Jesus vs. Mohammed:


Encephaloid Martini
Valued Senior Member
What the Bible teaches about Jesus - What the Quran teaches about Mohammed

Jesus is the Son of God (John 10:36) - Mohammed was a man (Surah 18:110)

Jesus performed miracles (Mark 7:37) - Mohammed did not perform miracles (Surah 17:59)

Jesus knew what is inside people's hearts (Revelation 2:23) - Mohammed did not know what is inside People's hearts (Surah 11:31)

Jesus is our advocate with the Father (1 John 2:1 & 2) - Mohammed is not our advocate with the Father (Surah 9:80)

Jesus forbade His followers to use the sword (Matthew 26:52) - Mohammed urged his followers to use the sword (Surah 8:65)

Jesus taught forgiveness (Matthew 5:38,39) - Mohammed taught revenge (Surah 2:194)

Jesus was sinless (1 Peter: 2:22) - Mohammed was sinful (Surah 47:19)

Jesus words never change (Matthew 24:35) - The Quran words changed (Surah 16:101)

Jesus healed the blind man (Luke 18:35-43) - Mohammed turned away from the blind man (Surah 80:1-10)

Jesus called on people to come to Him (Matthew 11:28-30) - Mohammed was admonished because he sent people away (Surah 6:52)

Jesus taught monogamy (Matthew 19:5,6) - Mohammed taught polygamy (Surah 4:3)

People were free to accept Jesus' message or reject it (Luke 10:10,11) - People were forced to accept Mohammed's message (Surah 9:29)
Way to go Prohet Jesus, Peace be upon him. This thread is a compliment for a muslim, for afterall, we love Jesus more than the chrisitians do. Our Quran is full of complimentary versus about Jesus and his miracle birth, ect.... As far as Prophet Muhammed, don't worry, he doesn't mind being belitteled againest his brother Jesus in Islam, for they are both in heaven with god.

Thank you Q, and please keep up the good threads for all theists, christians, jews, and muslims alike. We are all brothers and sisters and believers in god.
- Mohammed was a pedophile (Aisha) and polygamist (almost too many to count) - Jesus's worst sexual act was to hump a prostitute (Maria Magdalene)

- Christians primarily preach forgivenes and consolation in the name of Christ & God - Islamists primaily preach segregation and destruction and the name of Allah

Christian countries have allowed science and free-state politics to grow, and people of different faiths to practise their religion. In islamic states, science has faltered, politics are dominated by religious fundamentalists, and people of different faiths are opressed and punished (import of christian bibles in the KSA, for example, is punishable by flogging - selling/distibution of bibles results in death penalty. it is illegal to fly a flag with a christian cross in it (such as the danish flag).
And there we go again with our Danish crusader of stupidity Petey the fat unemployed slob as he likes to call himself :

Mohammed was a pedophile (Aisha)

Obviously not , but hey no reaction from knowitall Danish dodo on tha thread so should we assume u missed it :rolleyes:

Christians primarily preach forgivenes and consolation in the name of Christ & God - Islamists primaily preach segregation and destruction and the name of Allah

Your capability to compare is showing off again Pete :

I guess Martin Luther was preaching forgiveness and consolation as he pushed Jews in pools ? Just like the Inquisition preached forgiveness and consolation while expelling their Jews (as they went to Arabia where they were welcomed , yes yes )

Tell US Pete , how many Muslims have beat you up in high school ? Did they steal your lunch money ? I say uve been dealt with .

such as the danish flag

The Danish flag should be forbidden everywhere

Anyways , again fundamentalism ........ its always the same old song with you Petey , whine whine whine about a piece of shit that nobody you hate likes either .

