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Jihad is at. Though Jihad comes at number four in the order of priority yet it is occasionally raised to number two i.e., next only to belief in Allah and his apostle Mohammad number 4 of the seven main pillars of Islam; 1. Belief in Allah & his apostle Mohammad. 2 Namaz ( prayer) 3 Roze ( Fasting) 4 Jihad ( Crusade) 5 Zakat (Poor tax or charity) 6 Haj (Pilgrimage) 7 Qurbani ( Animal sacrifice). The first three pillars are compulsory for every Muslim, the latter four are optional, on an occasion when a call comes for it. In Jihad even prayer and fasting take a back seat. Jihad was made obligatory for every able-bodied male.

Let no one say any more that Jihad does not mean what it has meant all along in the blood-socked history of Islam. “Jihad fi Sabilillah” literally means efforts, striving but actually means war in the way of Allah. Jihad is divinely ordained institution in Islam, by the word of God, who has said in the Quran “slay the infidel” and also by a saying of the Prophet “war is permanently established until the day of the Judgement”. Jihad has five components—(1) Forcible expansion of Islam, (2) Destruction of infidels; (3) Establishment of Jizyah on the subdued infidel population; (4) Plunder. In the form of
properties –movable and immovable wrested from infidels and (5) Plunder in the form of enslaved female & child population acquired from the vanquished infidels. Similarly Islam which is supposed to mean “peace” , in practice declares permanent war (Jihad) or plunder (Quran 8/39,2/93). Similarly the word Ghanima literally means that which enriches but actually means war booty or plunder .Jihad or crusade (in Christianity) means religious or holy war, a concept in Semitic creeds, is totally unknown to Hindus. The verses of Jihad , which is the most important doctrine of Islam, like those explaining any other tenets, are spread over a great many chapters of Quran. The extant of violence and bloodshed permitted in jihad is clearly stated in Quran.(in fifth verse of Surah Taubah). Allah says in so many words “when the sacred months have passed, slay the infidels wherever you find them, and take them, besiege them and prepare for them each ambush, but if they repent and establish worship, i.e. convert and pay the poor due then leave their way free, meaning thereby “profess Islam or else die”. Again in 67th verse of Surah Anfal, the Allah becomes more dreadful and says “It is not for any Prophet to have captives until he hath slaughter in the land . Ye desire lure of the world but Allah desireth (for you) hereafter;”.meaning thereby the slaughter of infidels is more desirable in the eyes of Allah than sparing them by taking ransom or Jizyah. According to Quran, the duty of jihad for any and every Muslim of the world preponderates overall other Islamic duties (9/19-22).

In Sahih Muslim Ahadis No. 4645, it has been narrated on the authority of Abu Said Khudri, that the messenger of Allah said to him (Abu Said) whosoever cheerfully accepts Allah as his Lord, Islam as his religion and Mohammad as his Prophet, is necessarily entitled to enter paradise. But there is an other act which elevates the position of men in paradise to a grade one hundred higher and the elevation between one grade and the other is equal to the height of the heaven from the earth. Abu Said asked: What is that act? He replied: jihad in the way of Allah! Clearly, sword is the Musalman’s best passport to heaven (S.M.No. 4631)

Jihad is counted as the most important pillar of Islam. Theologically, it is an intolerant idea, a tribal God, Allah, trying to be universal through conquest. Historically, it was an imperialist urge masked in religious phraseology. Mohammad told his men “Fight in the name of Allah and in the way of Allah. Fight against those who disbelieve in Allah. Make a holy war. The plundering of infidels and polytheists is a central concept in Muslim religion. Allah made war booty lawful for the Muslim (Quran –8/69). The spoils of war are for Allah and his Apostle (Quran-8/1). Apart from the pious rhetoric the lure of plunder was a great motivating force. (Q : 33/26-27 and 48/16). “Know that which you seize as spoils of war, a fifth part belongs to Allah and his Apostil, his family, the orphan, the poor and the traveler”(8/4). The Fai gains from a war not actively fought, on the other hand, belong wholly to the Prophet.

