Jobs Family vs Jesus


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Valued Senior Member
Can someone who believes in the Bible please explain this to me.

Job lost his whole family, so God could prove a point and they get very little credit for it. In fact of the top of my head I don't have a clue as to even their names.

Yet, on the other hand Jesus dies and it is considered one of the greatest events in history.

Why is there such a huge gulf in how people see these deaths? I know Jesus had a choice but he still knew he was going to heaven after, Jobs family might not have had that knowledge.
Can someone who believes in the Bible please explain this to me.

Job lost his whole family, so God could prove a point and they get very little credit for it. In fact of the top of my head I don't have a clue as to even their names.

Yet, on the other hand Jesus dies and it is considered one of the greatest events in history.

Why is there such a huge gulf in how people see these deaths? I know Jesus had a choice but he still knew he was going to heaven after, Jobs family might not have had that knowledge.
M*W: Job is quite possibly the oldest text in the OT. It was originally written as a tragic play for entertainment purposes only. I wish I could provide references for this, but I don't recall where I read this.

Jesus OTOH is a man-made myth created that coincided with the (the alpha) Age of Pisces which is now coming to an end as we approach the Age of Aquarius (omega). However, that doesn't mean it is a true end of all things, because it is also a new beginning: A-O-A-O-A-O, etc.., the beginning and the end of an AGE but not of the universe or all time.

I realize it is sometimes confusing to know what the literal meaning of biblical passages may be. All I can say is the whole shabang was written for entertainment purposes only, and this goes for all religious scriptures.
Can someone who believes in the Bible please explain this to me.

Job lost his whole family, so God could prove a point and they get very little credit for it. In fact of the top of my head I don't have a clue as to even their names.

Yet, on the other hand Jesus dies and it is considered one of the greatest events in history.

Why is there such a huge gulf in how people see these deaths? I know Jesus had a choice but he still knew he was going to heaven after, Jobs family might not have had that knowledge.
You know - this is a good point. BUT *poof* turning into a pillar of saltpeter or salt or something is a little different than what I saw Big-J do in Mel's movie. I mean now THAT'S death, bring on the crucifiction!

Two totally different deaths.
Can someone who believes in the Bible please explain this to me.

Job lost his whole family, so God could prove a point and they get very little credit for it. In fact of the top of my head I don't have a clue as to even their names.

Yet, on the other hand Jesus dies and it is considered one of the greatest events in history.

Why is there such a huge gulf in how people see these deaths? I know Jesus had a choice but he still knew he was going to heaven after, Jobs family might not have had that knowledge.

Why do you think we think poorly on the family of Job? I have never heard any theist false or true denigrate Jobs family. But as i read your question it comes across from you that some how theists denigrate the family of Job???

Just because someone is very grateful for the sacrifice of Jesus does not mean we look upon the deaths of Job's family as a trivial matter.

And your point that they did not know they where going to have eternity with God, well how do you know their personal state of beliefs in that regard? Who knows they might have been very confident. They would have been in no different situation then most people who have lived and died in this world.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
M*W: Job is quite possibly the oldest text in the OT. It was originally written as a tragic play for entertainment purposes only. I wish I could provide references for this, but I don't recall where I read this.

Jesus OTOH is a man-made myth created that coincided with the (the alpha) Age of Pisces which is now coming to an end as we approach the Age of Aquarius (omega). However, that doesn't mean it is a true end of all things, because it is also a new beginning: A-O-A-O-A-O, etc.., the beginning and the end of an AGE but not of the universe or all time.

I realize it is sometimes confusing to know what the literal meaning of biblical passages may be. All I can say is the whole shabang was written for entertainment purposes only, and this goes for all religious scriptures.

I've read this before(maybe it was you), is there truely an "age" of 2000 or 2250 years where a certain star sign dominates our sky?

(And to quote the title of a Slipknot song)


Jesus' death was worth a lot more then a few peoples.
I've read this before(maybe it was you), is there truely an "age" of 2000 or 2250 years where a certain star sign dominates our sky?
M*W: I'm not an astrologer, so all I can tell you is that an "age" is the duration of a particular sign of the zodiac. I believe it lasts about 2150 years before moving into the next sign counterclockwise from our perspective. We're now at the end of the Age of Pisces (the Jesus era), and we're going into the Age of Aquarius, but I don't think any of us will be around when it's fully here. Although toward the end of an "age," as we are seeing at this time, is the coming truth to the myth of Jesus. His 15 minutes will have lasted about 2150 year, and then Jesus will be just a flash in the pan. That's why we're seeing christianity dying worldwide. A new paradigm is approaching.

I can't say that this is anything but myth, so I don't want to imply this is etched in stone somewhere. But I also can't say for sure that there hasn't been some truthfulness to the other "ages." The Age of Aries gave us Abraham, the ram and the lamb, and Brahmin. The Age of Taurus gave us Mithraism, the bull, etc. The Age of Leo gave us the Lion of Judah, the story of Daniel in the lion's den, the myth of feeding christians to the lions, etc. I'm just pulling stuff off the top of my head as examples. The Age of Pisces is circa 1 CE to 2150 CE, so there's approximately 142 years to go, but we are in transition now. The affect of these "ages" on humanity is probably just the mythical archetypes of the constellations. Whatever influences the "ages" have on us, it is probably just our psychical acceptance of myth. Humans have always loved myths. That's entertainment to us, if you think about it, but that's all it is. We will always have our free-thinkers (I hope), and as we mature as a species, we will be more aware of the differences between myth and reality. Perhaps aeons down the road, we, too, will be myth to future believers. Maybe then they will see us as gods from the ancient past.
M*W's Friendly Atheist Quote of the Day:

"If we think that this search for God is a vain search, and that there is no reality to be discovered ... then the history of religion becomes a study of the aberrations of the human mind." ~ Cyril Bailey