Your life must suck
"And there we go again with our Danish crusader of stupidity Petey the fat unemployed slob as he likes to call himself :

Mohammed was a pedophile (Aisha)

Obviously not , but hey no reaction from knowitall Danish dodo on tha thread so should we assume u missed it

Christians primarily preach forgivenes and consolation in the name of Christ & God - Islamists primaily preach segregation and destruction and the name of Allah

Your capability to compare is showing off again Pete :

I guess Martin Luther was preaching forgiveness and consolation as he pushed Jews in pools ? Just like the Inquisition preached forgiveness and consolation while expelling their Jews (as they went to Arabia where they were welcomed , yes yes )

Tell US Pete , how many Muslims have beat you up in high school ? Did they steal your lunch money ? I say uve been dealt with .

such as the danish flag

The Danish flag should be forbidden everywhere

Anyways , again fundamentalism ........ its always the same old song with you Petey , whine whine whine about a piece of shit that nobody you hate likes either .

Your life must suck"

Can someone tell me why that post is allowed to stand? ZERO content and nothing but insults based on nothing. Do us a favor and delete this. It's worthless.
Can someone tell me why that post is allowed to stand? ZERO content and nothing but insults based on nothing. Do us a favor and delete this. It's worthless.

Can somebody delete yours first then as it holds my quoting (not even through appropriate reasonable methods) as 90% of your post which is simply using up space for nothing , and the other 10% is simply asking for facism based on opinion and not the arguments you present .

This is why there is content :

Observed :

1)A post based completely on crusader motives against Islam with demonization as its tool .

2)The telling of lies that have been properly refuted (Aisha + pedophilia)

3)A compare that is not logical to make where average Christianity is put against fundamentalist Islam .

4)PROVED the comparation as not logical by PROVING fundamentalist Christianity is what is on equal level to be compared to fundamentalist Islam in this case , through examples of fundamentalist Christianity and example of moderate Islam .

So in the end JDawg (Kelb?) , it is you who has a post that is worthless compared to mine , as it is based on nothing UNLIKE mine , as it has no content other than 10% of the space with only complaints and calls for facism .

Now shu shu doggie , go back to your doghouse .
Originally posted by DJSupreme23
- Mohammed was a pedophile (Aisha) and polygamist (almost too many to count) - Jesus's worst sexual act was to hump a prostitute (Maria Magdalene)

- Christians primarily preach forgivenes and consolation in the name of Christ & God - Islamists primaily preach segregation and destruction and the name of Allah

Christian countries have allowed science and free-state politics to grow, and people of different faiths to practise their religion. In islamic states, science has faltered, politics are dominated by religious fundamentalists, and people of different faiths are opressed and punished (import of christian bibles in the KSA, for example, is punishable by flogging - selling/distibution of bibles results in death penalty. it is illegal to fly a flag with a christian cross in it (such as the danish flag).

Oh man. I have seen many retards but you are just leading the way so far. :rolleyes: :D
If anything, this shows the Muhammed was more noble than Jesus ever was. I'm by no means a fan of Islam as a political movement, but I daresay that besides the very last point that Q made, Muhammed is a man much more worthy of praise.

And regarding the last, the Christians as well as Muslims have forced their vileness upon the world. Islam, for all its faults, still has much nobility. Can we say the same for a religion which preached supranatural revenge rather than the actual exercise of power?

Ghassan Kanafani:
Please tell me that Porfiry finally managed to ban your putrid self.

Whether Muhammed was a paedophile is in some question. It's common practice in many cultures to marry a young girl, but not sleep with her (or even have her leave her family) until she is mature.

What is so wrong with polygamy? Just because your culture finds a sexual practice odd doesn't mean that it's a bad thing.
Ghassan, I guess you got me. I wasn't contributing to the argument, so shame on me. You're right.

BUT, the fact of the matter is, all what you stated in your reply to ME wasn't what you put in your reply to HIM.

Basically, what you, and Flores, and other Muslims on this board do, is insult and bash other people's evidence while providing none yourselves. When you don't have a leg to stand on in your arguments, you just call them liars and refuse to believe the numbers.

For instance, what evidence can you provide that says Muhammed didn't sleep with Aisha? None, except that "It's been refuted properly," which ISN'T true. The writings pertaining to Aisha may be in question, but that hardly refutes them.

Theists will twist and turn the facts into whatever suits thier argument. You believe everything in the Qu'ran, save the controversial stuff. Same went for the Bible, which has been filtered and sliced and diced over the centuries to the point where who knows how much we're missing.

Originally posted by JDawg
in your reply to HIM.

