Jimmy Swaggart reveals the origin of religion!


Valued Senior Member
No, he didnt crawl under a rock after having been caught with his pants down years ago...Jimmy Swaggart lives, and continues to preach the word of God.


Still looking as angry and hateful as ever, whats interesting about this sermon (on the reality of hell) is how he quotes a 'near-death' experience.

This is something one would only expect to hear from new age types and Buddhists perhaps...but a bible thumper, one who has only quoted scripture as the ONE revelation of truth???

And it got me thinking...perhaps it has always been the near-death experience which has given rise to religious ideas and ideals, down through the ages. Perhaps the near-death experience has been the primary inspiration for all spirituality.

A phenomena that will only become more prominent as medical technology advances to the point where almost anyone can be brought back to life...and tell about it!

Yeah it's potentially possible. I think there's been some experiments done on attempting to bring people to near death and back to life. Then taking accounts of the peoples experience. The variations in experience were interesting, and usually dependent on the persons life. What that means is still unfortunately, up to opinion.

However I think at times he doesn't understand what he's saying...
For example he says "Fire literally means fire". It does...however not exactly as we understand fire today. 'aish' means flame, but refers to a person. It means to say that a person IS a flame (which could be root of some Zorastrian religion) and that he literally has the qualities of a flame. Which changes the definitions (philosophically) of the terms used.
However I think at times he doesn't understand what he's saying...
For example he says "Fire literally means fire". It does...however not exactly as we understand fire today. 'aish' means flame, but refers to a person. It means to say that a person IS a flame...
Whats the difference between being a fire...and being on fire?