Jizyah and Zimmi are the two consequences of Jihad and important factors in Islam. Where the Muslim conqueror finds it unwise for any reason, whatsoever, to put to death the entire conquered people or unable to convert them, they may be allowed for the time being to live as “Zimmi” i.e., second-grade citizen with a number of disabilities in their own homes and pay Jizyah, a tax for not converting to Islam. Mohammad executed raiding expeditions, by way of jihad, without warning and attacking people unaware was his modus operandi. Mohammad had believed and said “War is perfidy” i.e., deliberate breach of trust, calculated violation of normal morality, a treachery. In jihad all arms-bearing males of the defeated enemy are killed but Mohammad disapproved the killing of women and children who should be taken prisoners, enslaved or sold or released on ransom or if they are killed during night raids or otherwise no song need be made about it.

A close study of Quran and Hadis will show that the Prophet had not been sent to preach the pacifism of Jews and Christians (as he had miserably failed in the first 13 years of his preaching which could not yield him more than 150 persons that too were motivated by reasons other than those that are religious). Jihad was all along made a duty ’Farez’ along with prayer, pilgrimage and the like. When Mohmmad failed miserably to convince his people to convert to Islam by preaching, and had himself to escape from Mecca and to take shelter in Madina as a mhajar (refugee), the revelations of jihad started coming. It was in Madina that the ninth Surah was revealed and it became the chief concern of Islam overshadowing every other concern. Jihad is total war aimed at exterminating all unbelievers from the face of the earth till each Dar-ul-Harb is converted into Dar-ul-Islam.

Non-Islamic states with a large body of Muslim population must of necessity give rise to religious riots. In a Darul-Harb, jihad or religious riots are one of the same thing. The calls for such jihad riots were given in the past, in India, by Ali brothers, Hasrat Mohani, Mohmad Usman, mayor of Calcutta, Ghulam Sarwar an MLA during 1946. Jihad is bloody confrontation with unbelievers; it is a war informed by the greatest possible spirit of aggression; and more often than not, it is a war of deception and subterfuge, “war is stratagem” says the Prophet (S.M.-4311) Sufies in any country under Islam have made the slightest impact on their co-religionists in unsettling the deep seated conviction regarding the blood thirsty business that is jihad. Very many verses of Quran and the whole of Hadis literature breathe the spirit of unqualified aggression. Even there is an instance where Muin-ud-din Chishti, the famous Sufi saint of Ajmer was an instrument in inviting Mohammad Ghori to attack Prithvi Raj Chohan who ignored the orders of the saint to help some people, who were converted to Islam by the saint. Ahmed Sirhindi, a Sufi of naqshbandi order (1564 – 1634) believed that “Islam and Hinduism were the antithesis of each other and therefore could not co-exist”. He argued that “In fact the Muslims had been divinely commissioned to be enemies of the infidels”. With a few exceptions the Sufi movement has been an ideological wing of prophetic militant Islam. Sunni Islam, the major cult in Islam is so anti mystical, that it has even targeted it’s Sufies as heretics.
Although conversion of unbelievers to Islam is recognized as the supreme aim of jihad, the call for such conversion has, however, not been made a compulsory pre-requisite for mounting a jihad offensive. This again is the reason why this supreme aim has, in the Quran as well as the Hadis, generally been made subservient to the comparatively minor aim of plunder, jizah and slaughter “Eat ye the spoils of war. They are lawful and pure” (Q 8/69). Such pronouncements have often been made in a louder and loftier voice than the call for spreading Islam.