Basically, what you, and Flores, and other Muslims on this board do, is insult and bash other people's evidence while providing none yourselves. When you don't have a leg to stand on in your arguments, you just call them liars and refuse to believe the numbers.

For instance, what evidence can you provide that says Muhammed didn't sleep with Aisha? None, except that "It's been refuted properly," which ISN'T true. The writings pertaining to Aisha may be in question, but that hardly refutes them.



Go back and read my post under Poos Aisha, then come back and talk.

Please point out where I *muslims* ( u used a broad term on purpose) insults others. If some one does it has nothing to do with religion. It is his/her personal view point. I can bash you or a person with religion or no religion but it serves no purpose. But again to you it does serve a purpose.

Now, either you missed the whole Aisha thread or you are deliberately don't want to talk about it. My friend, YOU CAN"T PROVE that when Muhammed married Aisha she was 9 or 6 years old. CAN YOU? if you can I challenge you to join that thread and make your point. No one is saying that He didn't sleep with her, but the problem is age.

Seems like you took everything written agains Islam as a *evidence* and *Fact* and every thing in favour as false. That shows how handicap you are when it comes to arguements or a logical debate. Sorry, am I bashing you?
The wife of Jesus

Originally posted by DJSupreme23
- Mohammed was a pedophile (Aisha) and polygamist (almost too many to count) - Jesus's worst sexual act was to hump a prostitute (Maria Magdalene)

Late research states that MM was not a prostitute as indicated in the Bible, but a well-to-do landowner and a proper woman. She is also considered to be a worshipper of Isis as was Jesus who is now thought to have been a pharoah.

- Christians primarily preach forgivenes and consolation in the name of Christ & God - Islamists primaily preach segregation and destruction and the name of Allah

Christian countries have allowed science and free-state politics to grow, and people of different faiths to practise their religion. In islamic states, science has faltered, politics are dominated by religious fundamentalists, and people of different faiths are opressed and punished (import of christian bibles in the KSA, for example, is punishable by flogging - selling/distibution of bibles results in death penalty. it is illegal to fly a flag with a christian cross in it (such as the danish flag).
Aren't you religious plonkers supposed to argue with athiests instead of with each other? :D
Please tell me that Porfiry finally managed to ban your putrid self.

I think he can manage any time if he wishes to do so , there is no "finally" in it .

And you ask silly questions , how could I ever inform your purulent highness such a thing ? Are you sure your hirsute barbarous unsightly self did not fall into a perdition of nescience ?

JDawg it takes an honesty to admit an error and honesty one of the greatest virtues .

However : all what you stated in your reply to ME wasn't what you put in your reply to HIM

Ofcourse it wasnt the same , it was what I have sent to you + the additional insults that such a post deserves . Everything that I have made apoint of in your post you could find in my post to DJ .

Basically, what you, and Flores, and other Muslims on this board do, is insult and bash other people's evidence while providing none yourselves. When you don't have a leg to stand on in your arguments, you just call them liars and refuse to believe the numbers.

1)I have nothing to do with what others say , I am only responsible for my own words .
2)I insult and bash those who spread lies and have Nazi-tendensies , or when they are generally ignorant .
3)I provide ALWAYS an argument
4)I refuse to believe numbers that are not proved and are obvious lies . DJ has no credibility with numbers as has been proved in his other threads . An example is the whole female circumcizion case . When these Goebbels impersenators start yelling their lies chances are its crappy .

For instance, what evidence can you provide that says Muhammed didn't sleep with Aisha? None, except that "It's been refuted properly," which ISN'T true. The writings pertaining to Aisha may be in question, but that hardly refutes them.

Go to the Aisha thread , there are 2 great refutation essays .

Theists will twist and turn the facts into whatever suits thier argument. You believe everything in the Qu'ran, save the controversial stuff. Same went for the Bible, which has been filtered and sliced and diced over the centuries to the point where who knows how much we're missing.

What facts are turned then ? What controversial stuff in the Qu'ran ? Same didnt went for the Bible as Qu'ran hasnt been sliced and diced .


both Has Brought to mankind the Most retarded ideologies ever existed..its like a comparison between dumb and dumber..

