Jesus The Jew

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by Jonathan Went

"Jesus was raised a Jew

From his birth, as is indicated by his very Jewish genealogy, Jesus was raised a Jew. He was circumcised the eighth day (Luke 2.21), bore a common Jewish name, Yeshua, 'he [God] saves' (Matthew 1.21). In fact, Yeshua was the fifth most common Jewish name, 4 out of the 28 Jewish High-Priests in Jesus' time were called Yeshua. Joseph was the second most common male name and Mary the most common amongst women......"

After his birth, Jesus was presented to the Lord in the Jerusalem temple (Luke 2.22; cf. Deuteronomy 18.4; Exodus 13.2,12,15) according to Mary's period of uncleanness (Leviticus 12.2-8). A sacrifice was offered for him - a pair of doves and 2 young pigeons - which indicated that his family were not wealthy (Leviticus 12.2,6,8; Luke 2.22-24). Thus Jesus was raised according to the law (Luke 2.39).
Jesus/Jewish Education
During the so-called 'missing years' filled in by spurious apocryphal gospels, Jesus undoubtedly received a Jewish education perhaps along these lines: "at 5 years of age" he would be "ready for the study of the written Torah(28), at 10 years of age for the study of the Oral Torah, . . . at 20 for pursuing a vocation, at 30 for entering one's full vigour".(29) Interestingly, Jesus did just that, entering his ministry at about 30 years of age.....The voice that spoke out of heaven at Jesus' baptism (Luke 3.22) was God declaring Jesus to be His true son and inheritor.

The Jews of Jesus' era were world innovators in comprehensive Universal education(30).
The majority, if not all, were taught to read and write.
The philosopher Seneca remarked that the Jews were the Only people who knew the Reasons for their religious faith, something which the apostle Peter continued to commend (1 Peter 3.15). We often reflect on how Christianity was the initiator behind much of our modern education system, yet that motivation derives from its Jewish educational foundations.

Outward form
On the outside Jesus even looked like a Jew. Certainly, being faithful to the Law, he wore the tsîtsith('tassel', Numbers 15.37-41; Matthew 9.20; 14.36; Luke 8.44; in English these are obvious by the translations 'hem' or 'fringe of his garment' which the crowds were keen to touch in order to be healed).
He may also have worn the tephillin ('phylacteries', Deuteronomy 6.8), small boxes bound to arm and head containing the Scriptural verses: Exodus 13.1-16, Deuteronomy 6.4-9 and 11.13-21.
Jesus only criticised the exaggerating of these for ostentatious exhibitionism (Matthew 23.5), a practice also condemned by later rabbis. Conventionally, these were meant to be discreet and the arm one was invisible under clothing...."

Religious attendance
Every year, (perhaps the family was prospering or were particularly dutiful for most only went up to Jerusalem occasionally) Jesus' family went up to Jerusalem to Celebrate Passover (Pesach) (Luke 2.41-43) a tradition which Jesus Continued (John 12.12; Mark 14.12-26).
Jesus also kept Tabernacles (Sukkôth, 'booths') (John 7.1-39). John 10.22-23 may also indicate that Jesus Celebrated the Hanukkah festival which commemorated the 2nd century B.C. rededication of the Temple under the Maccabees.
"As was his custom" he also attended synagogue every sabbath (Luke 4.16) even during his travelling ministry (Mark 1.39; Matthew 4.23; 9.35; Luke 4.15,16-27,44).

Religious observance
In tithing, fasting and almsgiving he was totally Jewish. Although he opposed excessive worrying about the minutiae of tithing "mint, dill and cumin" (Matthew 23.23) he still argued that the crowds and his disciples should do as the scribes and Pharisees said (Matthew 23.3; "but not as they do"!)..."
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