Under the main tenets of jihad there are auxiliaries or terms connected with jihad that also form the keywords in Quran and Hadis. These are: ---

(1) Ghanimah : Literally, good fortune; technically plunder accruing from the successful conclusion of jihad, and includes the property of the vanquished infidels as also their women and children.
(2) Khum: The holy one fifth of the jihadic plunder due to Allah and his Prophet and latter on to his representatives –khalifa, sultan, or Immam as the case may be.
(3) Fai : The whole plunder accruing to the Prophet or latter his successors, when the infidel army surrenders without a fight. Jizyah is a species of Fai.
(4) Jizyah : Literally means retribution money for obstinately clinging to ones ancestral religion; the poll-tax extorted from infidels vanquished in jihad but allowed to reside in their dwellings. The tax has to be paid in person individually and in a posture of abject humility. It is one of the worst devices thought out by Allah in his blacker moods for crushing the unbelievers without actually slaughtering them (Q 9/29).
(5) Ma Malakat ayman-u-kun: Literally that your right hand posses; technically, captive infidel women and children captured in jihad, to be sold into slavery or used for concubine.
(6) Zimmi: - The payers of Jizyah. Its literal meaning is people under tutelage; in other words, the people whom the Islamic world holds as hostages to earn an
adequate amount of retribution money by exploiting them till the end of their days or their voluntary conversion. In practice Zimmis were treated as non-citizens and were in a state of degradation worse than that of beasts of burden.

The rewards of being Muslim are great but the reward of being Mujahid are immencely greater. Allah, Mohammad, Jihad, the spoils of war, ghanimah, khum, fai, Jizyah are beautifully and profitably interwoven.

In the technical vocabulary of Islam, the first place in the service or way of Allah means religious warfare or jihad. Even Zakat funds are to be spent on buying arms, equipments, etc. Mohammad regards war booty as something specially his own. The spoils of war are for Allah and his messenger (Q 8/1). They are put in his hands by Allah to be spent as he thinks best, whether as Zakat for the poor or a gift for his companion or as bribe to incline the polytheists to Islam or on the path of Allah, i.e., on preparation of armed raids and battles against the polytheists.

Nowhere except in savage communities and gangs of bandits, is it felt that looting is a virtue. .In the initial stages of the spread of Islam way laying of caravans , attacking unaware people in their settlements, was resorted to by Mohammad. Instances of such adventures in the history of Islam are not lacking. Present day terrorism which is largely being carried out by different Muslim groups, the world over, are nothing but extension of what Mohammad preached or did himself. The promise of being Ghazi and entering into Janat with
all its attendant luxuries and sensuous pleasures and enjoyments made and propagated in Quran and Hadis motivate to uninitiated minds to take to the path of jihad . In the present - day Madrassas run over in the entire world are playing their part in reminding Muslims that their first and foremost duty in the way of Allah, even higher than Namaz, Roze, Zakat, Qurbani and Haj, is to engage in Jihad till a Dar-ul-Harb exists on the face of earth. I would like to caution here that those who think that terrorism in India would end only when Kashmir is handed over to Pakistan. They are sadly in misconception. Even on doing so a large population of Muslims – larger than even in Pakistan - will be in the Dar-ul-Harb which you may call India. Then will this not be the bounden duty of the Dar-ul-Islam countries boardering India to convert it into Dar-ul-Islam? There could be no better fertile or ripe area or country for such a conversion. Once Kashmir is succumbed, the whole attention of the Muslim countries in the continent will fall on India and the their vigor and speed for accomplishing the job will increase many fold.

Did God commanded Mohammad and his followers such slaughter of infidels?

Not many are prepared to believe that plunder can be considered a meritorious or even desirable outcome of the highest duty enjoined upon the followers of a religion. But it has been made so in Islam. In Siyar and Hadis, Prophets own plundering activities have been told in great details, and there are not a few but full number of 82 raids or jihads that were carried on by Mohammad during a short period of, last 12 years of his life when he embarked on the spree of spreading Islam by sword, after all efforts of peaceful preaching and persuasions on his part for full 13 years had miserably failed; Of these 82 raids Mohammad himself participated in 26 and these are called ‘Ghazwahs.’

