Jesus- the son of god, so what?


Fat people can't smile.
Registered Senior Member
It is Orthodox Christian teaching that we are all the children of god and he is our father. So, why do the christians worship Jesus? Because he was the son of gid? Well according to them I am "the lords" child so why don't they worship me?
There is a difference... Jesus, supposedly, for i cant say it is fact, is the Son of God, both God and Man 100%

We are the sons and daughters of God, 100% man (being the race, not gender.)

Besides, supposedly, Jesus was concieved by the Holy Spirit, who IS God...
we were concieved by our mom and dad...

Thats just my piece though.
Provita said:
There is a difference... Jesus, supposedly, for i cant say it is fact, is the Son of God, both God and Man 100%

We are the sons and daughters of God, 100% man (being the race, not gender.)

Besides, supposedly, Jesus was concieved by the Holy Spirit, who IS God...
we were concieved by our mom and dad...

Thats just my piece though.

M*W: Well, Provita, you need to pick up your 'pieces' and rearrange them correctly. There is NO god. We are 100% human. Jesus is 100% myth.
Athiests constantly complain that Theists, and even more so Christians, press their beliefs onto you and you want them to stop and let you be... why dont you do the same?

Now please, lets return to the subject...

There being no god, or him being the sun, as from other threads, is your belief... and you're entitled to it... as I am entitled to mine... by stating urs as fact doesnt make mine wrong, cause your belief isnt necessarily FACT... neither is mine... that it why it is called a BELIEF...
Provita said:
There being no god, or him being the sun, as from other threads, is your belief... and you're entitled to it... as I am entitled to mine... by stating urs as fact doesnt make mine wrong, cause your belief isnt necessarily FACT... neither is mine... that it why it is called a BELIEF...

Provita said:
Athiests constantly complain that Theists, and even more so Christians, press their beliefs onto you and you want them to stop and let you be... why dont you do the same?

Now please, lets return to the subject...

There being no god, or him being the sun, as from other threads, is your belief... and you're entitled to it... as I am entitled to mine... by stating urs as fact doesnt make mine wrong, cause your belief isnt necessarily FACT... neither is mine... that it why it is called a BELIEF...

M*W: Atheists don't really care what your beliefs are. I'm entitled to my opinions and theories just as you are. If you don't like what I believe, don't read my posts. It's that simple. If I bring up a topic and put it into a thread, you really don't have to reply if it bothers you. I don't care what your opinions are. They won't change mine. BELIEF's are not necessarily the TRUTH. That shows where you are delusional.
uhhh.... in lay man's terms... no belief, including all religions and athiesm and agnosticism and the rest, is definitely fact... it is only believed to be fact... so using the argument that "my religion is right, urs is wrong, therefore i win the debate" is useless...
He is not the son of God. He claimed to be and people believed him (If he existed at all). A Bit like Mohammed saying he is a prophet, it's a case of which 'prophets' find a following.
Provita said:
uhhh.... in lay man's terms... no belief, including all religions and athiesm and agnosticism and the rest, is definitely fact... it is only believed to be fact... so using the argument that "my religion is right, urs is wrong, therefore i win the debate" is useless...

M*W: What is "definitely fact?" I don't have a religion, and I don't know what your religion is, so this debate is NOT based on 'religion.' I'm not here to "win the debate," bitch. I'm here to help people to think for themselves... something which you cannot do. I've wasted enough time on the likes of you.
Im sorry, I thought your previous posts and threads against me were hilarious, but this one is the best so far!! You see to hate me, so you intend to somehow bring me down with childsih insults, but do as you like... I wont sink down to that much of a level of immaturity... anyways...

I did think for myself... I just said that I think that no one can really say their BELIEF, not RELIGION (and i even stated this above, if you actually READ the thing) but BELIEF, which includes athiesm, agnosticism, and thiesm, is true... all they can say is that they believe it is true... If you have a problem with that, which is in no way offensive or against anyone... well, im sorry, but try and debate this in a mature and calm manner... instead of throwing around the word 'bitch' and the 'likes of you' and telling me to 'get a life' when you yourself have been on this forum much longer than me... heh... and Im only on weekends, and rarely at that, because I have better things... but keep the insults flying Medicine Woman... [sarcasm] you sure as hell make this community seem Intelligent [sarcasm/], which I believe is the slogan for sciforums, by throwing needless insults as if to make these debates personal... but whatever, do as you please...

These "12 people" being the zodiac is interesting, and i applaud that theory, but it seems to me from these posts and other threads that you link EVERYTHING to stars, the zodiac, and constelations, without (or atleast i havent seen any of your more recent posts containing) any links to anyone SUPPORTING your idea... you claim others do, but you give no links or their arguments or anything... but I do admit, it is an interesting concept.

By the way, this thread asked: It is Orthodox Christian teaching that we are all the children of god and he is our father. So, why do the christians worship Jesus? Because he was the son of gid? Well according to them I am "the lords" child so why don't they worship me?