Yeah Kant was alot better than that :rolleyes:
Anyways , you couldnt even come up with 1/1000 of the shit they have come up with , so please save the dumb/dumber comparation it damages your credibility .

If you are an honest to yourself my brother , then you would understand you are making very emotional and seemingly traumatized statements . Lets be fair shall we ?
You forgot to add:
Jesus was mythical and never existed
Mohammed was real and did exist

Why not make it interesting and add Buddha and Mithra and Jove and Thor and Confucius and and and and . . . .. .
Originally posted by Michael
You forgot to add:
Jesus was mythical and never existed
Mohammed was real and did exist

Why not make it interesting and add Buddha and Mithra and Jove and Thor and Confucius and and and and . . . .. .

Michael, you don't have to go that far and make mistakes to put an idiot down. Jesus peace be upon him existed in glory as the Prophet of god. Muslims understand and follow Jesus's message and believe in his miracle birth and the chastity of the virgin Mary. Muslims don't prefer one prophet over another, they are all the same to us and each had a special message and a special function.
They're both idiots.

Christianity? Forgiveness? Peace? Fucking joke.

There are passages in the bible that advocate murdering your own family in the name of your god.
Islam? Won't even bother going into it. Even worse. At least they're honest and sincere about their desire to murder and bomb every single non Muslim out there.

Sounds like some shit out of the Planet of the Apes #2.

but I daresay that besides the very last point that Q made, Muhammed is a man much more worthy of praise.

Are you referring to:

People were free to accept Jesus' message or reject it (Luke 10:10,11) - People were forced to accept Mohammed's message (Surah 9:29)

Can you explain your position?

(No, not the buns-up-kneeling position) :D
God have guided the humanity to freedom in the Quran.

First god tells us in the Quran that the prophet is just a messanger who has no authority to teach anyone the way.

The Cow
[2.272] To make them walk in the right way is not incumbent on you, but Allah guides aright whom He pleases; and whatever good thing you spend, it is to your own good; and you do not spend but to seek Allah's pleasure; and whatever good things you spend shall be paid back to you in full, and you shall not be wronged.

Second, The Quran liberated the slaves in stages. Advocated kind treatment of the orphans, and much more. I really implore you to read such beautifull verses before further attacking Islam in such a disgusting way.

[90.1] Nay! I swear by this city.
[90.2] And you shall be made free from obligation in this city--
[90.3] And the begetter and whom he begot.
[90.4] Certainly We have created man to be in distress.
[90.5] Does he think that no one has power over him?
[90.6] He shall say: I have wasted much wealth.
[90.7] Does he think that no one sees him?
[90.8] Have We not given him two eyes,
[90.9] And a tongue and two lips,
[90.10] And pointed out to him the two conspicuous ways?
[90.11] But he would not attempt the uphill road,
[90.12] And what will make you comprehend what the uphill road is?
[90.13] (It is) the setting free of a slave,
[90.14] Or the giving of food in a day of hunger
[90.15] To an orphan, having relationship,
[90.16] Or to the poor man lying in the dust.
[90.17] Then he is of those who believe and charge one another to show patience, and charge one another to show compassion.
[90.18] These are the people of the right hand.
[90.19] And (as for) those who disbelieve in our communications, they are the people of the left hand.
[90.20] On them is fire closed over.
As I said, it was done in stages. Something that major can't be done cold turkey, afterall, it was the basis of the society.

Secone, hello blackstone, I missed you, I hope you're doing well and work is swell. Come on, don't be so negative. Concentrate on the positive for a change, there is a lot of positive in the Quran that is undeniable.

Quran liberated slaves in the following stages:

1- Offering slaves for prostitution was banned.
2- Advocating the marriage of slaves to free them.
3- Advocating the freeing of slaves as substitute for not fasting or praying.
4- Stating that a slave and a free man are equal in the sight of god based on their ability to restrain from evil.

Later on, these rules have decreased slavery substantially, to the point that conventional slavery became non-existant.
To Blackstone

I can't argue againest you on that one "Slavery", you know too much.:D

Later, gotta go home.