Jewish orthodox


Valued Senior Member
I was wondering, are there any conservative orthodox Jewish synagogues in the USA/England/Europe/AU/NZ that restrict membership to the matriarchic blood lineage?

Is it legal, in our nations, to prohibit some of our citizens from becoming religious members?

For example, if I were an indigenous American or a Jamaican and for whatever reasons wanted to “convert” to Jewish orthodoxy; would I be prevented from joining some Synagogues because my mother was not Jewish?

If the answer is NO, I would not be prevented and indeed I can join - then doesn’t that show once and for all that Judaism is a typical religion, Jews are not a race and we should judge the religion on its merits alone? If that is the case, I think there needs to be a serious education campaign that makes this position clearer to the general public.

If the answer is YES I would be prevented from joining. I think these Synagogues should be legally barred from practicing in my countries of citizenship (the USA and AU).

Its time we take a serious look at the various beliefs in our Nations and determine what, as a society, we deem acceptable and unacceptable.

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Judaism does accept converts, but it's entirely up to the temple. It's called religious freedom. US society has already determined that as long as they don't take public money or endorse specific candidates, they are not subject to anti-discrimination laws. They can exclude whomever they wish.

There are no real races of people, but within Judaism, there are several ethnic groups, some of which are decendants of ancient Jews, but I'm not sure why that should be relevant.
Well, there is the race of Jews from anchient times, and then the Religion of Jews from achient times till now... sure many have decended from the Jews, and some still keep tight and only mary other Jews, but im sure many Jewish (religion) people have no connection with the once existing race of Jews when Israel was a nation (anchient Israel, not modern)... but i have no idea about the Samaritans...
spidergoat said:
Judaism does accept converts, but it's entirely up to the temple. It's called religious freedom. US society has already determined that as long as they don't take public money or endorse specific candidates, they are not subject to anti-discrimination laws. They can exclude whomever they wish.
So if some weird religion like Scientology** were to believe that people with black skin were of a lower cast or some other bullshit and therefore were not to be allowed into their church then that would be legal?

If that were to be the case then I think the rules need to be changed.

Wouldn’t you?

I’m all for excluding people based on belief, for example, it would be fine to exclude a Xian from a Church of Satan but not to exclude people based on a perceived “race”? I don’t believe in race either. So religions that promulgate race and discriminate on this belief shouldn’t be allowed in the USA or AU as far as I am concerned.

That fair enough isn’t it?

**note: I'm just picking on Scientology because they are asinine enough to believe such BS, not that they actually do... as far as I know anyway...
The KKK doesn't accept black people or Jews.

No, it would not be fair to stop private groups from private discrimination. Again, it's that pesky freedom thing.
spidergoat said:
The KKK doesn't accept black people or Jews.

No, it would not be fair to stop private groups from private discrimination. Again, it's that pesky freedom thing.
I didn' even know the KKK were legal?

We really only have the freedom that society has granted. For example, I do not have the freedom to sell illegal drugs. My partner is not free to walk around on a public beach without a top on, yet I can.

I think groups like the KKK should be disbanned.
they are legal now, michael.
in the town i am from, every year they would hold a rally on the city hall steps.
sick, but legal.
to answer your initial question:
no, i doubt that there are synagogues that restrict membership based on lineage. thats a very grey area in american law (religion), and american jews arent thick headed enough to try a stunt like that.
Every social group has the right to exclude anyone they wants, as long as it's not funded by the government, right?
Believe me, there aren't all that many new Jews, and they would be delighted I'm sure to get a convert.

The KKK used to hold an annual meeting in my neighborhood growing up. The "eagle" or whatever lived in this old house that might have had paint on it once. They would burn a cross, and I always dreamed of lobbing balloons filled with gasoline at them.

If they were illegal, they would just go underground, like the Crips or Bloods.
well, at one time, the klan was illegal...i am assuming that they arent now, with (ironically) the advent of the civil rights movement of the 60's....

illuminatingtherapy: im pretty sure thats correct, to a point of reasonable exclusion.