The thread did not ask "does God exist" or "does Jesus exist"... It asked if everyone is the son of God, then why do we only worship Jesus, as the Son of God? So coming in here and saying that neither exist doesnt answer the question, but kills the thread... you tell me to be open and think for myself, yet you dont analyze the question and let people answer, instead you say, without a doubt, and with no absolute proof, that niether are in existence... it is a needless post that kills the subject, a good subject in that...

So please, stop to needless replies that have NOTHING to do with the thread... if you want to say something, make your own... you've done it uncountable times before.

Have a nice day :)
Provita said:
I did think for myself... I just said that I think that no one can really say their BELIEF, not RELIGION (and i even stated this above, if you actually READ the thing) but BELIEF, which includes athiesm, agnosticism, and thiesm, is true...
this is where your er, atheism, is not a belief, just the opposite, atheism is the natural way of things, the religious have just diversified in to fantasy.
Provita said:
it is simple all they can say is that they believe it is true...
I think you'll find no atheist, actually asserts atheism as the truth, but it appears that way because it's the more reasonable position, which the religious cant argue against.
Provita said:
These "12 people" being the zodiac is interesting, and i applaud that theory, but it seems to me from these posts and other threads that you link EVERYTHING to stars, the zodiac, and constelations, without (or atleast i havent seen any of your more recent posts containing) any links to anyone SUPPORTING your idea... you claim others do, but you give no links or their arguments or anything... but I do admit, it is an interesting concept.
probably because it's M*W opinion, which I must say is a more logical position then a fantasy god thing, and a fantasy jesus thing.

to the thread starter,
if you take a fictional book as truth, and your stupid enough to believe everything your told then jesus is your lord and master.
it is a moot point trying to inform the delusional that you should be worshiped as a god too.
there to far of the natural road to take any notice.
Provita said:
Im sorry, I thought your previous posts and threads against me were hilarious, but this one is the best so far!! You see to hate me, so you intend to somehow bring me down with childsih insults, but do as you like... I wont sink down to that much of a level of immaturity... anyways...
M*W: I don't hate you, Provita, I don't hate anyone. You don't have to believe my opinions. All I want is for people to read what I write but pursue it for themselves. I just want to encourage people to use their minds! I apologize for being too abrupt. I was tired and impatient.

I did think for myself... I just said that I think that no one can really say their BELIEF, not RELIGION (and i even stated this above, if you actually READ the thing) but BELIEF, which includes athiesm, agnosticism, and thiesm, is true... all they can say is that they believe it is true... If you have a problem with that, which is in no way offensive or against anyone... well, im sorry, but try and debate this in a mature and calm manner... instead of throwing around the word 'bitch' and the 'likes of you' and telling me to 'get a life' when you yourself have been on this forum much longer than me... heh... and Im only on weekends, and rarely at that, because I have better things... but keep the insults flying Medicine Woman... [sarcasm] you sure as hell make this community seem Intelligent [sarcasm/], which I believe is the slogan for sciforums, by throwing needless insults as if to make these debates personal... but whatever, do as you please...

M*W: Atheism is not "a belief."

These "12 people" being the zodiac is interesting, and i applaud that theory, but it seems to me from these posts and other threads that you link EVERYTHING to stars, the zodiac, and constelations, without (or atleast i havent seen any of your more recent posts containing) any links to anyone SUPPORTING your idea... you claim others do, but you give no links or their arguments or anything... but I do admit, it is an interesting concept.

M*W: Well, at least you are thinking for yourself! The cosmological avenue of research I'm taking is fairly recent. When I first came to sciforums, I believed there was a higher power and that Jesus actually existed. I researched the whole Mary Magdalen thing and adamantly believed in that theory. I was quite verbal about the MM connection in France, but lately came to realize that, too, was impossible. Oh, the belief in MM in France is definitely a growing trend, but now I can see that the story about MM has repeated itself throughout history, too, and it is all cosmological. My curiosity drives me in this direction, because it's the ONLY aspect of xianity that I can see.

By the way, this thread asked: It is Orthodox Christian teaching that we are all the children of god and he is our father. So, why do the christians worship Jesus? Because he was the son of gid? Well according to them I am "the lords" child so why don't they worship me?

M*W: That does seem to be the way xians think. It's obvious even on this forum that xians think they're better than everybody else. That's what xianity teaches... that christians are a 'people set apart.'

The thread did not ask "does God exist" or "does Jesus exist"... It asked if everyone is the son of God, then why do we only worship Jesus, as the Son of God? So coming in here and saying that neither exist doesnt answer the question, but kills the thread... you tell me to be open and think for myself, yet you dont analyze the question and let people answer, instead you say, without a doubt, and with no absolute proof, that niether are in existence... it is a needless post that kills the subject, a good subject in that...

M*W: My aim is NOT to "kill the thread" but to enhance it. As long as people continue to be stuck in erroneous beliefs, they will NOT think for themselves.
So please, stop to needless replies that have NOTHING to do with the thread... if you want to say something, make your own... you've done it uncountable times before.

