Jewish Girl Expelled For Converting to Islam !

Do you support expelling Muslim girls from school for observing the headscarf ?

  • No, this is sheer discrimination

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • Yes, I do

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • I dont know

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • I am for banning all religious symbols in schools including crosses and jewish hats.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


NABLUS, November 19 ( – An Israeli boarding school has kicked out a female student for embracing Islam and wearing hijab.

The students and teachers of the 'Zionist Youths' boarding school came to their classes to find their 15-year-old Jewish colleague wearing the Muslim headscarf in a sign that she has converted to Islam, according to the Israeli daily Maariv newspaper.
One thing about muslims is that they all love to be martyrs in one form or another, she became a muslim and dressed up for school knowing there would be a reaction.

Quoted from the link "Religion, as far as I am concerned, is more important than school," she said.

Sounds fair enough, she has made her mind up and has been told to leave, why all the fuss. LOL! Crazy girl.
I am wondering what the reaction would be if a muslim school expelled a muslim girl after converting to christianity for example !

I am sure the HYPOCRITICAL WESTERN MEDIA will run front page headline about that !

Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
I am wondering what the reaction would be if a muslim school expelled a muslim girl after converting to christianity for example !

vienna will delcare a war....and will blame each and every moslem of the world for that and will type 500 posts about it.:p
Originally posted by skywalker
vienna will delcare a war....and will blame each and every moslem of the world for that and will type 500 posts about it.:p

And the anti muslim hate sites will run interviews with this girl who found the LORD and other hate sites will fabricate all sort of lies about the Islamic educational system.....etc :D

You know brother, despite this hysteric ISLAMOPHOBIA, Islam is spreading ALL over the world even inside Israel: the heartland and the source of most anti muslim hate in the world.
Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
I am wondering what the reaction would be if a muslim school expelled a muslim girl after converting to christianity for example !
All that would happen in this hyperthetical situ is that the girl would be invited by the local authorities to join a Christian school.

Skywalker and PS what is your point here??

Mountain out of a molehill.... :rolleyes:
my dear Syrian,
what do you think would happen if....let's say... in Saudi Arabia...
or even your native Syria, a girl would come to a religious Muslim school, visibly dressed in Jewish religious clothes, declaring to her classmates and teachers that she has converted to Judaism ?

my guess? hmm... maybe honour killing.
or beheading
or stoning
or at least jail for "disrespecting the prophet" (this particular thing is happening in Egypt all the time. ppl who convert to Christianity are charged with this "disrespecting the prophet" nonsense and are jailed and tortured)
and rest assured, not a word would be mentioned in the media.

or maybe there would. something like "Mossad agent / Zionist collaborator has been captured!"

man, once again you make yourself look stupid
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The Israeli ministry of education claimed that the girl was expelled for "her provocative practices and swearing at her colleagues". (from your link)

but you believe what is convenient for YOU to believe. that's just fine.

Veiled Muslim women are no tolerated inside the Israeli society (from link)
this line is accompanied by a disgusting picture of 2 Jewish religious kids (probably settlers) kicking and pulling on a veiled woman.

problems with this:
a) a GROSS generalization
b) incitement

i bet people like Syrian consider that statement and pic as undeniable proof

another thing regarding the picture, all we see is a little slice.. a split second.. of an event. without knowing the circumstances.
anything could've happened before these 2 kids started to harass the woman.
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If the girl was kicked out of school for her beliefs then fuck the school. If she was using religion as an excuse to swear at
hear classmates, be exploitivie, or expect special treatment then
fuck her.
Re: Proud_Syrian

Originally posted by Crunchy Cat
If the girl was kicked out of school for her beliefs then fuck the school. If she was using religion as an excuse to swear at
hear classmates, be exploitivie, or expect special treatment then
fuck her.

No my lady, since Israel has long record of discrimination against Muslims, this jewish girl was expelled because she converted to islam, no doubt about that.
Originally posted by otheadp
my dear Syrian,
what do you think would happen if....let's say... in Saudi Arabia...
or even your native Syria, a girl would come to a religious Muslim school, visibly dressed in Jewish religious clothes, declaring to her classmates and teachers that she has converted to Judaism ?

That is what I was trying to figure it out with the other brother.

The western hypocritical media will go crazy and will publish all sort of BULLSHIT lies and propaganda just like you now with your absurd scnarios !!

When jewish Schooll expelled a jewish student for converting to islam, you FILTHY HYPOCRTIES rush to defend the school, but if muslim school did the same you will rush to BASH NOT ONLY THE SCHOOL BUT ISLAM AS A WHOLE........

Proud Syrian

No my lady, since Israel has long record of discrimination against Muslims, this jewish girl was expelled because she converted to islam, no doubt about that.

Actually that's a fallacy. This statement:

"since Israel has long record of discrimination against Muslims"

does not make this statement true:

"this jewish girl was expelled because she converted to islam, no doubt about that."
another thing regarding the picture, all we see is a little slice.. a split second.. of an event. without knowing the circumstances.
anything could've happened before these 2 kids started to harass the woman. [/B][/QUOTE]

Really? why don't you give us an example? did she threaten them? did she beat them up? harras them with her eyes? or ask them to carry her grocries? what do you think happened? tell us all your theory behind it.:mad:
a million things could happen.
she attacked them or their parents 1st and they're responding.

you, in trying to refute it, would be relying on your own assumptions.

what i'm saying is neither of us can say what happened.

although it is a disgusting picture non-the-less.