimball, whose wife Sarah swore in an affidavit:

"Early in 1842 Joseph taught me the principle of marriage for eternity, and the doctrine of plural marriage…I asked him to teach it to someone else. He looked at me reprovingly…[saying] 'I will not cease to pray for you.'" (Historical Record, Vol. 6, p. 232)