Jewish roots


Valued Senior Member
Poles discover their Jewish roots

This was an interesting story about a man who was a skin head and then one day he found out he was Jewish and now he is an orthodox Jew? To me it says something about human nature. To go from one extreme to another says something doesn’t it?

Earlier I was reading about PsychoticEpisode near death/got ill God experience (A Guy Dies And Experiences Both Hell and Heaven). Many people would have walked away and became a strong Xian. But as PsychoticEpisode was Atheist – and as it was in their nature to be Atheist thus they did remain (hehe kind of sounds KJV huh ;)

I suppose for many the God gene or Atheist gene or what-have-you-gene in our biological makeup will simply override any amount of rational or irrational conversation.

Are we really just the cards we're dealt?

I don't think so. I believe that everyone can change their minds if they are humble enough to accept they are wrong. The only difference is it is very hard for proud people to do this. But being hard is not the same as being impossible. Although some would like to think it is impossible because that belief in a strange way gives them a belief that their rejection of Change is justified because it is caused by something beyond their control.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I mean going from one extreme to the other. That is: from being a skin head to being an orthodox Jew. I'd say those are at polar opposites wouldn't you!?!

hmmm skinhead

....orthodox jew


BWAHAHA! No seriously though...

We're all free to make our own decisions. If God Himself appears to you confirming everything you DON'T believe in, and you still reject Him...well...

The only way we can know whether there is a divine creator is if He reveals Himself to us in some way. But knowing humans, if God yelled from the heavens telling us that Jesus is the way (which was actually documented in the new testament...) only a few people would trully change their ways. Sad but true.

Many find ignorance to be blissful, but ignorance ain't gonna last forever though...
BWAHAHA! No seriously though...

We're all free to make our own decisions. If God Himself appears to you confirming everything you DON'T believe in, and you still reject Him...well...

The only way we can know whether there is a divine creator is if He reveals Himself to us in some way. But knowing humans, if God yelled from the heavens telling us that Jesus is the way (which was actually documented in the new testament...) only a few people would trully change their ways. Sad but true.

Many find ignorance to be blissful, but ignorance ain't gonna last forever though...

It depends.
Some Gods are worth rejecting for the following reasons:

--Angry male gods with a warlike nature
--Gods that condone genocide and rape
--Gods that possess undesirable human qualities--jealousy, hatred, bitterness
--Gods that committed wholesale murder and genocide
--Gods that have more uptight hangups and personality disorders than a "super-psycho".
--Gods that would tell us there are a "chosen people"--yes chosen from a country the size of New Jersey, on a small planet orbitting a G2 class star in a giant spiral galaxy consisting of over 200 billion stars and of course in a universe consisting of billions of other galaxies(perhaps more).

Yes, I would say a God such as the above is worth rejecting.:p