Have a nice day :)

M*W: Again, I apologize for being hateful on my previous posts. I can see that you are willing to think for yourself, and I wish more people were like you and not afraid to ask questions. Firstly, I want to help people get rid of their fear of God. Secondly, I want to help them see that there is, was, and has never been, a god who was there to believe in.

Have a Great Day!
I fully respect your views MEdicine Woman (sorry if we got off on the wrong start) ... but why isnt Athiesm and Agnosticism a belief? if not... what if is? Dont you believe there is no god(s) ?
Provita said:
I fully respect your views MEdicine Woman (sorry if we got off on the wrong start) ... but why isnt Athiesm and Agnosticism a belief? if not... what if is? Dont you believe there is no god(s) ?

M*W: An agnostic is unsure about what to believe. That person is "without knowledge," hence one's 'uncertainty.'

Atheism is "without belief in god." Therefore, an atheist would have "no belief."

The newly coined word "Anti-theist" IS a belief system. It means "one who is against belief in god." This is the category I am in. Not only do I NOT believe there is a god, I believe it is detrimental to believe in such fantasies. It's an addiction. Addictive thoughts and behavior is never good.
Provita said:
There is a difference... Jesus, supposedly, for i cant say it is fact, is the Son of God, both God and Man 100%
wouldnt that make him half man half god?
a 50% god
We are the sons and daughters of God, 100% man (being the race, not gender.)
again wouldnt that makes us 50% gods then?
Besides, supposedly, Jesus was concieved by the Holy Spirit, who IS God...
we were concieved by our mom and dad...
doesnt the Holy trinity means they are all One and the same thing aka God=JC=Holy spirit?
In which case God later sacrificed HIMSELF to HIMSELF to save us from His wrath..
lovely load of crapola aint it,
FYI ...its all fng MYTH

anyhow if god was real
can you say with all certainty that Non-logical-idea-guy is 100% human?
what IF he is the ONE they are all waiting for to save them?
you know the second coming etc...
Oh my god, so I come on this site post a thread and go to sleep hoping that some thiests will give me a mature answer and atheists reply likewise. To be honest, this thread has made me disgusted with myself for being an atheist. i Am AN ATHEIST AND I TRY TO CHALLENGE CHRISTIANITY BUT I TRY TO DO IT IN A DECENT WAY AND THEN THE BLOODY ATHEISTS COME INTO THIS THREAD, AND JUST DENY JESUS EXISTED BLA BLA BLAAA. SO WHY DON'T YOU GUYS STILL NOT BELIEVE BUT IF YOU ARE GOING TO CHALLENGE WHAT YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN ACTUALLY DO IT WITH PROOF OR A DECENT QUESTION WHICH IS WHAT I THINK I HAD! I apologize to you Provita for my fellow atheists ignorance
Well i think I tried before, and no problem NLIG (if i can call u that lol), but anyways...

The expression (and keep in mind this is of my Church only, the RCC, and represents no one else) "sons of God", us being them (supposedly), really just means He created us... while the Son of God, being Jesus, is someone who was concieved through the Holy Spirit. They are different... both were created by God, but one was concieved by man, another by God and (wo)man...

As for before to Scorpius's post... Jesus isnt 50% God and 50% Man, to explain this, jsut look up the Hypostatic Union... its under Church Doctrines... easy google search and good explanations will pop up... it expalins how Jesus (supposedly) is of two natures in one person...

And us being the sons of God doesnt mean God concieved us, so why would we be 50% God? That makes no sense... you cant be half omniscient and half omnipotent??

As for God sacrificing Himself to save us from His wrath... you've just co nfused everything, but I do admit the Holy Trinity is a confusing subject, and can cause many problems... let me explain:

According to the Roman Catholic Church, the interpretation of John 1: 14 (New American Bible) : "And the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us, and we saw his glory, the glory as of the Father's only Son, full of grace and truth" mainly the first part, the Incarnation (also you can research that) is when God sent His only son, Jesus Christ, who was both 100% Man in nature and 100% God, was sacrificed, died, and was buried, and ressurected to free us from our sins, the sins that laid in the Nature of Man, and to do so he had to become Man, which he did.

badly worded, sorry.
They don't worship you because you didn't die for them. Jesus supposedly died to save everyone, and a lot of Christians will say he deserves our worship as a sort of thanks for that. He's a martyr. If you go preaching a brand new awesome belief and everyone hates it except for a few select people, and you die for it, you'll probably have a contesting faith with Christianity.
Provita said:
Athiests constantly complain that Theists, and even more so Christians, press their beliefs onto you and you want them to stop and let you be... why dont you do the same?

Now please, lets return to the subject...

There being no god, or him being the sun, as from other threads, is your belief... and you're entitled to it... as I am entitled to mine... by stating urs as fact doesnt make mine wrong, cause your belief isnt necessarily FACT... neither is mine... that it why it is called a BELIEF...

M*W: I am NOT professing the belief that the Sun is God and Jesus is the Sun, etc. I don't believe that crap for one minute, so I surely wouldn't try to push that on anyone else. My take on it is that is how all (most) religion was created. The bible was written from stories written about the stars, planets, elements, etc. All myth. That's my point. That's why I'm an Antiatheist.