Is plunder compatible with religion and piety? Quran itself says “yes”. In amplification of Quranic injunctions, Mohammad, (Hidis S,M.4327) says that the spoils of war were not made lawful for any people before us. This is because Allah saw our weakness and humility and made them lawful for us!

Plunder as said earlier as the forth or fifth component of jihad, was made lawful by Mohmmad as per Quran and Hadis and its embezzlement as a sin. Plunder is a vocation natural to robbers. If robbers go on a plundering spree, it is only the iron discipline of leader that prevents them from falling out among themselves for a larger share of the gain. Now if one were to invoke divine sanctions for the plunder one must similarly make provision for proper distribution (as we see khums) and for divine disapproval against its misappropriation (S.M. 4294)

The early Muslims became prosperous by raiding and looting caravans and then destroying one by one the Jewish settlements in and around Madina and wresting their land and goods and women and children as plunder. This plunder incidentally brings out the theory of wholesale Islamisation of humanity and the Hadis tells that “the whole earth belongs to Allah and his Apostal”. “Kill the idolaters when ever you find them” (Q 9/5). Jihad is indeed compulsory for all able bodied Muslims. It is a “Farz”. Is there any room for civilized rules in the war that is jihad? None, whatsoever, declares the Shariat. Women and children are not to be killed, not because they are to be pitied but because they constitute booty (property). Several hadis show that the holy war against the infidels was not only a pious act but a profitable business also. Islam is a predatory creed as it would be evident even on a cursory look at its history and development. Verses 9/19-22 of Quran say that the duty of jihad for every Muslim of the world preponderates over
all other Islamic duties.

To give his followers the status of divine worriers the Quran declares: Allah has bought from the believers their selves and their possessions against the gift of paradise: they fight in the way of Allah; they kill and are killed. That is a promise binding on Allah… Paradise is the place of plentitude replete with beautiful women. If a Muslim soldier wins, his life becomes paradise on this earth because of the booty he receives by way of wealth and women. If he is killed in the battle, he goes straight to the paradise. Therefore he cannot be the looser. The paradise lies under the shade of the sword. What a philosophical temptation to murder, pillage and plunder. Can it appeal to the rational thinking mind of the present world. Since jihad is against unbelievers, the Prophet created unlimited opportunities for holy wars by declaring all other religions false and ungodly. Many countries and towns still remains to be plundered before the Muslims could be made to live peacefully.
That is a promise binding on Allah… Paradise is the place of plentitude replete with beautiful women. If a Muslim soldier wins, his life becomes paradise on this earth because of the booty he receives by way of wealth and women. If he is killed in the battle, he goes straight to the paradise.

So then why don't they just all go out and kill themselves? Since this is not the place in which paradise is found, they should go there and live instead. It seems they would be much happier there than here fighting for a Imam (sp) to let them control their lives instead of doing what they want to do.
Put up, or shut up.

sheeeeeeesh what the hell kind of mumbo jumbo is this crapola?
If I were a betting man, I would bet that the christians could easily kick islamic ass.

OOOooohhhhhh wait, they all ready are,,, focl
craterchains wrote...
If I were a betting man, I would bet that the christians could easily kick islamic ass.

Feckin' fantastic.

While we're at it, let's start another crusade...

Wait a second though... christianity ended up sent home with it's rosaries between it's legs. :eek:

Why confrontation?
Improve status.
Instill freedom.
Go home with good conscience.
Yo, secular you Christian?

And stop bsing!!!! Do you know how to discuss what just put crap out? Are you a Christian missionary trying to lie to people cuz you are scared that Islam is increasing? By God I wouldn't go against what you say, but you always say and leave without discussing anything.

And I request the moderator to shut down this thread, unless he wishes to actually discuss this point by point. Because this is all bullsh*t

Peace be upon you :)
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